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Minutes 1

Gooch Hse

We hold our meetings at Gooch House, on the corner of Kenninghall Road and Powell Road

just off the Lea Bridge Road roundabout.


If you have any queries or requests

or if you wish to attend as a TRA representative or as a resident observer

please contact us first as there are limited spaces

David White (Secretary) or Mavis McGee (Chair)

or use the form at the bottom of every page and I will get back to you.

Dates of future meetings are on the HOME page and on the panel’s page

of the Hackney Homes website:

(Meetings are on the second Tue of the month)



DATE of NEXT MEETING:  is at 7pm on the 13th of September (we don’t have a meeting in August).



MINUTES of the Clapton Neighbourhood Sub Committee Panel Meeting
Held at Gooch House, Kenninghall Road

Tuesday 13th September 2011 at 1900hrs

George McGee (GM) Vice Chair
Alan Geffen (AG)
David White (DW), Secretary
Nicholas Corbett (NC)
Susan Borghys (SB), Treasurer
Lawrence Abe (LA)
Stan Cohen (SC)
T Hickey (TH)
Brenda Townsend (BT)

Stephen Swain (SS)
Marlon Trotman – Minutes
Carole Baines (CB)

M Devine (MD)
Councillor Linda Kelly
Jacqueline Hope
Mel Cameron – Hackney Homes
Linda Wilson (LW)
Ian Clark – Hackney Homes
Helen Williams (HW)
Adis Pajic – Hackney Homes

Michelle Menzie, Mavis McGee (MM) Chair

1. Welcome And Apologies For Absence
GM welcomed everyone to the meeting apologies and introductions were provided on behalf of the above named individuals.

In the absence of the chair (MM) vice-chair (GM) chaired the meeting.

2. Minutes & Matters Arising

corrections/alteration to the minutes of Clapton Panel Meeting on 12th July

5.1 MD gave a handout about bin chamber doors (near railway) being changed on 184 at Nightingale.

MC noted residents can comment when 184 paperwork with jobs goes to TRAs. At the end of the process of identifying jobs, if there is a shortfall in funds, the final decision for the selection of priority (non-critical) jobs rests with the panel. GM noted that, however, the panel will not interfere with TRA decision making during the selection process.

Residents advised that notices have been received regarding the removal of residents aerials

SC informed the meeting that the wall that was reported at the last meeting has still not been repaired.

Action: MC to liaise with SC regarding the wall that is in need of repair.

Residents stated that the walkabout of Maury Road, 1-48 Heatherly Court, Mellington Court Benthal Road block and Benthal Court to be undertaken by Michelle Menzies has not happened.

The cleaner on Keir Hardie estate is still not completing their job duties

JH has put together a dossier regarding the failure of cleaning & repairs which will be provided to Charlotte Graves & Jim Patterson

Cllr Kelly suggested that residents should document incidents and get Charlotte Graves to attend a panel meeting to hear the issues raised by residents.

Residents stated that they are paying for cleaners in their charges and cleaning is not being done. Residents advised that very little has changed since Charlotte Graves was at the last meeting.

Cllr Kelly also noted that residents can write to the Hackney Homes (HH) board, as part of their meeting deals with residents concerns, the query appears on the HH website, ensure you provide a deadline for a response and if the matter is not resolved satisfactorily it can be raised taken further with the Ombudsman.

GM advised the meeting was informed that 3 individuals where found in the pram sheds with a table and candles

3. Estate Inspections

MC distributed to residents regarding the 184 works programme, residents were advised that they can put a comment on the booklet, this will help the officers make decisions regarding the work carried out.

There will be a new regime for block inspections, currently employing members of staff that will undertake the inspections.

Walkabouts will continue to take place by existing HH officers in the meantime as per previous schedule.

Several member of the panel noted that the cleaning standards are inconsistent, the issues raised get better and then dip again. Job tickets are being signed off, although the job has not been completed.

NC stated that he lives opposite a HH electrical depot, recently he had a problem with his electricity, residents were waiting 7 hours without electricity.

NC was informed that as he lives in a newly built home, his property is not recognised by the HH system and he should liaise directly with the contractors who are based in Essex.

The logic of the system does not make sense to residents especially as they live opposite the electrician depot.

DW informed the panel that he is collating a file of issues raised again and again, which demonstrates a long term pattern of inconsistency. Panel members should send him the issues they have raised at the panel over the last year or two as written lists.

The meeting was informed that nothing has been done regarding a resident in Inglethorpe House that has erected a satellite dish right next to the new TV aerials.

Action: IC to investigate the satellite dish erected in Inglethorpe House further

IC advised that there are some conflicts with residents regarding the aerial installation that is occurring across the council, some residents have installed aerials without planning permission. The council has taken the position that no new aerials will be installed, some residents are not buying into the whole process.

Action will be taken against these individuals we are currently looking into the legality of taking action and how we will move forward.

MD advised that in a letter from the mayor it was stated that residents will not be paying for the aerials until the work has been completed. Why is HH or Hackney Council paying Avonline when the area has not been completed.

The meeting was informed that the individual at Inglethorpe House is a new tenant.

Cllr Kelly advised that enforce will cost a lot of money. When a new tenant moves into a property this information should be provided in the tenant handbook.

Action: IC to provide an update regarding the councils position on communal aerials at the next meeting

Cllr Kelly advised that she is willing to attend a walkabout, she will be at the North East Committee meeting in Stamford Hill which is an open meeting, the mayor of Hackney will be present.

AP advised that he expects Estate Managers to take ownership and keep residents informed of actions, there are lots of thing for IC & AP to address and we would like residents to report issues to IC.

AP advised that the way reporting is being done internally is changing and the reports will also be changing.

Visits to vulnerable residents in the borough will be taking place to ensure that their welfare is ok. The definition of a vulnerable resident will be based on what  the social services department uses as well as what has been identified by residents of the community.

There will be an increase in the number of Estate Managers in areas, a new staff member will start in approximately 2 weeks time.

The role of the Estate Manager has changed as the first phase of the restructure has started, staff members will be going through interviews in October, there will be no drastic changes in the next month or two.

AP stated that if residents do not get answers from officers, they should lodge a complaint, which tends to guarantee an answer. This should not be the general approach, and officers should be able to provide answer to residents queries.

4. Neighbourhood Panel Report

AP circulated the Neighbourhood Performance Report to the panel

NC stated that the ASB report is very generic and he would like to ascertain whether street properties can be differentiated from estate properties.

AP stated that the system does not allow for the data to be broken into streets and estates.

Action: AP to check whether the ASB data can be broken into street properties and estates

Panel members stated that the report does not address whether complaints are resolved satisfactorily within deadlines.

Is there a system in place to alert officers of ongoing complaints?

Action: Block letters to residents to be addressed to the resident.

AP advised that official complaints are managed by dedicated officers and there is a system in place for ongoing complaints.

Estate Managers are often the first point of contact for complaints and they chase residents requests regularly, there is not an official system in place for chasing other departments, it is part of their responsibility to manage their work.

SB advised hat fire damage occurred in Tower Gardens and nothing has been done to repaint the area, this has been identified on 2 walkabouts and that the work should be done under the insurance policy and not the planned maintenance budget.

Action : IC to investigate fire damage and provide an update

Tower Gardens representatives requested for an individual heating system for the estate, the communal heating system costs a huge amount, this has previously been raised with Dave Mordey.

Action: AP to liaise with Dave Mordey regarding the communal heating system and update at the next meeting

SB advised that there have been weekly floods on Tower Gardens, which has been damaging residents properties.

DW requested for SB to send him a bullet point summary of the incidents on Tower Gardens.

5. 184 Works Programme

There is a lot of work ongoing with the Estate Inspection Team, there are plans for the team to provide reports which details what the issues are and where we are at with these issues.

One of HH biggest problems is that they do not tell residents where we are with their issues. The mechanism in place is for the team to capture the issues and provide update to the relevant individuals.

MC advised that the Estate Inspections Team will identify issue and the report will come to the Planned Maintenance Team, there will be an allocated officer for this area.

There will be a time limit which they will need to adhere too, the information will also be cascaded to the Housing Department.

The individuals will have technical knowledge, lots of money has been wasted by individuals not doing what they should. The department is evolving and we need some additional time to get things together, if we have more people and funding we will be able to deliver the services that tenants require.

A new system will shortly be in place inspections will take place on a monthly basis with the individuals religiously checking items, MC is confident that the changes will make a difference as we will be able to provide answers on resident queries.

MC stated that there will be 5 people for the north east & north west area plus a Manager.

When Housing Managers are doing their walkabouts they should be feeding information back which has been identified by the Inspections Team

Representatives from Tower Gardens stated that they have not had a walkabout this financial year.

Residents were informed that walkabouts will take place this year. Residents should be informed when major works is occurring on the estate by writing residents letters from HH are distributed by post, letters from contractors are usually hand delivered.

MC distributed the 184 Works Programme for the Clapton, the Chair of the panel will cascade information to the individual TRA. There is a rolling programme anything not done this financial year will roll over to next year.

6. Panel Finances

SB advised that she is due to complete a report on the finances at the end of September.

The panel has approximately £4000 in the bank, the SB is awaiting for invoices regarding the training weekend.

The cost of a mini bus would be approximately £500, but she felt that the panel could obtain transport at a cheaper rate.

£1000 is still due to be donated to Rising Tide, but there has been no communication from the organisation regarding this.

Additional funding has not been applied for as of yet as the panel needs to have about £2000 in the account before more funding is applied for.

Date of next meeting: 11 Oct 2011





MINUTES of the Clapton Neighbourhood Sub Committee Panel Meeting
Held at Gooch House, Kenninghall Road

Tuesday 12th July 2011 at 1900hrs

Mavis McGee (MM) Chair
M Devine (MD)
George McGee (GM) Vice Chair
Sade Etti (SE)
David White (DW), Secretary
Susan Borghys (SB), Treasurer
Marlon Trotman – Minutes
Stan Cohen (SC)

Monika Hazleton (MH)
Carole Baines (CB)
M Devine (MD)
Lawrence Abe (LA)
Michelle Menzie – Hackney Homes
Linda Wilson (LW)
Ian Clark – Hackney Homes
Brenda Townsend (BT)
Adis Pajic – Hackney Home

Nicholas Corbett
T Hickey
Michael Shaw

1. Welcome And Apologies For Absence
MM welcomed everyone to the meeting apologies and introductions were provided on behalf of the above named individuals.

2. Minutes & Matters Arising

The Chair advised the meeting that a response from Andrew Miller regarding residents concerns on insurance has not been received.

No feedback has been received from Neehara Wijeyesekera or Avonline regarding the communal aerials. Sarah Chapman has taken responsibility for the television aerials project.

Residents advised that reminder cards are not being put through the letterbox. Leaflets are being left half hanging out of the letterbox, which could potentially alert people to the fact the resident is away.
Also a second reminder card was not received by residents, but they have received a final warning letter.
Action: AP to investigate and follow up further

3. Cleaning

Chris Tabe has left Hackney Homes (HH), his role is now being managed by Jim Patterson. Jim Patterson will be looking at staffing and finances.

The cleaner on Beecholme is covering two patches he has been given some additional work responsibilities.

It was advised that if a staff member is on long term sick leave agency staff will provide cover. Otherwise patches will be covered by cleaners on nearby estates.

Residents advised that bulk rubbish is collected once a week, residents would like bulk items to be collected more regularly or for there to be special collections.

Kerr Hardy estate advised that there are two cleaners on the estate, residents hardly see the cleaner for block numbers 13 – 37 Kerr Hardy. The landings and hallways are never cleaned there seems to be some contention over what their duties are.

There has been no cleaning schedule available since 2008/2009, the cleaning is inconsistent. Cleaners should start from the top of the block and work their way down.

Representatives from Tower Gardens estate advised that there is a build up of rubbish, waste and nappies being left in the bin chambers on Inglethorpe.

Action: Letters to be sent to residents in the block regarding waste disposal

Action: Supervisor to undertake a random spot check of the cleaning of the bin chambers

It was advised that the cleaners will be moving to a patch system, as the cleaners will have responsibility for an area, and they will be seen in the area. Each cleaner will be responsible for approximately 150 units internal/external areas & anti social behaviour will be taken into consideration.

There will be some managers and staff based in Olympus Square.

The gang system in theory was meant to help the cleaning of a whole estate, we are aware that it is failing and we are looking to implementing a new system prior to the end of the year.

Residents advised that Seapoint recently had the walls painted, the cleaning appears to have stopped there is a lot of dirt on top of the doors and on the window sills. The windows have not been cleaned since last year.

Panel members stated that it appears that the cleaners are aware when an inspection is about to take place

Action: Walkabout of Maury Road, 1 – 48 Heatherly Court, Mellington Court Benthal Road block and Benthal Court to be undertaken by Michelle Menzies

Panel members stated that a steam clean should take place once a year on every single block.

Not every block in the area has a notice board where a cleaning schedule could be displayed. HH is looking into implementing an electronic system for cleaners to sign in and out of their duties which is the same as the key fob system.

Spot inspections should be done by supervisors at least twice a year. It was advised that the Area Manager should meet with the Housing Manager once a month to highlight concerns.

We are encouraging cleaners in Hackney to enrol on the British Institute of Cleaning Science programme and residents should hopefully see improvements this will be rolled out over the next 9 months.

Action: Supervisor to do an inspection of Wrens Park estate

Action: Area manager to undertake an inspection of the supervisor for Wrens Park estate.

DW [1]advised that the cleaning spray if not used carefully falls on flowers planted by residents and causes them to die.

Action: MM to ensure cleaners are careful not to cause damage to wild flowers

Action: Letter to be sent to residents in Lee View House flat numbers 189 – 201 explaining how to use a communal bin.

SB advised that the cleaner on her estate does not return to work after he attends prayers. MM advised that this has been actioned and followed up. The cleaners working hours are from 7.30am – 3.15pm.

MM advised that the cleaners do have responsibility for the communal lighting, the cleaners should be changing the light bulbs and reporting issues to repairs.

Panel members advised that it was important that letters which are sent to residents must be written in several languages due to the diverse community.

Action: MM to follow up residents concerns highlighted above and report back to The Chair.

4. Anti Social Behaviour

Officers advised that residents are able to report ASB issues in confidence.

Panel members stated that there is no point in reporting ASB as nothing is done. HH officers should be more vigilant as incidents occur all the time in front of them.

AP stated that actions need to be realistic, specific, reasonable and we need to think of resources. Officers need to use their judgement, it is not reasonable for residents to state that nothing has been done when a lot of work takes place behind the scenes.

LW enquired whether fines had ever been imposed for dog fouling, as there are signs all over the estate.

DW stated that there is no point in putting up signs if the fine cannot be enforced, these signs where put up under the 184 budget.

DW stated that the only people that can issue the fines are trained council officers but they would not come on Hackney Homes estates.

Officers advised that initially we would work with the individual, and provide them with some education and training, this has to be done prior to the enforcement stage.

It was advised that HH do not have the officers to enforce the fines. Housing Officers do not have the power to impose fines.

If a particular individual is causing ASB then an ongoing log of events is required, a daily picture and log sheet from residents so that officers can see the pattern of events.

Lots of cases regarding ASB, can be resolved once we have had a discussion with the resident regarding their behaviour.

Residents advised that the dog bins are a waste money and an environmental health hazard as they are not being emptied.

5. AOB

MD raised a query regarding Nightingale estate, MM stated that the panel cannot interfere with individual estates, and the matter should be discussed with the Chair of Nightingale estate.

IC stated that when there is a difference of opinion in between residents, we would listen to the Chair of the TRA, we are not here to adjudicate in between residents.

SC advised that there is a wall on his estate that is falling down, children run along the wall and someone is going to be hurt, this was reported 2 weeks ago, to repairs and the Estate Manager and nothing has been done.

Action: MM to enquire with JE for clarification regarding the repair of wall.

AP advised that he will be providing a report at the September meeting. AP & Ruth Chapman have been reviewing the finances for the neighbourhood, and we are considering having two Estate Managers.

The back door on Gooch house will be replaced by contractors DSSL.

SB informed the meeting that a resident in Inglethorpe House has erected a satellite dish right next to the new TV aerials

SB advised that the fee of £725 has been paid to the accountant, he is happy with the TRA accounts and has agreed to sign them off once the Chair has seen the accounts and signed them off.

SB advised that the panel needs to spend some of their budget. The cost of the hotel & training away day will need to be factored into the accounts.

Action: SB to email DW updated proposed spending for the panel.

Residents requested for a clipboard, A4 plastic envelope holders and other stationery items, as these items might come in  handy whilst on a walkabout.

Action: DW to discuss and stationery requests with panel members and make an order



of the

Clapton Neighbourhood Sub Committee Panel Meeting

Held at Gooch House, Kenninghall Road

Tuesday 14th June 2011

at 1900hrs


PANEL officers

Mavis McGee (MM) Chair

George McGee (GM) Vice Chair


Gulay Yilmaz (GY)

Stan Cohen (SC)

T Hickey (TH)

Brenda Townsend (BT)

Lawrence Abe (LA)

Alan Geffen(AG)

M Devine (MD)

Monika Hazleton (MH)

Helen Williams (HW)

Bimba Kasturiratne (BK)

Nicholas Corbett (NC)

M Devine (MD)

Angela Augustus(AA)

Marlon Trotman – Minutes


Malcolm Brewer (MB) Hackney Homes

Judith Morrison (JM) Hackney Homes

Apologies: Linda Wilson (LW), Imelda Messenger (IM), David White (DW), Secretary

Welcome And Apologies For Absence 

MM welcomed everyone to the meeting apologies and introductions were provided on behalf of the above named individuals.

Minutes & Matters Arising

MD advised that item 2.4 on the previous minutes; the action point was for Neehara Wijeyesekera and not Adis Pajic

The minutes were approved as an accurate reflection of the last meeting, after the above amendment

Leasehold – Judith Morrison

Residents enquired as to what is the procedure if a tenant/leaseholder has an issue regarding a leak from the property above. Residents stated that they have previously been informed to investigate themselves

JM stated that it depends on the nature of the enquiry; the Estate Officer should be able to sign post you in the right direction.

Dependant on the extent of the damage the resident might have to contact the insurance department.

Residents advised that when things go wrong the Council does not want to assist the leaseholders with the issues there is no onus to check on leaseholders.

JM advised that the department is currently stepping up arrangements on leaseholders to get the annual gas safety check on their properties. The lease document does require leaseholders to get the check undertaken. Letters have been sent to leaseholders and information placed in newsletters to ensure checks are undertaken.

We expect new boilers that are placed into leasehold properties to be fitted by regulated people.

We are looking at the tenancy agreement, leaseholders will be hearing from us also but we are checking our legal stand point on this.

MH enquired as to why the building insurance has gone up by approximately 50% over the past 5 years.

If a leaseholder is flooded by a tenant above the leaseholder is informed to claim on their insurance rather than Hackney Homes.

MB stated that the history of claims reflects the price over a period of time and the volume of claims has increased.

Building insurance works similar to car insurance, you have to claim off you own company and then your insurance company will claim from Hackney Homes.

It is the insurance principles not the London Borough of Hackney’s. Insurance premiums in general have risen dramatically over the past 12 months.

JM stated that Andrew Miller is the expert on insurance in this area, residents should email their questions to the Chair, and the Chair will forward questions on.

Action: Residents to forward questions for Andrew Miller to the Chair who will forward them on and feedback responses.

MH advised that she reviewed the latest service charges. If a residents call the repairs call centre about a broken light bulb, they will send an electrician that costs over £100, when all that is required is for the Estate Cleaner to change the light bulb.

JM stated that this is due partly with the awareness of the residents, and Hackney Homes staff members. Leafleting needs to be done too residents in the community.

Action: JM to raise the issue regarding broken light bulbs with the call centre

MH stated planned maintenance on drains and paving stones, do officers ever raise concerns regarding the amount it costs.

JM stated that all work goes through the procurement process and organisations tender for works. The cost of the work goes through our system to see if the rates are in line with previous prices.

Works that are over a certain amount are deciphered by officers, it is not possible to check every single job as there would also be a cost implication on this.

MD stated that there is no reference on job tickets to state that a leaseholder will not be charged for a job where it is the contractors fault.

Residents stated that there must be a some sort of history to show whether call outs have been completed, there are constant replacements for windows; would the history of the repairs indicate that they were acts of vandalism.

JM advised that there is a history and if there is an act of vandalism the history log will show this.

The landlord will have to consider using a different type of glass to prevent further damage; a landlord cannot leave a property looking unsightly. It is also difficult to prove that there is vandalism.

Residents stated that if there is a question mark over what has occurred the charge should be removed.

Job tickets need to be scrutinised if the reason on the job tickets indicates that it should not be recharged then it wouldn’t be. We would look at the description to ascertain whether or not it should be recharged.

Residents stated that at times HH complete works that is at the request of one or two tenants, surely these works should go through the process.

JM stated that the landlord needs to ascertain that works need to be done, we can as a landlord compete some works without consultation. There is a good practice methodology that consultation could be done.

We look at responsive repairs and the thresholds we do look at undertaking some checks.

Administrative Charge

JM stated that we introduced a neighbourhood management charge, which was for the service provided at your local neighbourhood office

The ability to do so was always within the leases, we are currently scrutinising the charge and the admin fee, we are looking at revising the bill and the charges.


More will be done through the newsletter; we are introducing a competency framework.

Costs will be kept down, we have moved offices which have reduced accommodation costs, and we are going through changes, restructuring the team and reducing staff.

Discussions are taking place regarding sharing staff members in order to reduce duplication

MD stated that there has been no cleaning schedule since 2008/2009.

Action: JM to provide Clapton panel with the details of when the review of the patches will be completed.

JM advised leaseholders that they can raise their concerns at the Leasehold Advisory Group.

Planned Maintenance

NC advised that a resident has an issue with a tree in their garden, and they have been advised that the tree is their responsibility

MB advised that there is no money available to deal with trees, they can only be addressed in emergency situations, and this will be done via the health and safety budget.

NC stated that this needs to be addressed as the tree can cause damage to the foundations of the house


Residents stated that they do not require the monthly report from Adis Pajic a quarterly report would be better.

Action: MM to email AP advising that the management report to be provided quarterly

GM advised that the Decent Homes programme will be set shortly it will be approved at the Neighbourhood Investment Board. Letters will be sent to residents, they are currently looking into the painting programme.

Some properties will receive Decent Homes for their kitchen and bathroom

GM advised that £15 million has been secured for the financial year 2011/2012, and £18million has been approved for 2012/2013. £60 million is the total amount available in order to complete the Decent Homes project by 2015.

In the North East of the borough windows in street properties will be completed by 2015

Action: GM to bring the list of properties on the programme to the next Clapton panel meeting

MM stated that the section 184 works have been agreed and Jo Evans will attend the next Clapton Panel Meeting.

MM circulated details of community grants that are available from John Lewis for TRA’s

MM advised that training has been provisionally booked for 30th September 2011 at the Blue Boar Hotel in Malden, a minibus will collect panel members at approximately 2.30pm on the Friday returning on Sunday afternoon. Topics to be confirmed.

Officers to be invited to the next panel meeting, Michelle Mendes (Cleaning Manager), Adis Pajic (Neighbourhood Contract Manager), and Jo Evans (Planned Maintenance)


MINUTES of the Clapton Neighbourhood Sub Committee Panel

Meeting Held at Gooch House, Kenninghall Road

on Tuesday 10th May 2011 at 1900hrs

Present: George McGee (GM) Vice Chair

Alan Geffen(AG)

David White (DW) Secretary

M Devine (MD)

Stan Cohen (SC)

Linda Wilson (LW)

T Hickey (TH)

Monika Hazleton (MH)

Susan Borghys (SB) Treasurer

Helen Williams (HW)

Marlon Trotman – Minutes

Coralie Francis(CF) Hackney Homes

R Clapham (RC) Hackney Homes

A Burke(AB) Hackney Homes

A Pajic(AP) Hackney Homes

Neehara Wijeyesekera (NW) Hackney Homes

Apologies: Brenda Townsend Imelda Messenger (IM) Mavis McGee (MM) Chairperson Nicholas Corbett (NC)

1. Welcome And Apologies For Absence GM welcomed everyone to the meeting apologies and introductions were provided on

behalf of the above named individuals. The minutes were approved as an accurate reflection of the last meeting.

2. Minutes & Matters Arising MD stated that we have been told that the cables and dishes will be removed from

the tower blocks. The onus should not be on residents. The contractors should be making good with their promise. It was advised that some cables are owned by Virgin Media and are outside of the contract. MD advised that this has previously been raised as a problem, but it has never been resolved.

Action: AP will gather some feedback regarding the aerials and feedback to MD before the next meeting SB advised that she has received no feedback from Dave Mordey regarding the communal heating.

Action: MT to forward email received from Dave Mordey regarding the communal heating system SB advised that the accounts will be collected from the accountant on Thursday

3. End of Year Report Pinnacle. A Pajic AP distributed the Neighbourhood Report The report highlighted the following information. The rent arrears was reduced to under £1M which is a great success considering arrears was £1.8M four years ago. The turnaround time for voids last year was 23.5 days which was 8.5 days ahead of target. Initial tenancy visits in the year of 2010/2011 had a completion rate of 96.72%. A working group is currently in progress that is looking into revising tenancy agreements During April 2010 – March 2011 the neighbourhood office investigated a total of 330 ASB cases. A new Team Manager for the Clapton area should be in place within the next few weeks. See report for further detail There have been discussions with Chairs of TRA’s regarding walkabouts and the repetition of work, further discussions will take place at the Resident Liaison Group. Information on the changes will then be forwarded onto chairs and provide updates regarding the existing schedule, this information will then be distributed to the panel members

4. Resident Participation Report A training course is being run on bidding for grants there has been a big uptake of this training course and we will be running an additional day. CF advised that the training programme was initially sent to individuals who expressed an interest in attending these courses. There were 3 TRA’s that failed to get up and running as there was not enough people willing to commit to the TRA. Jack Watts Estate has recently had an AGM there will shortly be an additional two representatives that will joining the Clapton Panel. There was recently the unveiling of sculpture bench on Beecholme Estate; the bench really makes a difference to the area. Tower Gardens TRA have arranged a party for their local residents. The panel would also like to give their condolences to Barry Hibberd & Gloria Marks who recently passed away. NW stated that the Resident Participation Team was recognised for their contribution and hard work at an awards ceremony, and he would like to extend his congratulations to CF and the team.

5. Anti Social Behaviour – Alice Burke AB advised that HH has achieved accreditation for the ASB service. ASB can be a lengthy process, gathering evidence can take time, and we often do not have enough tenants that want to go to court. We have feedback our opinions from officers & residents regarding governance proposals for ASB to central government. There were 4 successful raids in the month of April. In the North East ASB has improved. A lot of ASB calls that are received are regarding noise nuisance which has been caused by laminate flooring. AB stated that if she receives an ASB query, she usually liaising with the victim and escalates the query to Wayne Hylton.

6. Hackney Homes Report – Neehara Wijeyesekera The new structure is trying to ensure that there is more of an aligned approach throughout Hackney Homes. Inductions have been provided and we have welcomed staff into our organisation that have been TUPE’d over. There is a new management team in place and RC will be working alongside AP. New arrangements are being put into place in the North East of Hackney. RC stated that she has worked with AP for a few years now, and the first question that I asked was what the issues are for the residents in the North East of Hackney. There will be a new Team Manager for Clapton which is Ian Clarke and he will be attending the next Clapton panel meeting. We will be moving some of the management team around, the new structure provides us with the flexibility to do so. RC is delighted to hear that the ASB Team has remained intact. The manager for the North East will also be managing the North West area. 6 weeks into the new structure we will be reviewing the system to see if it is working. AP stated that there is a difference in the neighbourhood structure, and the roles of management is currently being reviewed Emphasis is on performance management to ensure that Estate Managers are delivering their role. The impending changes to estate inspections have come about due to the concerns raised by the panel. Feedback from residents has been used to bring more experience staff to help other areas that require the resources. NW stated that we are currently looking into patch sizes and distributing work more evenly. With regards to estate inspections the best thing to do is to have an Inspections Team that focus strictly on walkabouts and inspections. We will be ensuring that we work alongside our colleagues to ensure that the approach is consistent. Rent collection and arrears will eventually be centralised, interim arrangements are being made for the next 6 months. We will also be co locating some services. Staff are being consulted regarding the structural changes; the process should take 3 months. In October/November the selection process will begin. In 12 months time I will need feedback from the residents. NW stated that he has been in discussions with Charlotte Graves for approx 18 months, going through a review of services for the next 2 years. It is very important to preserve front line services. Proposals for the financial year 2012/2013 will be put forward to Cabinet. NW advised that the contract with the concierge staff will be terminated and there will be a transfer over to the council procured services. The contract has remained the same so that there is continuity of service. We are looking at opportunities and ideas on how to improve the service. MD stated that Hackney Homes should be monitoring the service to see if they are delivering the service.

7. AOB Action: Training to be added to next month’s agenda (GM/MM) Residents have enquired whether a donation will be made to the hospice, where Barry Hibberd recently passed. The minutes of the RLG meeting will be distributed to panel members.


MINUTES of the Clapton Neighbourhood Sub Committee Panel

Meeting held at Gooch House, Kenninghall Road

on Tuesday 12th April 2011

at 1900hrs

Present: Mavis McGee (MM) Chairperson

T Hickey (TH)

George McGee (GM) Vice Chair

Alan Geffen(AG)

David White (DW) Secretary

Helen Williams (HW)

Nicholas Corbett (NC)

M Devine (MD)

Marlon Trotman – Minutes

Dave Mordey (DM) Hackney Homes

Stan Cohen (SC)

Mel Cameron (MC) Hackney Homes

Susan Borghys (SB) Treasurer

Kimson Alexander (KA) Hackney Homes

Malcolm Brewer (MB) Hackney Homes

Brenda Townsend (BT)

Joanna Evans (JE) Hackney Homes

Apologies: Jimmy Roach, Kate Michaelson, Monika Hazleton, Michael Shaw, Martin Weaver, Adis Pajic

1. Welcome And Apologies For Absence The meeting opened and MM welcomed everyone present. Apologies were provided on behalf of the above named individuals.

2. Minutes & Matters Arising Amendments:  Item 4.2: Lee View & Tower Gardens received the runners up prize. CF advised that there was the possibility of two new TRA’s joining the Clapton membership. MM liaised with Adis Pajic a report will be produced at the next meeting regarding a breakdown of street properties and estates. MM advised that she will forward an email received from Charlotte Graves regarding the mobile mast funds to Bimba Kasturiratne MB advised that payments will commence for the communal aerials once installation has been complete. Residents advised that a filter is required in order for reception to be received for a particular block this is not common knowledge to the residents. Aerials are also not being removed from the side of the buildings. MD advised that in a letter received from the Mayor it states that residents are paying for the new aerials to be put up and the old dishes/aerials to be removed Residents should not be charged until the old dishes/aerials are removed. KA advised that some residents do not contact the contractor to arrange for their new integrated reception system to be installed. In these circumstances the old aerials/dishes will be left in situ until residents contact us. From Monday next week residents will get the point installed in their property. The block will be completed within 1 week. Residents must contact the contractor to ensure that a point is placed into the building.

3. Jo Evans (Hackney Homes) JE advised that the department now has new staff members and Mel Cameron is the new Manager who will attend Clapton Panel meetings. There is one officer per neighbourhood; this will also be the case for walkabouts. There will be one point of contact and feedback will be provided from the works.

Action: A copy of the new structure chart to be provided to MM – MC/JE

There is no longer an under spend as the funds has been allocated. Historically there is an under spend on the EIB. The walkabout dates have been changed, as Stamford Hill has already had their walkabout. There is a list of works to be completed on this year’s and next year’s budget. There is flexibility with regards to the projects as forward planning has been incorporated. Metal Works JE advised that there are three new contractors on board for the metal works called Hackney Alliance, job tickets have been raised and they are completing last year’s work. JE advised that the Section 184 budget is only for estates. NC advised that the communal area never gets repaired on street properties. It was advised that street property communal areas are upgraded on decent homes project. DW communal areas on street properties have not been repaired as they are quite small, and they do miss out on Section 184. It was suggested that NC raised his concerns at the Street Properties Forum regarding the lack of maintenance on communal areas.

4. Dave Mordey (Hackney Homes) DM is the General Manager for responsive repairs, DM manages building maintenance works for Shoreditch & Stoke Newington. Currently going through a restructure to ensure that operatives do what is in their job description. DM circulated a handout which detailed the general overview of repairs, in house contractors and the management of communal works There is currently a small pilot of operatives using handheld mobile solutions. The combination of the new call centre, and snow in November caused huge problems for the call centre, the system was overloaded with calls. More staff are in place now that work different shift patterns, contingency plans are also in place for an increase in the workload. MD enquired if a window is continually smashed what mechanisms are in place to prevent it reoccurring. DM advised that all minor repairs have a 28 day guarantee, other works have a 1 year guarantee The new system is not as efficient at picking up repeat repairs, it will show upon the system if it is within the 28 day guarantee. We are working towards a more robust system for repeat repairs. DM advised that Hackney Homes are also looking into recharging customers for repeat repair incidents. If an operative cannot initially fix a repair their supervisor will check the repair. There are no incentives for operatives failing to complete a jobs. DM informed residents that only certain boilers are being placed into properties this is in order to standardise the type of boilers within Hackney properties. NC requested to know whether a tick box system can be implemented regarding spare parts instead of relying on eligible handwriting by operatives. DM advised that the repairs department is heading towards operatives having electronic tablets, which will include the service manuals. SB stated that the Tower Gardens communal heating system had no heating or hot water in November. Can individual heating be obtained for the estate? DM advised that there are 66 flats with the communal heating system. DM will check with the Client Team to see what the cost would be. If the estate management team state that the residents want the heating on, the heating system can be kept on

Action: DM to liaise with the Estate Management Team, and get a representative from the Client team to contact SB – DM. Residents were informed that gas inspections cannot be enforced on leaseholders. Leaseholders are charged for inspections and they can obtain a preferential rate by using Hackney Homes contractors. Leaseholders cannot be forced to undertake gas safety inspections, although it is a legal requirement for tenants. Residents should petition & lobby their local MPs for a change in the law. NC enquired to know why when contacting the call centre customers would get to number 1 or 2 in the queue and the phone line would go dead.

Action: DM to forward response from the telecommunications department to NC – DM.

5. Panel Finances SB advised that funding has been received for all four quarters, the Clapton Panel cannot apply for any additional funding until the panel spends approximately £4 500 to reach the required threshold. £1000 has been allocated to Rising Tide, funds have also been allocated to a training day. It was advised that the funding for training can be phased across the quarters. Training day to be scheduled for October/November, enquiries will be undertaken to find a facilitator and a venue. An appointment with the Clapton Panel accountant has been arranged for 26th April 2011. DW requested for the newsletter to be extended from 8 pages to 12 pages, the additional pages are required to include the fun day and points of view from residents. Residents would like to see what the newsletter looks like and agreed the additional pages to the newsletter.

Action: MM to place copies of Inside Housing magazine in Gooch House – MM.

6. Chairs Report At the Local Service Improvement Contract Meeting it was agreed to continue this initiative and it was agreed to concentrate on the cleaning standards. The minutes of the Planned Maintenance Steering Group Meeting will be circulated with this month’s minutes. Alice Burke will be present to discuss anti social behaviour at the next meeting. Neehara will attend to present the Estate Management structure Adis Pajic will also attend next month’s meeting. Residents stated that they would like aerials to be placed on the agenda for future meetings

7. AOB MB advised that the TUPE of staff has taken place, there is a new Operational Manager in place. Ruth Clapham will be managing the North East region. A request from Tower Gardens TRA for additional funds has been made for a street party from the Clapton Panel. MM advises that this is a one of contribution to Tower Gardens TRA and the Clapton Panel members pledged £200 towards the street party.

Action: NC to provide the refreshments at the next Clapton Panel meeting.


MINUTES of the
Clapton Neighbourhood Sub Committee Panel 
Held at Gooch House, Kenninghall Road on

Tuesday 8 March 2011

at 1830hrs

Mavis McGee (MM) Chairperson
T Hickey
George McGee (GM) Vice Chair
Alan Geffen
David White (DW) Secretary
Adis Pajic (AP) Pinnacle
Nicholas Corbett
Monika Hazleton
Marlon Trotman – Minutes
Helen Williams
Stan Cohen
Mimga Kasturiratne
Coraline Francis
M Devine
N Kearney
Linda Wilson
Susan Borghys – Treasurer
Imelda Messenger
Malcolm Brewer (MB) Hackney Homes

Brenda Townsend
Kate Michaelson


1. Welcome And Apologies For Absence
1.1 The meeting opened and MM welcomed everyone present. Apologies were provided on behalf of the above named individuals.

1.2 The minutes were approved as an accurate reflection of the last meeting.

2. Election

2.1 MM thanked the panel for having her as the Chair and stated that she was standing down.

2.2 GM thanked the panel for having him as the Vice Chair and stated that he was standing down.

2.3 DW thanked the panel for having him as Secretary and stated that he was standing down.

2.4.Panel Finances

2.5 SB stated that it has been a very quiet financial year, panel members have been given a voucher as a gift. The rest of the vouchers will be kept for the production of the newsletter.

2.6 All accounts are up to date at present. The panel is able to apply for quarter 2 and quarter 3.

2.7 Paper was submitted on 7th March 201 and currently awaiting confirmation of receipt.

2.8 A meeting is scheduled to see the Auditor the first week in April.

2.9 SB distributed copies of the annual accounts, she thanked the panel for having him her as Treasurer and stated that she was standing down.

2.10 CF then asked the four members of the panel to officially stand down. CF explained the election procedure, the available positions and automatic rights to the Chair and Vice Chair at attendance at the Resident Liaison Group (RLG), and NE Neighbourhood Executive Panel (NENEP).

2.11 Clapton Panel Members then elected representatives to the following positions

2.12 Chairperson: Mavis McGee, (Landfield)

2.13 Vice Chair: George McGee, (Landfield)

2.14 Secretary: David White (Beecholme)
2.15 Treasurer: Sue Borghys (Tower Gardens)

2.16 Resident Liaison Group: Chair, Vice Chair (Landfield)

2.17 NENEP: Chair, Vice Chair (Landfield), Monika Hazleton (Lea View), Nicholas Corbett (Street Properties Forum)

2.17 Levy Group: Nicholas Corbett (Street Properties Forum), Sue Borghys (Tower Gardens)

2.18 CF welcomed everyone that had been voted in and that she looked forward to working with them.



MINUTES of the Clapton Neighbourhood Panel Meeting
Held at Gooch House, Kenninghall Road

on Tuesday 8th Feb 2011 at 1900hrs

Mavis McGee (MM) (Landfield) Chairman
George McGee (GM) (Landfield) Vice Chair
David White (DW) (Beecholme) Secretary
Susan Borghys (SB) (Tower Gardens) Treasurer
Stan Cohen (Keir Hardie)
Nicholas Corbett (Street Properties Forum)
Maureen Devine (Seaton Point)
Brenda Townsend (Keir Hardie)
Imelda. Messenger (Street Property Forum)
Tracy Hickey (Wren’s Park)
Linda Wilson (Tower Gdns)
Noreen Kearney (Nightingale)

Alan Geffen (GABS Est)


Gabin Sinclair (Rising Tide Trust)
Richard Wiles (Hackney Homes)

Faisal Pilbhai (Hackney Homes)

Sean Bezuidenhart (Hackney Homes)

1. Welcome and Apologies: Chair.
Apologies: Joanna Evans, Monika Hazelton.
The chair noted the sad death of Lionel Lipman (Stamford Hill) with funeral yesterday.
2. Approval of Minutes of the last meeting: line 18: change “letter” with “format suggested”
3. Matters arising and actions:
Line 26/27: noise nuisance. Call was about (building) works in the street. Treas’ noted Adis Pajic (Pinnacle) had contacted her the next morning.
Line 25: • Nick asked for a breakdown of the types of noise in future reports into street and estates.
Chair read a letter of response from Adis that said it was not possible to split reports as asked. Chair recommended Nick ask Adis in person at the next meeting.
Line 31: • Nick asked about readiness of repairmen ref. not having appropriate parts (in van). Chair responded that at a recent RLG meeting that very point had been discussed and was being addressed. Nick further commented that subsequent repairmen hadn’t been able to read the initial workman’s writing and suggested a system that meant to report was typed out.
4. Pinnacle : Chair handed out report from Adis Pajic: Neighbourhood Report
5. RPO Report: Chair handed out report from Coralie Francis
6. Alice Burke (ASB Champion): Treas’ reported that Alice was unable to attend.
7 Tenants Levy Review ( Faisal & Sean): Faisal handed out a report on the ongoing survey and wanted the panel’s views. Faisal noted that Hackney Homes Levy is currently undertaking a review of the Tenants Levy Grant, that is, how it is allocated, how it is given out. Faisal suggested the panel digest the handout content later. If any queries contact Faisal. Currently attending all panels to get their views.
The tenants levy steering group is updated 6 weekly to keep them abreast of the ongoing findings..
Faisal noted the most salient points in the survey report – as follows:
Section 2.1: 554 residents were selected to participate. Had 111 responses = 20% = valid response.
Section 3.5: 31% respondents were aware of the steering group.
3.6: only 13.33% aware of steering group’s annual report.
3.8: 75% said steering group membership should be widened to include other residents, currently 2 reps per panel, Nick and Sue are the panel’s reps on the group.
3.23: 80% said it should fund social activities, 7% equipment for groups, 71% youth project costs, 65%, 63% & 62% for insurance, security & training costs respectively. It was introduced many years ago as a way to fund TRAs.
3.24: 91% said registered TRAs should receive funds, 61% said estate based pensioners forum, 51% disability forum.
3.26: 34% agree that leaseholders should be involved in the decision-making (steering group). Faisal noted that the levy cost is 10p/week from tenants rent. Currently don’t differentiate, levy members can be either.
Appendix 1: 67% of respondents were tenants, 25% leaseholders – so mirrors the borough makeup overall.
Will be doing more panel consults, putting ad in Hackney Today and questions in newsletters. This is to submit new ways the levy might be collected, distributed, used etc.
Faisal asked for questions/comments.
Vice-chair asked how estates without TRAs could access levy funds?
Faisal: One proposal is that Key Residents in association with a neighbouring TRA might direct levy spending. Not there yet but it is being looked at.
Treas’ (member of levy group) noted she had suggested the point about Key Residents be put in the Clapton Panel’s newsletter in preparation now.
Faisal: RPO’s are looking at ways to connect with residents because a single resident coming forward as a key rep is not practical unless other residents are consulted and the rep is actually representing the majorities’ wishes accurately.
8. Rising Tide (Gabin Sinclair): Gabin introduced himself and said Rising Tide is a charity based in Mare St. working with young people for 11 years. Primarily getting them involved with creative projects and recently citizenship with 3 other RSLs across 9 estates in Hackney. With relation to estates their role has mainly been to direct them to training, getting them involved with management, forums and had a few into Hackney Youth Parliament and forum.
Working with the youth service and other attending a lot of youth provision meetings around the borough esp with the cuts coming.
Adamant young people are consulted and able to make decisions, so need educating – doing that. Estate based projects are proving better than ward based where ASB is concerned. Working with constituted youth committees, aiming for them to be self funded with bank acct – aiming for £1k by March raised.
Working on Landfield, the Beckers, Fellows Ct, developing projects.
Gabin asked for questions:
Treas’ asked if anything for Tower Gardens? Badly needed, youth with no-where to go and no provision publicized. Gavin will send info.
Chair suggested the panel consider making a donation to Rising Tide – they are working with youth on our estates and with the cuts need help.
Panel agreed to donate a sum to be worked out by the treas’ & chair with Faisal’s help. The amount to be reported to the panel at the next meeting.
Nick asked how to get involved.
Gabin said leaflets only went out to participating estates.
Sec. asked how estates were prioritized for selection? Faisal said in this case the active estates were inherited estate based youth committees, which were high ASB areas. No new estates at this time although not exclusive to estates or even Hackney Homes.
Treas. Asked for list of estates:
Ans: Fellows Ct, Landfield & Beckers, Fawcett, the new Kingshold, Frampton and Morningside and Woodberry Down.
9. Hackney Homes (Richard Wiles): Distributed Jo Evans 184 program spreadsheets for 2011/12 ie 2010/11 sheets and separate 2011/12.
Richard said he would take questions for Joanna Evans and relay them if he couldn’t answer them.
Treas. Asked asked Tower Gdns looked at as wouldn’t pay for damage done to wall by bin truck.
Richard noted that Jo had substituted some 2011/12 into this year as some of this year had been delayed by planning (mainly fencing). Overall no change to the budget.
Trea’ asked (re: 2010/11) Tower Gdns safety flooring was £23k paid out and the finish was very bad. In addition they had not replaced cabling they’d taken down.
Richard will contact Crispin & Borst and get it seen to.
Chair asked about notice boards for estates with no TRA. Richard confirmed Jo had set aside £2k. Chair asked if it’s been done yet as we’d like to include Gabs.
Maureen asked when they envisaged jobs listed for 2010/11 will be completed. Ans: this financial year. Maureen noted that at West Roegate Hse mesh over ground floor window was needed – approx. 8 sq ft as kids keep smashing them. Can the mesh be prioritized?
Richard said usual to prioritize work left over from last year first.
Chair said will take it up with Jo at meeting later in the week.
Vice-chair asked has “Lakehouse” started doing contract work yet? Richard ans no, most work being done by current contractors.
Chair asked if 184 budget is safe and is left over EIB going into the 184? Richard ans. 184 is safe but didn’t know about EIB left over.
Maureen said Avonline said they would put in a diff system and write to everyone to explain 8 days ago but nothing since. They say they need to get into homes.
Alan asked if Avonline is still active on Gabs (Powell Hse) as he’d made numerous appointments and no-one ever turns up.
Richard will look into it.
Brenda said she was 25th in the phone queue on the repairs line.
Faisal noted that the new phone system coming in Mon 14th.
Linda asked about scaffolding at Inglethorpe Hse which seems to keep going up and down but with never anyone actually working on it. Richard will ask Reactive repairs manager about it.
Tracy complained that after the gas safety check people had not kept 2 appts they sent her a rude letter, as if it was her fault!
Richard to ask for someone to deal with letter/appt and look at (previously known) radiator valve.
10 Treasurers Report (Susan Borghys): Handed Q2 sheet to Chair. Submitted to Faisal this evening.
Faisal needed all quotes for newsletter – March 7th deadline – to allocate for Q3.
Faisal agreed that with a quote for the newslettter he can process Q2 and Q3 this week.
Sec to send quotes to Faisal (a/w, distribution and printing)
Chair asked if we need to have spent money on the training day before March 7th.
(Conversation moved on before an answer was given.)

Chair suggested panel donate £1,000 to the project (Rising Tide) – meeting agreed by majority.
Faisal explained they are waiting for Rising Tide to come back with a project and then they planned on asking for help to fund it.
That meant we have spent Q3 so Q4 can be applied for. Faisal agreed, assuming a project is identified.
Treas. to liaise with Faisal.
Maureen asked if pro-forma invoices would be accepted instead of having to wait until money is spent.
Faisal explained that if it has been projected forecast previously it is acceptable and depending on what was forecast more than one quarter may be released and the system is flexible. – provided is has been planned for and is in the forecast.

Treas. noted that in relation to training day (and similar) panel funds couldn’t be used for alcohol so funds need to be raised for the purpose.
This year we have £91 bill for alcohol (meals) and have to pay for it ourselves. We are Ok because we received £250 for getting 2 stars, which hasn’t been allocated.
Chair noted last year came out of the raffle. This coming financial year we will have to raise money again.

Faisal noted that the Lower Clapton Road is to close, RPO’s going to Nightingale, opposite current office. Supposed to be temporary measure while restructuring is taking place.

11. Chair’s Report: Chair thanked those attended the panel meal.
Noted Pinnacle’s contract ends 31st March. Some staff TUPE’d over. Pinnacle had agreed an out of court settlement rather than staying the rest of their contract option.
At NE Exec. meeting a letter sent to Mayor on fire issue and handed out a copy of the Mayor’s response.
Reported attended all day RLG event – lots going on, from possible changes to secure tenancies , to benefits, (new ones) Charlotte now Chief Exec of Housing & Regeneration, working on the new structure to issues like repair vans having correct supplies for the day onboard. They discussed the call centre as well and promised it would get better.
Jim Patterson was putting in a new structure with details still to come.
Maureen asked what was said about the call centre?
Chair reported they’d said they’d paid 3.5mill for the new system but it hadn’t been tested properly. However, they did promise it would get better.
Maureen noted the same thing is happening now as happened to the last system, adding that we’ve been hearing this for years.
Many members of the panel agreed.

Chair handed out info letter from Naheera about Pinnacle leaving.
Reported the DTV letter from the panel had gone out but no response from the Mayor yet other than a receipt.


Next meeting AGM – 6.30pm on March 8th 2011.


MINUTES of the Clapton Neighbourhood Panel Meeting
Held at Gooch House, Kenninghall Road

on Tuesday 11th Jan 2011

at 1900hrs

Mavis McGee (MM) (Landfield) Chairman
George McGee (GM) (Landfield) Vice Chair
David White (DW) (Beecholme) Secretary
Susan Borghys (SB) (Tower Gardens)

Stan Cohen (SC) (Keir Hardie)
Nicholas Corbett (NC) (Street Properties Forum)
Maureen Devine (MD) Seaton Point
Brenda Townsend (Keir Hardie)
Imelda. Messenger (Street Property Forum)
Tracy Hickey

M. Holden (Hackney Homes)
Adis Pajic (Pinnacle PSG)
Coralie Francis (Hackney Homes)

1. Welcome and Apologies: Chair welcomed new attendee Imelda Messenger for Street Property Forum. Apologies: James Roche, Richard Wiles, Monika Hazelton, Linda Wilson.
The chair noted the sad death of Lionel Lipman (Stamford Hill) with funeral yesterday.
2. Approval of Minutes of the last meeting: line 36 add “should ask Stamford Hill”
3. Matters arising and actions: no response to questions from Maureen to James Roche, Richard Wiles ref. “disappearance” of Avonline from Nightingale again after wiring up (DTV). No response to Sec. from Jo Evans ref. meeting with Clive Tabor about unused EIB funds going to 184.
• Sec, read out format suggested by Maureen re: Integrated Reception System Digital TV & Satellite Dish System and charges. Content agreed > letter from Panel to the Mayor.
4. Pinnacle – Adis Pajic (handout: Neighbourhood Report): Adis read through and gave commentary on the report, noting rent arrears 99.7%, close to holiday period last year. Targets made last year and expect the same this year. Voids turnaround 1st place (LBH neighbourhoods). Complaints for the year total 33. ASB 22 new reports in Dec, 15 noise related and noted pilot of new noise sampling equip for gathering of evidence. Adis then opened to questions:
• Nick asked for a breakdown of the types of noise in future reports into street and estates.
• Treasurer asked about out of hours reporting – had called 8356 4455 on Sun aft and was told out-of-hours ASB doesn’t include noise nuisance. Call was about works in the street on the weekend.
ACTION: Adis to find out who to complain to about Sunday working.
• Brenda asked about the repairs phone line after trying nearly 40 times to get through. Chair noted severe problems with system at present.
• Nick asked about readiness of repairmen ref. not having appropriate parts to repair a boiler. Various members noted they had had similar experiences with repeat visits by technicians for jobs that should have been done with one visit. Adis suggested the panel ask Humara the call centre manager to a panel meeting.
• Chair asked if Pinnacle’s contract withdrawal negotiations would be completed soon. Adis hoped it would be resolved by the end of Jan 2011.

5. RPO Report (Coralie Francis): Recent work done on estates and elsewhere as follows:
• Gabs – trying to get security works done to reduce ASB from the main road.
• Ickburgh – first AGM and committee meeting of the new TRA tomorrow.
• Jack Watts – Story Telling project and consultation on lighting and pathways incl. “designing out crime”.
• The Mount – Equality and Diversity training starting tomorrow.
• Review of Compact
Coralie asked for reports of particular successes of projects on estates for inclusion in Hackney Today.
Treasurer asked if there was news of the Awards Ceremony extension to which Coralie answered it had not been set yet.
6. Hackney Homes (Richard Wiles) – not present. Chair gave out a request from Clive Tabor for the panels’ views on 10 draft service commitments, as part the “local offer” consultation.
The panel suggested adding the following
to Repairs:
• give a time limit for repair works (eg 48hrs to avoid jobs being done in 2 visits but two weeks apart.) and
• make it mandatory that vans are fully stocked with parts needed for that day
to ASB – the comment was simply to enforce the tenancy agreement and make it plain that you will do so. That includes leaseholder gas boiler certificates.
Further the meeting asked how are these standards to be met? What additional resources?
7 Panel Finances (Treasurer) – Quarter 2 accts pack given to chair and sec. (some docs still to email).Treas. noted will apply for Q2 (J.A.Sept.) this week and asked cost of training and newsletter. Confirmed money owed to Barbara would be sent.
8. AOB – Chair asked sec. to write apology on behalf of the panel for asking for money back when the opposite was the case. Treas. Noted one payment made twice (65), outstanding
9. Chair’s report – Chair will ask Lockhart when he is available for this years training and to suggest subject, perhaps local offer or getting other involved including youth or transition from the partners to the council (what it will mean in practice etc).
Sec said approx. £1,200 min (last years figures) for Newsletter a/w, printing and distribution of 3,800 copies 8 sides A4.. Imelda said she’d send article on Sat working law for newsletter to sec.

Chair and sec reminded everyone to send in articles, photos or anything about the area or their estates for inclusion in the panel newsletter.

10 DATE of NEXT MEETING: Tue 8th Feb 2011.

NOTE: Clapton Panel AGM 2011 is at 6.30pm on the 8th of March.

Minutes: David White (Sec.)



December Minutes of the Clapton Neighbourhood Panel

14th December 2010

Mavis McGee (MM) (Landfield) Chairman
George McGee (GM) (Landfield) Vice Chair
David White (DW) (Beecholme) Secretary
Susan Borghys (SB) (Tower Gardens)
Stan Cohen (SC) (Keir Hardie)
Nicholas Corbett (NC) (Street Properties Forum)
Maureen Devine (MD) Seaton Point
Brenda Townsend (Keir Hardie)
N. Kearney
A. Augustus (Radley Squ)

Welcome and Apologies: Tracey Hickey, Linda Wilson.
Monika and Helen will be late but will attend.
Minutes of the last meeting were agreed as correct
Matters arising and actions from last meeting (Nov 9th 2010):
• Line 77-80:
Maureen asked about Avonline re TV aerials?
Jimmy answered they are still working on replacing the old with DTV and putting new aerials in.
Maureen noted they seem to have disappeared from Nightingale- they wired up but then left and that was in the spring – why so long?
ACTION: Jimmy answered he’d check and update Maureen.
• Line 98-101:
Chair asked is 184 still ring-fenced? Jo thought so. £500k not spent over the transition to Lakehouse, but all accounted for and work committed.
Sec asked if £100k EIB underspend will go to 184 as promised?
ACTION: Jo has meeting with Clive Tabor in a week and will find out and let sec. know.
• Chair handed out notes from Maureen about DTV and the 81p/wk:
“ Integrated Reception System Digital TV & Satellite Dish System
Thousands of residents across the borough have ignored the Hackney Homes requirements and without express permission erected satellite dishes and TV aerials. National and local planning guidelines have also been disregarded deliberately.
Re: The service charge element of 81p per week rent for 8.5 yrs and £360.00 invoice by return on installation for leaseholders
1) Why is the inclusion of contractors removing dishes, aerials, cable mounts etc plus “making good” the fabric of the building within the overall cost equation now filtered through to a Tenants and Leaseholders charge?
2) Where planning permission was sought and paid for, why isn’t this charge subtracted from service charge?
The law-abiding tenant and leaseholder is being penalised because of bad management and lack of enforcement in the past.
Surely only those who did not get permission and who have not already paid should be subject to this additional charge or have some redress?”

Maureen asked that the query go to the Mayor for a response.
• Treasurer noted lino fitted (184 job) at £6k/block at Tower Gardens was badly fitted. A complaint to Mel Cameron had elicited zero response to date. However, Jo Evans has asked for a full inspection.
• Chair noted that “Lakehouse” had taken over concierge, sub-contractors “Carlisles”.
The three main new contractors being Lakehouse, Mansells and Mulalley – ie takingover planned maintenance, decent homes and services, totalling £220 mill in contracts.
• Panel meal: Jan Fri 14th – place to be confirmed.

NEXT MEETING: Tue 11th Jan 2011.



November Minutes of the Clapton Neighbourhood Panel

9th November 2010

Mavis McGee (MM) (Landfield) Chairman
George McGee (GM) (Landfield) Vice Chair
David White (DW) (Beecholme) Secretary
Susan Borghys (SB) (Tower Gardens)
Stan Cohen (Keir Hardie)
Maurine Devine
Helen Williams
Emine Zihni
Tracy Hickey (Wrens Park)
Brenda Townsend
Invited Officers
Jimmy Roche
Richard Wiles (HHomes)
Coralie Francis (HHomes)
Jo Evans (HHomes)
Adis Padij (Pinnacle)
Neehara Wijeyesekera (HHomes)
Ayo Johnson (HHomes)

1. Welcome and apologies: Alan Geffen, Linda Wilson, Bimba Kasturiratne, Monika Hazelton, and Noreen Kearney.

2. Approval of 12th Oct minutes: add to item 8:”Chair asked treasurer for the report the previous quarters accounts (Q2 July/Aug/Sept). Treas. noted that accounts reports are due quarterly, a quarterly report was given last month (Q1 April/May/June) and the next one (Q2 report) is due in Jan”.
Line 191 “Tracy sent email” change to “TRA chair sent email”
3. Matters arising: none

4. Pinnacle report (Adis): Handout to members.
Adis confirmed Elliot was leaving the following Thursday and until (and if) he is replaced he (Adis) would be filling in/covering where necessary.
Adis read through the report noting some info is up to Sept, some to Oct as H. Homes tend to release stats mid-month so latest figures not out yet. Performance generally good except for rent arrears, which remains a big concern. Although in second position, only just behind top performing neighbourhood, not good as target is 100.30 and collection is 99.74. Traditionally 2nd half year better so hope same this year, though doing more eg calling by mobile ph getting response, also sending text messages to remind people when in arrears. Will push hard next five months to achieve target.
Voids – turnaround 24.5 days against target of 32. Should make target by year’s end and be top neighbourhood as in past two years.
Initial tenancy audits completed 95% within the 20 working days target.
Regular tenancy audits on target, 328 done, currently 10.63%, would like to be around 12% by end of year and finish top as last two years.
ASB 18 complaints, 15 noise nuisance of which 6 were loud music.
Unauthorized occupants number 25 but no squatters.
2 acceptable behaviour agreements were signed and accepted. 1 eviction for mix of rent arrears and ASB. Unauthorised occupants 25 total.
Call for questions.
Vice chair asked how many staff will be TUPE’d over. Answer, most, and happy to do so.
Treas. asked about plants in communal areas and changing policy. Letters had gone out but why had it taken so long. Some had already lost plants while now workmen are working around plants while putting down laminate floor – with prospect of water damage from plants.
Chair noted final decision as to what can and cannot be left in communal areas was in hands of Charlotte Graves, coming soon.
Adis said so far they have a metal gates procedure and a new procedure about items stored behind a gate. Currently waiting for final procedure for communal items. Started following one but due to complaints from all quarters (incl. even journalists) it was put on hold at the June 1st RLG meeting. New procedure being formulated now and should be out soon – probably giving some discretionary powers to officers to make common sense decisions – as opposed to the zero tolerance position that caused the objections.
In the meantime obvious fire risks will be dealt with as such regardless of the lack of formal procedure.
Treas. noted that Tower Gardens was a jungle in places and although everyone had received letters to remove items, only some had done so.
Jo Evans asked Richard Wiles if an inspection could be made.
Richard answered that a fire risk assessment had been made of all Hackney Homes estates. The assessors had been asked to separate risks into priority 1 (high risk combustibles in communal areas incl. settees, gas bottles etc), priority 2 (work need to be done like grills and plants etc) and priority 3.
Currently getting risk assessors to give generic description but will have to look at some cases individually.
Richard also noted that at Tower Gardens the flowers would have to be removed while flooring is being laid then whether they go back or not will be guided by the fire risk assessor’s generic descriptions. If needed an individual assessment can be made.
Treas. Noted problem with plants was water damage.
Richard commented not P1 obviously but went on to say that non-combustibles may still cause an obstruction to escape from a fire and need to be removed and that a common sense approach was needed.
Brenda – residents encouraged to grow plants ie Hackney in Bloom etc – so on one hand encouraged, on the other criticized.

Chair noted H.Homes advice in case of fire was stay inside while the fire dept says get out, stay out!
Richard said policy is that if you are in a compartmentalized block and the fire is in another flat then stay inside. If the fire is inside the flat, get out.

5. RPO Report (Coralie Francis) – Handout- update on work and news. Closing date for residents award nominations the coming Friday. The Celebrate Culture event at Stoke Newington Town Hall went very well.
New training dates for Equality & Diversity, Accounts and Bookkeeping and treasurer skills – courses open to all HH residents. Waste disposal from community halls – trying to get charitable rates as opposed to current commercial rates. Issue at Nightingale for example. TRA news – Tower Gdns now registered.

6. H.Homes (Richard Wiles): (brought wrong area spreadsheet of capital works – will forward correct one to chair). In process of updating the spreadsheet.
Working through fire risk assessment, currently on priority 2. Schedule should be completed by end of financial year. Now waiting on 2011/12 works to be decided and will bring to next meeting.
Maureen asked about Avonline re TV aerials?
Jimmy answered they are still working on replacing the old with DTV and putting new aerials in.
Maureen noted they seem to have disappeared from Nightingale- they wired up but then left and that was in the spring – why so long?
ACTION: Jimmy answered he’d check and update Maureen.
• 184 (Jo Evans) – most completed. Will come back in Jan with spreadsheet of start dates for year 2 program of works. £5k earmarked for notice boards for those estates without any currently. Also some set aside for fencing and pram shed demolition at Powell Hse Est (aka Gavs).
• Bike-away were now on the system.
ACTION: will send EIB spreadsheet update to sec. to distribute. Cut off date for putting in EIB projects now gone, however if a project has already been put in it will be done..
Only 14 TRAs did not request EIB projects giving an under spend of £100k, much better than previous £3000k under spend.
Maureen asked about HSSL and Harris Steel – Jo said a lot of new work would be done by Lakehouse, including planned maintenance.
Maureen noted Seaton Pt has rubbish in ventilation shoots
ACTION: Jimmy will repair mechanism so louvers don’t open unless supposed to and get rubbish cleared. Jo said they’d put mesh over the vents to stop people putting rubbish down chutes.
ACTION: Adis to write to all residents about chutes, with photo explaining which ones.
ACTION: Jimmy – will clean rubbish from chutes this week. Jo noted the mesh would follow with a fire risk assessment approval.
Chair asked is 184 still ring-fenced? Jo thought so. £500k not spent over the transition to Lakehouse, but all accounted for and work committed.
Sec asked if £100k EIB underspend will go to 184 as promised?
ACTION: Jo has meeting with Clive Tabor in a week and will find out and let sec. know.

8 Panel finances (Treasurer)
Q2 accounts to be brought before panel in Jan. Paid Viking, Inside Housing and auditor.
Will work out how much is owed to Barbara (previous minute taker) – had incorrectly noted £65 owed by Barbara.
We can now apply for Q2 money with Q1 paperwork as within threshold. Treas. asked if agreed to apply for Q2 money now (to enable newsletter) – meeting agreed.

9 Chairs Report: Newsletter to be printed Jan/Feb – Printing £550, Distribution with HHomes News £200 -300 (if posted £2k). Sec. showed previous newsletters he had designed and offered to leave room while meeting decided is he or Hackney would do the design.
Meeting thought no point and wanted to know the figures. Chair answered saving if Sec. did between £150 – £180+, Hackney estimate up to £460 (could be more), Sec. provided set quote £280 to be paid in vouchers.
Meeting agreed Sec. to design newsletter.
Sec noted the total approx £1,300 with printing and distribution.

10 AOB: Chair asked sec to have minutes out at least a week before meeting.
Maureen suggested possible distribution of newsletter by TRAs and give them vouchers for doing it. Sec. to look into the figures.
ACTION: Sec. to buy Christmas cards for panel members and officers – box 40 or 50 needed, ideally charity cards. Email invites to go out asap for Christmas get-together.
ACTION: Chair asked Treas. to purchase food and drink for next meeting. Treas. Agreed.
Christmas dinner agreed for 7th Jan. Treas. to find out it “Downtown” in E14 available, if not a carvery.

Next meeting: 14th Dec at 6pm



October Minutes of the Clapton Neighbourhood Panel

12th October 2010

Mavis McGee (MM) (Landfield) Chairman
George McGee (GM) (Landfield) Vice Chair
David White (DW) (Beecholme) Secretary
Susan Borghys (SB) (Tower Gardens)
Stan Cohen (Keir Hardie)
Nicholas Corbett (NC)(Street Properties Forum)
Helen Williams
Emine Zihni
Linda Wilson (Tower Gardens)
Tracy Hickey (Wrens Park)
Sade Etti
Monika Hazelton
Alan Geffen (Powell Hse)
Gloria Marks
Brenda Townsend
Invited Officers
Michelle Menzie (HHomes)
Emma John-Francis (HHomes)
Neehara Wijeyesekera (HHomes)
Ayo Johnson (HHomes)

1. Welcome and apologies: Richard Wiles.
Chair moved agenda item 5 H.Homes (Chris Tabi for Richard Wiles) to first place.
5. H.Homes (Ayo Johnson instead of Chris Tabi spoke for Richard Wiles) – Handout/spreadsheet of works. Gave update on works in progress:
• Lifts – Longford done
• Clapton Park: fire risk assessment (High priority) on-going ie doors, alarms & H&S issues,
Door entry this financial yr.
• Millford – footpaths and other works to start when contractor engaged under new “Procurement 2010”.
Vice-chair asked what was the start date for the new contractors. Ayo answered he didn’t know, but long process is ongoing.
ACTIONS sent to Richard Wiles:
• Gas safety – the council is taking responsibility for leaseholders and the council is reviewing the need for changes to be made to leases to make sure gas checks are carried out and proof shown. Leaseholders do currently have a “duty of care” to ensure they do service their heating systems and boilers. With tenants it is the council’s duty to see gas safety checks are carried out once a year.
• Allen Geffen asked how leaseholders would be contacted. He was a tenant of a leaseholder and couldn’t get hold of the leaseholder. Ayo answered that leaseholders would be contacted in person (one method) and at the Leaseholders Open Day on 2nd Nov. and as part of the procedure of inculcating gas service check into leases, leaseholders will have to be informed.
• Ayo said he has never known of a case when leaseholders haven’t been contactable – their details must be made available to the council.
• Neehara confirmed that leaseholders have an obligation individually to maintain their sytems and appliances. If you are a tenant of a leaseholder, the leaseholder (landlord) is obliged to provide a CP12 Gas Safety check irrespective of whether a public or private landlord.
• Chair said we knew it was an obligation of leaseholders to have gas safety checks done but many don’t. Was there any plans to enforce the checks like forced entry to do a check and bill the landlord?
• Neehara noted this has been on the agenda for some time and HHomes has put in place an arrangement with Birchcrofts to get servicing done but without the ability to enforce, for those tenants of leaseholders that wish to get a service done can contact Birchcrofts. Also looking at way to get more enforcement by looking at the lease terms and conditions, specifically how we go about checking the 7,500 leaseholders to see if a check has been done and then enforcement.
• Nick asked if they were trying to change ease conditions such that policy for tenants and leaseholders matched. Neehara in principle yes, as close as fit as possible so that the whole block is treated the same and is safe.
• Effi said she found an ad for Leaseholder gas checks for £51.
• Sue asked what happens when you’re next to a freeholder.
Neehara answered it rests completely with the freeholder. There is nothing the council can do.

4. H.Homes (Neeehara) – Handout 7 page: “Residents influencing delivery of housing management services in the future.
Recently appointed Divisional Head of Tenancy and Leasehold services, role covers housing and leasehold management as well as participation.
Management is coming back in house. Handout is specific to this panel but going to all panels.
Have already asked other panels and have had/will have drop-in sessions, focus groups and surveys to find out what residents want.
There are issues and problems with the transition like 150 staff to take over but looking to move things forward and improve VFM. Profits and overheads previously made by the 3 management companies will no longer have to be paid for example.
In context, what do residents want from services? Have been doing a progressive consult with residents for some time, this being part.
Most staff will be coming across. Need to ask what is working, what needs improvement.
Want targets that residents want, not necessarily the current targets.
Keep in mind there is a comprehensive budget review by the govt. in a few days. HHomes has to work within a savings plan of £3mill next year. Made 4.5 mill savings over the last 2 years but generally speaking standards have been better and services improved.
Council is looking for £26 mill saving.
In H.Homes savings have been made from the top down, no longer a Director of Housing, Property Services or Woodberry Down Project = 550k to 600k savings a year.
So, not only can we save money by changing services and shifting resources. A number of residents have already asked if we can have more estate managers but difficult, can only done with centralization.
It was someone from this panel who suggested we ask staff and managers as well about service improvements and so we have started to engage with staff. Had meeting last week with 30 staff and developing ideas. However, it’s really about residents’ ideas and wants.
Some issues came out around voids – if 60% of voids in one part of the borough, why aren’t 60% of the resources there? for example.
Why can’t we centralize income collection? At the moment there are also my ways to pay.
But would it reduce the service or performance, which has to remain high?
However, savings might be made and may enable more resources for vulnerable residents.
New technology can play a part – there may be an opportunity for EM’s to cover more work areas, to become more involved in recording of repairs – do it online, on the estate but for EM’s to do more on the estates they’d need help in other areas – to give them more time – can we get more inspections done and follow up on 184 and EIB etc?
• So, what we want to know is what is currently working well, how can we improve our effectiveness and are there any additional services you think we should be providing?
• We want your 3 key priorities for improvement at a neighbourhood level.
Neehara then asked for questions.
Monika asked: On page 6 of the handout it asks “What is working well”, why not ask “What is not working”

Answer: There is a number of ways to approach this and we have taken advice, which we’ve followed and keep in mind this is some 30 meeting down the line. We also don’t want to raise expectations too high. If you focus attention on what’s working well then I won’t change it.
At least then I know. Most meetings are taken up with the issues (negative) so need to know what is working well.
• Sec asked for email address to send in the “3 key ideas” rather than phoning them in.
Answer: will be on the survey coming soon. In the meantime will send it to you.
• Vice chair asked: Where will ASB be controlled from?
Answer: ASB one of top 3 priorities – key area. There are 2 ideas – all ASB together in one place, otherwise separating high (serious cases) and low level teams.
Local EM still retains local knowledge and gives info to local team.
One of the issues has been EM doesn’t have the time to deal with lots local low level ASB.
Need to reduce patch side to enable EM to deal with low ASB in the centralized model.
•Nick said: surely can’t happen with cuts and reduced no of ASB. Case now is some EM’s deal with ASB well, others less committed and just pass the case on or ignore it.
Monika agreed with Nick and said they’d had EM that couldn’t deal with ASB and the new team have been good. However, new EM better but ASB system works because info passed to specialist team to act.
Chair noted that the first point of call should always be your EM to deal with or excalate to specialist team as appropriate.
• Neehara noted that when the EM model works for ASB it works well but it doesn’t always. The recent changes came after a review 2.5 yrs ago. Some partners have taken longer than other to implement the changes and introduction of specialist ASB teams but they have and it’s given positive results.
Some cases can be dealt with by a good EM with good local knowledge and don’t need much action. Could just be a misunderstanding and can be dealt with sensibly and simply. We need to get that right – so EM has ownership of and accountability to the case and deals with it.
• Sec asked – issues with resources and time – issue is needs to be division of low and high level cases. High level is dealt with well by the specialist teams; it’s the majority of low level where the problem is. Many low-level cases need a lot of dedicated time and EMs don’t have it partly because their time is taken up with paper work and out of date systems. For example talked about a year ago – time could be saved by Ems inputting repairs and other data on laptops or smart-phones while on the estate rather than making notes, copying them out then inputting then and emailing info to appropriate dept, straight to RESPOND etc – it could all be done at once.
• Neehara noted this way an important point and it’s been a matter of familiarity of how things are done and have been done for years  – there is an opportunity to use resources and technology in a better way.
Reduced patch sizes can also be modelled if that’s definitely what people want. Can’t commit to anything here but can promise to show you how what you decide needs to be done, could be done.
• Sue noted their EM dealt with an ASB case recently very well – 3 days away from court.
It is a low level case that has been a problem for years. The ASB team passed it on. It was the EM that did the work.
• Sec. noted that the majority of ASB was low level of the type the special team was not interested in and that needed more time than EMs had – the sort that goes on day after day, year after year and has not been dealt with. Could be kids kicking a ball against a wall or someone throwing food out of a window to feed the pigeons or someone walking a dog and fouling the estate. Many of these cases needed a dedicated low-level team to investigate and enforce.
• Nick said: Key thing for him was the keeping of a database and with the specialist team there is a paper trail and records and you can take case to court. Em’s don’t always keep records.
• Neehara noted that in regard to records, the Universal Housing ASB module online access has now come online.
• Sec noted that some of the module will come become active this month so not all of it is working yet.
Brenda said her new EM same as the last after the change and her experience has been that the sort of things Sec. noted that go on week after week, year after year and isn’t dealt will be the same in 3 years time – if there wasn’t an EM, you wouldn’t notice a difference.
Chair said we should all be getting the same service the best EM’s give.
• Neehara asked if it was the EM or if they have too much to do – has it always like that? What has changed? My job to make sure they work to their potential also to identify people to bring up.
• Helen said if you read the minutes of this panel you’ll find the same comments and issues again and again for the last 4 years.
• Neehara noted in some cases it was the model and the fact that the partners had to make profits etc. Ther is an opportunity to improve things and give an even good service.
• Sade asked if a freepost address might be given for those without internet access?
Neehara said he would check to see if there was one.
• Sue asked when the feedback was finishing?
Answer: Some completed, remainder done over next few weeks and possibly in Dec/Jan will be a report on findings and a model suggested.
• Vice chair asked if all EMs were being TUPE’D over.
Answer: all with the right and on the TUPE list will make their own choice to go elsewhere or stay here – on the same terms and conditions as with the partners. However, they need not necessarily go into the same job or role.
Chair thanked Neehara.

3. H.Homes (Michelle Menzie: Service Manager Nth Hackney Estate Cleaning Services)
Nick asked about ground maintenance and tree in freeholders garden. Michael Brawn came out and saw tree and told him it was down to EM but still waiting. EM contacted Chris Tabi who told Nick that because he is a tenant the garden is his responsibility. Tree should’ve been moved on 22nd Oct.
• Michelle said problem was at start – Estate Environment Services are estate based not street property so should have been directed to “Environmental Health”, not “Estate Environment”.
Sec confirmed that even on estates trees in gardens are the responsibility of the tenants and the only time Estate environment on will become involved on estates is if there’s a H&S issue.
• Nick noted there was very poor communication and lack of notification of visits.
• Brenda at Kier Hardie had an ongoing issue with cleaning which doesn’t come on set days. There are two of them. The one that does their block started of well but recently seen rarely and don’t know when he’s supposed to come.
Michelle – looking to return cleaners to their own patch so they have responsibility for that patch. Now cleaners do some work separately then do an afternoon as a gang on one block,
• Brenda asked if a letter can be sent out to the block to deal with a continuing problem of bulk rubbish – know stairwell but not flat.
Answer: yes, will send block letter out.
• Tracy at Wrens Park said of the two cleaners one was not good and asked how often do their area managers checked?
Answer: managers should visit estate at least monthly. Any reports should come to me or the EM. Michelle noted there should be a cleaning schedule posted in the stairwell.
Tracy confirmed the schedule was up and she had sent an email about the cleaning.
Michelle said she’d chase it up.
• Sue asked: Tower Gardens has tree blocking light but in private property. EM has written to owner, problem every year. Can’t cut tree down as in someone else’s garden but we can help and I will put you in touch with the right dept.
• Sec. noted service same for both street properties and estates – if your garden, you are responsible.
• Gloria said children as soon as planted tore out plants and they only wanted schrubs.
Sec asked if they had CCTV – answer yes but didn’t know if was working. Sec. confirmed all CCTV in NE is definitely working bar the odd camera that may have temporary issues. However, reports must be made for footage to be viewed.
• Helen & Monika had same problem with damage to plants on 4 occassions.
• Stan noted 2 children kicking football directly under a sign saying “No ball games”.


6. Pinnacle report: report emailed to chair today, will email to members and post to Linda Wilson and Maureen Devine

2. Approval of 14 Sept minutes: Line 23 = can street properties list be separate from Estate.
Present = remove Maureen and Effie.
Line 27 = change residents to “concierge”

7. RPO Report – chair handed report out to members.
8. Panel Finances (Sue) – Sue handed out accountant’s report for last year and explained each page and the figures – as at the end of the last financial year, 31st March.
• Faisal told Treasurer today quarterly that acct in bank so current approx 2,762 + approx £1,000 in bank minus accountants fees £705.
Sue noted the accountant had spoken to Clive and so produced the report as needed.
• Monika noted the report was well constructed, clear and concise.
Treasurer noted accountant recommended separate cash sheet.
Chair thanked the treasurer and asked to meet up to answer a couple of questions – agreed by treasurer.

9. Chairs Report – Chair asked Monika to give report of work done at LSIC review about Monika noted we monitor overflows and since monitoring and writing has been big reduction.
Also doing work gas checks and leaseholders, asking what enforcement will there be. Pinnacle are doing spot checks on leaseholders and found out that many didn’t. Until the leases are changed there is little enforcement they can do.
Brenda commented that the problem was absent leaseholders that sublet.
Chair added that the checks we’ve asked Pinnacle to do at the LSIC include checks on unregistered/unofficial sublets, overflows, notice boards and walkabouts, contacts with residents. Chair noted Pinnacle had just added that EMs should contact TRAs at least once a week.
Chair noted that some estates (without TRAs) don’t have notice boards so they need to come out of the 184.

• Chair asked members for articles for the Panel Newsletter.

10. AOB – Sue noted that as a Levy rep will come to everyone’s TRA to check the 2008/9 audit and should be done by the end of October.
Treasurer asked for NE Exec minutes to be emailed out to panel members.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 9th Nov 2010 at 1900hrs.



September Minutes of the Clapton Neighbourhood Panel

14 Sept 2010

held at Gooch Hse, Kenninghall Rd at 7pm

Mavis McGee (MM) (Landfield) Chairman
George McGee (GM) (Landfield) Vice Chair
David White (DW) (Beecholme) Secretary
Susan Borghys (SB) (Tower Gardens)
Stan Cohen (Keir Hardie)
Nicholas Corbett (NC)(Street Properties Forum)
Maureen Devine (MD) Seaton Point
Bimba Kasturiratne (The Beckers)
Linda Wilson (Tower Gardens)
Tracy Hickey (Wrens Park)
Effi (Wrens Park)
Brenda Townsend (Keir Hardie)
Adis Pajic (Pinnacle)
Malcolm Brewer (HHomes)
Coralie Francis (HHomes)
Faisal Pirbhai
Alan Geffen (Powell Hse)

1. Welcome and apologies: Monika & Helen, Kate Michaelson, Richard Wiles, Jo Evans, Michael Shore, Elliott Brooks.
Chair jumped to agenda item 6. Pinnacle:
Adis: uncertain if will still be with HH at end of year but even so, all KPI’s 1st or 2nd.
• 2nd in total collection at 99.85%
• top in voids – turnaround 25 days
• tenancy audits – top (90% done) – visit 10%, just about on target.
• no squatters in Clapton
• 5 complaints
• 10 members enquiries
Elsie (head ASB team): changed on May 10th to dedicated ASB team, no longer est managers – results: some compliments from resolved long standing cases – paying off as expertise built up. Have time to investigate – on target for timescales.
Automatic system on universal housing database nearly ready (ie ASB module)
Better communication with residents – not all ends in enforcement, some to diff court support agencies  & some to mediation.
• Nick asked about noise nuisance – mainly street properties or estates? Ans: both.
How is congregating a crime? Ans: can be intimidating.
• Bimba asked for breakdown of cases with mental health issues. Ans: may apply to perp or victim – will always bring appropriate agency in.
Bimba noted that councillors asked residents to keep an eye on tenants with known issues.
•Tracy asked if they deal with dog fouling, issue at Wren’s Park? Ans: yes, “Chris” is dealing with it, will send Tracy details.
•Elsie noted that they take things in a process – might mean a behaviour order or go to court – variety of tools but must give people an opportunity to change their behaviour.
•Nick asked if graffiti could be added to the Pinnacle report – Adis: yes.
Adis also noted that possession of properties has been made so it does happen.
• Eslie commented that noise nuisance was the no 1. Reported ASB. They had one case concerning 2 residents that lasted over 2 years with numerous court appearances but got the right result in the end.
• Sue – Tower Gardens has one ASB case started in June, now notice to quit given – does that mean they will be out soon then? Elsie answered: still has to go to court.
• Adis explained that any breach needs a court order to get possession, however H.Homes can seek possession. Notice to quit is just the start of the process.
2. Approval of 13 July minutes – read and approved.
3. Matters arising – remove Stan from list of members present at July meeting. Adis’s 2 actions completed.
4. H.Homes (Richard Wiles) – Richard not present – actions: Stan noted he had meeting with Avonline top people and all estate was wired up, was happy with good reception.
• Malcolm Brewer explained DTV breakdown costs and confirmed “making good’ buildings was included.
• Sec asked if Clerk of Works signs off all work or just %age of completed estates? Ans: all.
Sec went on to ask why so many issues and complaints of unfilled holes and old wiring left in place? Malcolm ans: maybe residents complained before work on block finished.
• Linda asked: when we were told about DTV, we asked about the aerials, assuming the old aerials that supply houses would not be taken down, as they’re not being replaced – is this correct? Malcolm ans: not digital so will come down.
• Alan confirmed cost one-off £361 for leaseholder.
5. 184 (Jo Evans) – Jo couldn’t attend but had left photo pack of NE works. Chair confirmed all works would be done this financial year, some to come from H&S budget (are H&S jobs – shouldn’t be on 184).
• Nick asked about street properties. Malcolm said street properties can be included by panel – and to ask property services.
• Sec to check with Jo re: 11 Briggersford Close (Tower Gdns Est) damage to wall caused by bin men – should not be on 184 (£1,457.58 Saffron Z056024P10)
7. RPO Report – Coralie will check Kier Hardie re: Stan’s EIB.
• H.Homes grant program deadline 22 Sept
• Reported two H.Homes fun days in parks (as Clapton Panel did) – Springfield Park day very good.
• Brenda asked about Connaught – Malcolm said sub-contractors and workers may not get paid for last period but H.Homes will sue the administrator. Where not started, work will go to new contractor. Where started, will pay for work done.
• Bimba asked about engaging with hard to reach residents on his estate – Coralie answered do have events on Beckers/ knock on doors.
BREAK 8.30-40pm
8. Panel Finances (Sue) – Sue handed out accounts pack. Gave Q pack to Faisal – Faisal will process to enable quarterly grant payment asap.
• Sue met with Nigel and had emailed about 2009/10 accounts check – expected soon.
• Quarter 1 underspend – actual £548.47, budget projected £2,720 (includes £800 for “audit”)
• Nick asked about street property forum and grants to get message across = speak to Faisal.

9. Chairs Report – nothing to report not already covered.

10. AOB – Sec read Ian Rathbone’s letter about the Area Action Plan for Clapton and commended it. Page for AAP on Beecholme website –

• Take Robert Perrett from mailing list and add Kate Michaelson,  at the Beckers to it.
• Nick on Levy committee.
• Tracy standing for George on NIBS.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 14 Sept 2010 at 1900hrs.


No August Panel Meeting


July Minutes of the Clapton Neighbourhood Panel

8 June 2010

held at Gooch Hse, Kenninghall Rd at 7pm

Mavis McGee (MM) (Landfield) Chairman
George McGee (GM) (Landfield) Vice Chair
David White (DW) (Beecholme) Secretary
Susan Borghys (SB) (Tower Gardens)
Stan Cohen (SC) (Keir Hardie)
Nicholas Corbett (NC) (Street Properties Forum)
Maureen Devine (MD) Seaton Point
Helen Williams (HW) Lea View House
George Richards (Wrens Park)
Tracy Hickey (TH) Wrens Park House
Bimba Kasturiratne (BK) The Beckers
Monika Hazleton (MH) Lea View House
Anna O’Brian A (O’B) (Theydon Road)(Hackney Community Empowerment Network)
Chrys Edwards (CE) HH
James Probett (JP) LBH

1. Welcome and Apologies: George McGee, Barbara Pollitt, Michael Shore, Noreen Kearney, Brenda Townsend.
Chair asked for introductions around the table and to start with agenda item 4. – change to 2. – agreed

2: Performance & Customer Services & TSA/Delivery Plan: (handout: presentation “TSA Regulatory Framework for Social Housing”)
James Probett introduced himself as the Service Development manager within Neighbourhoods and Regeneration for LBH. He said part of the job is to manage the relationship between the council and HHomes. He was joined by Chrys Edwards, also a Service Development manager but for HHomes.
He went on to say he was here to explain the TSA Regulatory Framework that came into effect on the 1st April this year.
He noted the full 68 page Framework is available on the TSA website home page to download or request by post – free.
CE noted they wanted our help with the “Delivery Plan 2010/11 Service Improvement Priorities” (sep handout)

He said it is an all-encompassing framework/standard for all tenants whether housing assoc, council or other to bring all up to the same standard. It secondly gives tenants priorities a central place, giving tenants a voice – tenant led & scrutinized.
There are 6 national standards. In this case the registered provider is the council so the council is responsible – though Hackney Homes will be doing most of the work with tenants.
Chrys Edwards said “co-regulation” is a term we will hear a lot off – it’s about robust self-regulation involving board members and councillors with effective tenant involvement subject to a backbone of TSA regulation. Thai is, whatever is decided will be tenant led.
TSA regulate/ensure good practice or “short term inspection” and requirements of co-regulation are met.
Tenants have to be involved with scrutinizing performance including how the scrutiny will be done.
Everything will be at the request of tenants.
There is the “Local Offer”, involves tenants in the shaping of services.
Also get support for the brand new “Tenants Annual Report” = what we’d like to see, how it’s going to be done and what to do if standards are not met. What recourse there is and a clear complaints policy.
Even areas like procurement will be included so technical education will be offered where necessary –will build the capacity among tenants to be able to do all this.
“Local areas” can be estate to borough wide but in Hackney’s case it will be borough wide.
The tenants and LBH must agree the Local Offer.
It should set out standards, how it will be monitored altered and reviewed.
The 6 standards – based on national consultation – are:
Tenant involvement and Empowerment – choicer, customer service and understanding better.
Home – Repairs and Maintenance and quality at least Decent Homes standard.
Tenancy – allocations and tenure fair, transparent. No voids and fair rent
(First 3 have to be consulted on)
Neighbourhood & Community – management, agency co-operation and ASB
VFM – to tenants priorities
Governance – does not apply to local authorities

JP noted that there would be some differences emerging between leaseholders and tenants.
CE noted there will be a lot done for leaseholders in tandem like ASB and the environment but the thrust of the TSA is to bring all tenants up to the same standard (ie HHomes up to the best Hse Assoc standards – sec.)
JP – The tenants involvement in the Annual Report is new – the current readers panel may be asked to help in the first instance – there will be more focus groups but because this has just come out in May it is a developing area and more will come out over the next weeks and months.
It will not work without tenants “steering the ship” as it were
1st Oct 2010 first Annual Report is due out – will say “we are not there yet but we are working with tenants to meet requirements”

JP- over the summer they will be making sure all council and HH officers and depts. Know what is required and what the standards are. They will consult widely and hopefully have the agreed local offer ready to go for 1st April 2010. – so first key date 1st Oct ’10 for the Annual Report then 1st April ’11 for the Local Offer.

SB asked how both leaseholders and tenants are going to be informed in those panels not evenly balanced.
CE answered that they would use a variety of methods incl. newsletters
The Chair also noted that there is a Leaseholder forum for them to consult but there is no Tenants forum so as a tenant we have to attend one of these panels or a focus group –will there be something similar
JP answered, “yes” although the details are not out yet – this co-regulation will require something more as current reader panels etc are not sufficient.

BK asked if it will take 6 months every year to prepare the Local Offer”
CE said only for this first year because we’ve never done it before and we have to create the format..

Chair asked if the new govt. would affect the TSA- had they heard yet?
CE said there would be something out about quango’s and possibly TSA on 22nd June.
JP noted the TSA is not on the first list of quango’s to go.

MH asked what happens if HH doesn’t perform – ie doesn’t deliver?
JP noted there is a lot in the document about that although there is the inspection process, in the first instance talking to address the issue would happen. In the final step there is the possibility of financial penalties ultimately but it would be surprising if it got to a serious stage anywhere. The inspection process is through the audit commission.
CE noted the report is written with tenants and by the tenants so H.Homes can’t say things are great if they’re not. If we’re not meeting the offer they will see that and if needed come in with an inspection.

SB asked if there were financial penalties, who would it hit?
CE reiterated JP’s comment that the likelihood of things going that far are remote and it is a last remote. She noted that “HHomes is not perceived as a poor provider although we can do a hell of a lot better in some areas.”..”we’re willing to work with you and it’s more about reputation”.

Chair asked about ASB and that HHomes and our partner not the council were responsible for ASB, adding that is probably the biggest single issue for tenants and have been very badly failed. How would we go to the TSA if that continued?

CE said ”Your “offer” might include things you feel we’re not delivering on, the sort of senario mentioned by the TSA starts with “working it out together” – if no resolution they go to the Ombudsman. Within that the TSA will look into it but in this latest document seem to have pulled back a bit but may still do some mediation.
You can start the dialogue with ASB in the offer.
CE went quickly over the Delivery Plan which has relevance to both leaseholders and tenants. – the management agreement between HH and the council which shows how the key service priorities are going to been met.
We’re starting with a blank sheet in as much as we’re not telling you what your priorities are – we want a list of priorities from tenants to feed in – via extensive consultation.
So far we have the priorities listed in the handout – also available on the HH website: Delivery Plan2010/11 Service Improvement Priorities
This is about enhancing the service – in addition to and improving services already in place.
They range from Response to ASB to Leaseholder Services and Leaseholder satisfaction to Engaging with Young People to Improving Quality of Life to Car Parking.

Within that we have to identify projects that help will facilitate the realization of those wider headings.
It can also include the Olympics but we’re not telling you.
It is a document required by the council of HH.
Sec. asked about by-laws that apply to council property but not to estates eg fixed penalty tickets in parks for not picking up dog dirt. There are two different services, one for outside estates, one for inside. He noted that he thought HH had asked the council to include estates but had been turned down, however, his local cllr. Was trying to find out if this was true.

CE responded that there is the concept of “Seamless Public Realm” which addresses that exact point – it doesn’t make sense for different standards of service.
JP added it was a big program running at the moment and the idea is to ensure the same standards apply across the borough and so links in with the TSA very well. It includes ASB, safety, enforcement, parking, waste management, recycling etc – the first phase looking to conclude possibly at the end of this year but the scope has changed so by Feb next year there should be something.

GR asked about vicious dogs, one nearly killed another – asked why police couldn’t respond?
CE said she didn’t know but they were mindful of the problem and the whole issue of dogs as status symbols and rules pertaining to dogs. There are dog wardens.
Sec. interjected that if the dog is a proscribed ie outlawed breed the police will take it away but otherwise they are powerless unless the dog does an injury to someone.
CE In winding up noted by the 27th August would like feedback for the delivery form – not everything will be included but as much as possible will be – keep in mind this is for improvements that can be made this year – can email suggestions for improvements in.
By 29th Oct all the feedback will be out in a draft for 2 months of consultation, including internal procedure as well as service improvement side.

3. Approval of minutes of the last meeting (May ‘10) were agreed as correct except for:
• (point about keys and being phoned for them all hours) BK noted concierge has keys and he had tried to get database changed as long ago as 5 years ago and more than once.
(Sec. suggested trying again and keep pestering them until they do it)
• Tracy line 84 “flats” should read “houses”

• Chair noted we are still waiting for breakdown of aerials from Malcolm Brewer – had spoken to Martin Weaver to try and get them.
Ie breakdown of costs for digital switchover, incl. cost of making good walls (filling holes from cables, removing old cables etc) but had not supplied info. Original request made in Feb, again in March

• line 19/20 – The meeting thought that may have been the rule at formation of the ALMO but the board had since changed the goal posts to suit themselves.
Should read “several members noted that at the formation of the ALMO the rule was that no board member could be a TRA officer as well but that since then the board had moved the goal posts to suit themselves some 2 years down the line.”

4. Matters arising and actions from last meeting (May ‘10):
line 36 – ACTION: RW to chase these issues (RW did note other estates have had meetings about the 2 points and will need Malcolm Brewer’s guidance.)
Of the list of 11 action points for Richard Wiles to chase relating mainly to specific issues that Malcolm Brewer had previously failed to respond to (Property Services matters) only 1 had been responded to. RW had arranged a meeting with the chair but after an hour of waiting was told he was at another meeting. Since then no mutually convenient meeting time has been found.
Chair asked MW for all outstanding to be ready for next meeting.
Chair noted of all work listed none had been done or responded to.

• line 43 – Sec to contact Paul Norey to follow up.
Repeat visits to properties/no of visits to get single job (repair) done – Jim Patterson was to contact sec. to go over details. Sec noted he got 1 ph message but lost number and had not been re-contacted NOTE: FOLLOW ON FROM 13th APRIL MEETING.

• line 166/7 – GM & EZ asked about a CCTV camera being taken away after only 8 weeks at Nelson Mandela – they weren’t even sure if it was a working camera
– SMcA said she’d find out
ACTION: check to see if Gloria or Emina had been contacted.

• line 169/70 • SC & BT said that on Kier Hardie aerial work started on blocks but not finished before moving to another estate. RW to find out and email chair to pass on.
SC noted roof not started on his block as need cherry picker. Some people told going live in 10 days but can’t if his block left out.
• line 218 – NC asked for ASB to be specified in Pinnacle report – it has been done.
• line 279 – ideas asked for presents for 2 officers – Sue has bought 2 pen sets.
• line 236 – Chair asked if everyone had phoned Jo Evans with details of their 184 jobs and any works  left over from last year that is to be done this year.
Chair asked if everyone had their 184 walkabout dates

5. Pinnacle Report – handed out by chair – sec noted no-one here to answer for it so FYI.

Panel Finances – Chair sheet distributed as left by treas. of yearly budget forecast (treas. had to leave early). The chair asked the members if they had any questions.
MH asked noted the sheet was last year’s budget forecast and there are no “actuals”.

The panel voiced disappointment at the lack of up to date accounts for the first quarter (April, May, June) ie a report of what had been spent so far this quarter and how much was left.
After some discussion among members the sec. was told to ask the treas. to supply this quarters accounts “to date” within the next 5 days.
Members also asked to see last year’s (audited) accounts – sec. told to ask for confirmation they had been sent off.
Chair noted the auditor was Michael Bell & Co in Walthamstow.
In response to a question about travel expenses from BK the chair noted that travel expenses for meetings you are sent to on behalf of the panel can be reimbursed.

7. Chairs Report – Arranging date to meet with Charlotte along with Stamford Hill to express the panels concerns and various issues including the new contract framework. Questions will be provided in advance so that we should get answers at the meeting.
Chair noted the cards had been sent off to officers that had left H.Homes .
Members suggested the gifts are sent by Spec Del.
Chair asked panel to decide where and when to have dinner to invite officers.
Suggestions: Stone Cave or Testy for Fri 25th June – details to be arranged.
BK suggested Lemongrass.

8. AOB – BK noted problem with EIB letter from Clive limiting to “only 3 jobs”. Sec. noted can be more than 3 “items”, should read 3 projects. Sec. also noted “in-house” not explained well and means “in-house resources” to progress a request and can mean getting new companies “on the system”.
BK asked if he could write a letter on behalf of the panel complaining about the limitation to 3 projects when the only limitation should be the funds available. The chair told BK to first send the letter to her for to get approval from members (including those absent) and not to send one (on behalf of the panel) directly to Clive.
BK went on to say the prices of some of the EIB list examples were extremely high and that we should be able to buy elsewhere if we could get the same item cheaper. Sec. noted it may be possible and to ask procurement.
Date next meeting: Tue 13th July 2010


MINUTES of the Clapton Neighbourhood Panel Meeting

Held at Gooch House, Kenninghall Road


Tuesday 8th June 2010

at 1900hrs

Mavis McGee (MM) (Landfield) Chairman
George McGee (GM) (Landfield) Vice Chair
David White (DW) (Beecholme) Secretary
Susan Borghys (SB) (Tower Gardens)
Stan Cohen (SC) (Keir Hardie)
Nicholas Corbett (NC) (Street Properties Forum)
Maureen Devine (MD) Seaton Point
Helen Williams (HW) Lea View House
George Richards (Wrens Park)
Tracy Hickey (TH) Wrens Park House
Bimba Kasturiratne (BK) The Beckers
Monika Hazleton (MH) Lea View House
Anna O’Brian A (O’B) (Theydon Road)(Hackney Community Empowerment Network)
Chrys Edwards (CE) HH
James Probett (JP) LBH

1. Welcome and Apologies: George McGee, Barbara Pollitt, Michael Shore, Noreen Kearney, Brenda Townsend.
Chair asked for introductions around the table and to start with agenda item 4. – change to 2. – agreed

2: Performance & Customer Services & TSA/Delivery Plan: (handout: presentation “TSA Regulatory Framework for Social Housing”)
James Probett introduced himself as the Service Development manager within Neighbourhoods and Regeneration for LBH. He said part of the job is to manage the relationship between the council and HHomes. He was joined by Chrys Edwards, also a Service Development manager but for HHomes.
He went on to say he was here to explain the TSA Regulatory Framework that came into effect on the 1st April this year.
He noted the full 68 page Framework is available on the TSA website home page to download or request by post – free.
CE noted they wanted our help with the “Delivery Plan 2010/11 Service Improvement Priorities” (sep handout)

He said it is an all-encompassing framework/standard for all tenants whether housing assoc, council or other to bring all up to the same standard. It secondly gives tenants priorities a central place, giving tenants a voice – tenant led & scrutinized.
There are 6 national standards. In this case the registered provider is the council so the council is responsible – though Hackney Homes will be doing most of the work with tenants.
Chrys Edwards said “co-regulation” is a term we will hear a lot off – it’s about robust self-regulation involving board members and councillors with effective tenant involvement subject to a backbone of TSA regulation. Thai is, whatever is decided will be tenant led.
TSA regulate/ensure good practice or “short term inspection” and requirements of co-regulation are met.
Tenants have to be involved with scrutinizing performance including how the scrutiny will be done.
Everything will be at the request of tenants.
There is the “Local Offer”, involves tenants in the shaping of services.
Also get support for the brand new “Tenants Annual Report” = what we’d like to see, how it’s going to be done and what to do if standards are not met. What recourse there is and a clear complaints policy.
Even areas like procurement will be included so technical education will be offered where necessary –will build the capacity among tenants to be able to do all this.
“Local areas” can be estate to borough wide but in Hackney’s case it will be borough wide.
The tenants and LBH must agree the Local Offer.
It should set out standards, how it will be monitored altered and reviewed.
The 6 standards – based on national consultation – are:
1.    Tenant involvement and Empowerment – choicer, customer service and understanding better.
2.    Home – Repairs and Maintenance and quality at least Decent Homes standard.
3.    Tenancy – allocations and tenure fair, transparent. No voids and fair rent
(First 3 have to be consulted on)
4.    Neighbourhood & Community – management, agency co-operation and ASB
5.     VFM – to tenants priorities
6.     Governance – does not apply to local authorities

JP noted that there would be some differences emerging between leaseholders and tenants.
CE noted there will be a lot done for leaseholders in tandem like ASB and the environment but the thrust of the TSA is to bring all tenants up to the same standard (ie HHomes up to the best Hse Assoc standards – sec.)
JP – The tenants involvement in the Annual Report is new – the current readers panel may be asked to help in the first instance – there will be more focus groups but because this has just come out in May it is a developing area and more will come out over the next weeks and months.
It will not work without tenants “steering the ship” as it were
1st Oct 2010 first Annual Report is due out – will say “we are not there yet but we are working with tenants to meet requirements”

JP- over the summer they will be making sure all council and HH officers and depts. Know what is required and what the standards are. They will consult widely and hopefully have the agreed local offer ready to go for 1st April 2010. – so first key date 1st Oct ’10 for the Annual Report then 1st April ’11 for the Local Offer.

SB asked how both leaseholders and tenants are going to be informed in those panels not evenly balanced.
CE answered that they would use a variety of methods incl. newsletters
The Chair also noted that there is a Leaseholder forum for them to consult but there is no Tenants forum so as a tenant we have to attend one of these panels or a focus group –will there be something similar
JP answered, “yes” although the details are not out yet – this co-regulation will require something more as current reader panels etc are not sufficient.

BK asked if it will take 6 months every year to prepare the Local Offer”
CE said only for this first year because we’ve never done it before and we have to create the format..

Chair asked if the new govt. would affect the TSA- had they heard yet?
CE said there would be something out about quango’s and possibly TSA on 22nd June.
JP noted the TSA is not on the first list of quango’s to go.

MH asked what happens if HH doesn’t perform – ie doesn’t deliver?
JP noted there is a lot in the document about that although there is the inspection process, in the first instance talking to address the issue would happen. In the final step there is the possibility of financial penalties ultimately but it would be surprising if it got to a serious stage anywhere. The inspection process is through the audit commission.
CE noted the report is written with tenants and by the tenants so H.Homes can’t say things are great if they’re not. If we’re not meeting the offer they will see that and if needed come in with an inspection.

SB asked if there were financial penalties, who would it hit?
CE reiterated JP’s comment that the likelihood of things going that far are remote and it is a last remote. She noted that “HHomes is not perceived as a poor provider although we can do a hell of a lot better in some areas.”..”we’re willing to work with you and it’s more about reputation”.

Chair asked about ASB and that HHomes and our partner not the council were responsible for ASB, adding that is probably the biggest single issue for tenants and have been very badly failed. How would we go to the TSA if that continued?

CE said ”Your “offer” might include things you feel we’re not delivering on, the sort of senario mentioned by the TSA starts with “working it out together” – if no resolution they go to the Ombudsman. Within that the TSA will look into it but in this latest document seem to have pulled back a bit but may still do some mediation.
You can start the dialogue with ASB in the offer.
CE went quickly over the Delivery Plan which has relevance to both leaseholders and tenants. – the management agreement between HH and the council which shows how the key service priorities are going to been met.
We’re starting with a blank sheet in as much as we’re not telling you what your priorities are – we want a list of priorities from tenants to feed in – via extensive consultation.
So far we have the priorities listed in the handout – also available on the HH website: Delivery Plan2010/11 Service Improvement Priorities
This is about enhancing the service – in addition to and improving services already in place.
They range from Response to ASB to Leaseholder Services and Leaseholder satisfaction to Engaging with Young People to Improving Quality of Life to Car Parking.

Within that we have to identify projects that help will facilitate the realization of those wider headings.
It can also include the Olympics but we’re not telling you.
It is a document required by the council of HH.
Sec. asked about by-laws that apply to council property but not to estates eg fixed penalty tickets in parks for not picking up dog dirt. There are two different services, one for outside estates, one for inside. He noted that he thought HH had asked the council to include estates but had been turned down, however, his local cllr. Was trying to find out if this was true.

CE responded that there is the concept of “Seamless Public Realm” which addresses that exact point – it doesn’t make sense for different standards of service.
JP added it was a big program running at the moment and the idea is to ensure the same standards apply across the borough and so links in with the TSA very well. It includes ASB, safety, enforcement, parking, waste management, recycling etc – the first phase looking to conclude possibly at the end of this year but the scope has changed so by Feb next year there should be something.

GR asked about vicious dogs, one nearly killed another – asked why police couldn’t respond?
CE said she didn’t know but they were mindful of the problem and the whole issue of dogs as status symbols and rules pertaining to dogs. There are dog wardens.
Sec. interjected that if the dog is a proscribed ie outlawed breed the police will take it away but otherwise they are powerless unless the dog does an injury to someone.
CE In winding up noted by the 27th August would like feedback for the delivery form – not everything will be included but as much as possible will be – keep in mind this is for improvements that can be made this year – can email suggestions for improvements in.
By 29th Oct all the feedback will be out in a draft for 2 months of consultation, including internal procedure as well as service improvement side.

3. Approval of minutes of the last meeting (May ‘10) were agreed as correct except for:
• (point about keys and being phoned for them all hours) BK noted concierge has keys and he had tried to get database changed as long ago as 5 years ago and more than once.
(Sec. suggested trying again and keep pestering them until they do it)
• Tracy line 84 “flats” should read “houses”

• Chair noted we are still waiting for breakdown of aerials from Malcolm Brewer – had spoken to Martin Weaver to try and get them.
Ie breakdown of costs for digital switchover, incl. cost of making good walls (filling holes from cables, removing old cables etc) but had not supplied info. Original request made in Feb, again in March

• line 19/20 – The meeting thought that may have been the rule at formation of the ALMO but the board had since changed the goal posts to suit themselves.
Should read “several members noted that at the formation of the ALMO the rule was that no board member could be a TRA officer as well but that since then the board had moved the goal posts to suit themselves some 2 years down the line.”

4. Matters arising and actions from last meeting (May ‘10):
•     line 36 – ACTION: RW to chase these issues (RW did note other estates have had meetings about the 2 points and will need Malcolm Brewer’s guidance.)
Of the list of 11 action points for Richard Wiles to chase relating mainly to specific issues that Malcolm Brewer had previously failed to respond to (Property Services matters) only 1 had been responded to. RW had arranged a meeting with the chair but after an hour of waiting was told he was at another meeting. Since then no mutually convenient meeting time has been found.
Chair asked MW for all outstanding to be ready for next meeting.
Chair noted of all work listed none had been done or responded to.

• line 43 – Sec to contact Paul Norey to follow up.
Repeat visits to properties/no of visits to get single job (repair) done – Jim Patterson was to contact sec. to go over details. Sec noted he got 1 ph message but lost number and had not been re-contacted NOTE: FOLLOW ON FROM 13th APRIL MEETING.

• line 166/7 – GM & EZ asked about a CCTV camera being taken away after only 8 weeks at Nelson Mandela – they weren’t even sure if it was a working camera
– SMcA said she’d find out
ACTION: check to see if Gloria or Emina had been contacted.

• line 169/70 • SC & BT said that on Kier Hardie aerial work started on blocks but not finished before moving to another estate. RW to find out and email chair to pass on.
SC noted roof not started on his block as need cherry picker. Some people told going live in 10 days but can’t if his block left out.
• line 218 – NC asked for ASB to be specified in Pinnacle report – it has been done.
• line 279 – ideas asked for presents for 2 officers – Sue has bought 2 pen sets.
• line 236 – Chair asked if everyone had phoned Jo Evans with details of their 184 jobs and any works  left over from last year that is to be done this year.
Chair asked if everyone had their 184 walkabout dates

5. Pinnacle Report – handed out by chair – sec noted no-one here to answer for it so FYI.

6.    Panel Finances – Chair sheet distributed as left by treas. of yearly budget forecast (treas. had to leave early). The chair asked the members if they had any questions.
MH asked noted the sheet was last year’s budget forecast and there are no “actuals”.

The panel voiced disappointment at the lack of up to date accounts for the first quarter (April, May, June) ie a report of what had been spent so far this quarter and how much was left.
After some discussion among members the sec. was told to ask the treas. to supply this quarters accounts “to date” within five days (to email to members).
Members also asked to see last year’s (audited) accounts – sec. told to ask for confirmation they had been sent off.
Chair noted the auditor was Michael Bell & Co in Walthamstow.
In response to a question about travel expenses from BK the chair noted that travel expenses for meetings you are sent to on behalf of the panel can be reimbursed.

7. Chairs Report – Arranging date to meet with Charlotte along with Stamford Hill to express the panels concerns and various issues including the new contract framework. Questions will be provided in advance so that we should get answers at the meeting.
Chair noted the cards had been sent off to officers that had left H.Homes .
Members suggested the gifts are sent by Spec Del.
Chair asked panel to decide where and when to have dinner to invite officers.
Suggestions: Stone Cave or Testy for Fri 25th June – details to be arranged.
BK suggested Lemongrass.

8. AOB – BK noted problem with EIB letter from Clive limiting to “only 3 jobs”. Sec. noted can be more than 3 “items”, should read 3 projects. Sec. also noted “in-house” not explained well and means “in-house resources” to progress a request and can mean getting new companies “on the system”.
BK asked if he could write a letter on behalf of the panel complaining about the limitation to 3 projects when the only limitation should be the funds available. The chair told BK to first send the letter to her for to get approval from members (including those absent) and not to send one (on behalf of the panel) directly to Clive.
BK went on to say the prices of some of the EIB list examples were extremely high and that we should be able to buy elsewhere if we could get the same item cheaper. Sec. noted it may be possible and to ask procurement.

Date next meeting: Tue 13th July 2010


184 – The 184 programme deals with “non urgent planned communal repairs and minor improvement works on estates identified and prioritised by residents”. It is not intended to deal with emergency or urgent repairs which are dealt with via reactive repairs budgets.

ASB – Anti Social Behaviour

ALMO – Arms Length Management Organisation

EIB – Estates Improvement Budget: is a fund available to Tenant and Resident Associations who hold Enhanced TRA Meetings. The EIB allocation available to each TRA is based upon the number of properties in the TRA’s catchment area. The figure is worked out by the number of properties multiplied by the sum £25.25.The EIB can be used to pursue a wide variety of projects. The two main criteria required of EIB proposals are: 1) the item must serve to improve the communal area, and 2) Hackney Homes have the requisite in-house capacity to carry out the request.

HH – Hackney Homes

NIBS – Neighbourhood Investment Board

NELA – North East Leasehold Association

RPO – Resident Participation Officer

TPO – Tenant Participation Officers support TRAs in development and

project work. Duties of the new TPO role would include building the capacity of providing support for TRAs, taking a lead role in running focus groups and consultations, provide guidance and assistance with funding applications and enhanced working with Neighbourhood Panels and other groups.

TRA – Tenant Residents Association

TSA – Tenant Services Authority



MINUTES of the Clapton Neighbourhood Sub-Committee Panel Meeting

Held at Gooch House, Kenninghall Road on
Tuesday 11 May 2010

at 1900hrs



Mavis McGee (MM) (Landfield) Chairman

George McGee (GM) (Landfield) Vice Chair

David White (DW) (Beecholme) Secretary

Susan Borghys (SB) (Tower Gardens)


Stan Cohen (SC) (Keir Hardie)

Nicholas Corbett (NC) (Street Properties Forum)

Maureen Devine (MD) Seaton Point

Alan Geffen (AG) (Powell House)

Gloria Marles (GM) (Nelson Mandela House)

Emine Zihni (EZ) (Nelson Mandela House)

George Richards (Wrens Park)

Brenda Townsend (Keir Hardie)

Linda Wilson (Tower Gardens)

Connie Rivers (CR) (Jack Watts)

Anna O’Brian (A.O’B) (Theydon Road)(Hackney Community Empowerment Network)

Bimba Kasturiratne (The Beckers)


Richard Wiles (RW) HH

Coralie Francis (CF) HH RPO

Adis Pajic (AP) Pinnacle NE Neighbourhood Office

Siobhan McAuliffe (S McA) Pinnacle NE Neighbourhood Office

Welcome and Apologies: Jim Patterson, Barbara Pollitt, Michael Shore, Elliott Brooks, Tracey Hickey, Monica Hazelton.

Minutes of the last meeting (13 April ‘10) were agreed as correct except for:

•Line 24/5 should read “…scaffolding was erected at Gooch House.

• Line 42 – (“Action” in error ) should read “S.McA” not “SM” – relating to garages being filled with items that should not be there. AP said the system was at fault. The issue was highlighted on the 184 walkabout.

•Line 193 to 107 on (Chairs Report) should read: The meeting also noted that “conflict of interest” would be a problem for any board member on a panel if and when decisions about the ALMO were discussed. Members suggested a letter to be sent to the board recommending board members not being allowed on panels or be TRA chairs – constitution should be changed accordingly.

• Several members remembered that the rule at formation of the ALMO was that no board member may sit as a chair of a TRA but the board had since changed the goal posts to suit themselves.

ACTION(q) Sec to compose the amendment to the constitution about ALMO Board members being allowed on Panels.

Matters arising and actions from last meeting (13 April ‘10):

  • · Chair noted that Malcolm Brewer promised the asked for breakdown of costs for digital switchover, incl. cost of making good walls (filling holes from cables, removing old cables etc) but had not supplied info. Original request made in Feb, again in March
  • · There is only one point (new digital aerial point) going in where there is currently two (quality 1) and the replacement should be like for like, esp where the 2 points are back to back thru a wall (MD). Malcolm Brewer had not responded.

ACTION: RW to chase.

  • · MD noted the “free” phone no in the Digital Switchover brochure was an 0845 (not free) and that Seaton Point had had no meetings about the switchover or even a letter saying there would be one. MD had picked up a pamphlet at Gooch Hse that said Seaton Point work starts in 4 weeks but the letter but pamphlet had not been sent to Seaton Point residents (poss all Nightingale missed).
  • · ACTION: RW to chase these issues (RW did note other estates have had meetings about the 2 points and will need Malcolm Brewer’s guidance.)
  • · Chair noted Leaseholders building insurance – Charlotte was supposed to get in touch with Monica at Lea View but not so don’t know if done.

• Repeat visits to properties/no of visits to get single job (repair) done – Jim Patterson was to contact sec. to go over details. Sec noted he got 1 ph message but lost number and had not been re-contacted NOTE: more on this subject line at 72

ACTION: Sec to contact Paul Norey to follow up.

• Chair asked about continuing rodent problems at Landfield and Lea View (Q to Gary Lane). RW said Glen Walker responsible and read report that 9 properties in Stellman close had been visited – some reduction in rodent numbers but treatment to continue until eradicated.

Chair noted housing assoc & freeholders are not treating their properties – asked RW what can be done. RW recommended call Environmental Health.

Chair and sec asked if coordination between EH and HH rodent treatment. S.McA said estate managers can and had coordinated this in recent case.

• Location of community hall keys (Q from BK to Gary Lane): BK asked that a copy be kept at estate office esp where there’s a block rep. BK was continually phoned at work about keys. MD asked why the concierge at the Beckers didn’t have the key – chair suggested they sort it out themselves.

RW noted that Jackie Loftus holds list of halls and rooms with times and key holders.

CF said BK needs to identify someone to hold keys during the day like concierge and then inform HHomes and Jackie Loftus in particular (about shift work as well) so times can go on database.

Property Services

RW read prepared list of answers from rest of questions posed to Jim Patterson at previous meeting:

RW listed ongoing works to the properties identified (Mike Jenner) as having multiple visits, noting some of the separate visits for leaking stack pipe after new combi-boiler fitted and old pipes removed – chair commented that that was the issue, in that case the problem IS ongoing after 18 months of multiple visits.

ACTION: RW to take the issue back to Mike Jenner and report NOTE: access may be the issue as one of the affected properties a leaseholder, however, chair noted that a year ago HHomes did start work (dug hole in his garden to find underground leak) but didn’t finish the work.

• Stand pipe at Mellington Ct identified on walkabout not done, though other stop cock had been done

ACTION: RW to find out about 2 exterior covers at Mellington Ct.

RW reported Beecholme estate water leak now done. Sec and chair noted the issue was the number of visits to find and fix one leaking pipe as noted to Jim Patterson. Sec noted it took 3 or 4 operatives 6 or 7 visits over more than 2 years

ACTION: Sec to contact Paul Norey as head of active repairs.

•Hogan Way: rearrangement of kitchen points – appt agreed for 19th May.

• Q’s from A.O’B: 1. Mt Pleasant Lane – no central heating at several properties. RW read response from Don Day, senior manager for the Direct Labour Org gas: CP12’s paperwork checked (didn’t speak to residents to find out) to get indication of heating status of several street properties listed by A.O’B (street properties) and found many have no central heating but some may be getting heating – in the few that have recently had combination boilers fitted. Jim Patterson asked Martin Long to find out if and when heating will be installed (as part of Decent Homes) and email answer to RW.

A.O’B took notes to report back to her TRA.

ACTION: RW to chase Martin Long to confirm if and when heating to go in to flats in Mt Pleasant lane and which.

A.O’B noted that last time Jim Patterson promised someone would get back to both A.O’B and the sec. within 2 days and no-one did – also noted list in TRA hands longer than Don Day’s list.

RW noted possible problem with AOL. Sec said can email sec. to forward if needed.

2. Two properties that were mad externally decent in 2006 will at some stage be made internally decent ie heating – RW to ask Martin Long for date and relay approx “date” to A.O’B.

• Sound Proofing Q from NC – Answer: no sep budget for soundproofing, only some for insulation.

• NC reported he had phone call today regarding defective sink and unit door, a month after noted by Jim Patterson

• Seaton Point water penetration on canopy roof: Gary Lane was to respond. MD reported meeting had taken place and GL said roof and top floor was dry so can now be painted. MD noted that the roof has a history of leaking and should be repaired before painting. Bob Snowsil had been dealing with it for 10 years ineffectively (see also line 118).

MD noted that even floor coverings had been replaced twice because of water damage due to water leakage. MD spoke to Martin Weaver and Jim Patterson about painting before repairs. Surveyor  (Susan Trimmingham) was supposed to email MD with response. MD went on to say that although she had not been updated as requested, to date they had not painted before repair work is done.

ACTION: RW to ascertain state of painting and repairs and schedule for roof, top floors and lobby/halls/stairwell from Susan T and inform MD.

• Lea View & Nightingale (and others) dust cart damage to gates – RW reported Charlotte has written to council refuse collectors on 20th April and it was agreed John Wheatley of LBH refuse collection would contact Jim Patterson and action any reports of accidents.

RW noted that presumably Jim would report back to the panel as we raised the issue.

• Seaton Point Mmechanical fire louvers at 20th floor opening all the time in, not just when needed. Ongoing for 10 years as with other Seaton point issues (see line 101)

ACTION: RW to ask Joe King what situation is and report back to MD. MD noted that Marcia Campbell could give RW minutes of last ETRA with full details of all Seaton Point & Nightingale issues and enquiries in progress – RW confirmed he would do so.

•  Leasholder charges – no response from Judith Morrison

Action: RW to chase JM to explain why

charges have doubled with no increase or a reduction in services.

• Gooch Hse – defective communal lighting ground floor – Response: materials on order and will be on site 10th May, has been done.

• Tower Garden security issues, Wayne Hylton to be asked to visit area. SB noted he did visit and problem resolved.

• Cavity wall insulation query to Charlotte & Jim, re: A.O’B and sec asked about HSA programs and Decent Homes and for info on any other programs for insulation. Chair and sec noted that Charlotte promised someone would contact A.O’B at last meeting and copy in sec. but no-one did.

ACTION: RW noted that Nigel Burbridge was responsible for cavity wall insulation and that he (RW) would chase.

• Chair noted Malcolm Brewer was supposed contact Monika Hazelton and to go to Lea View House about the trunking for the satellite’s going across and down walls instead of being hidden.

• SB noted Malcolm Brewer was supposed to get back to her about single properties switchover to digital and to make alternative arrangements (actions 6a and 6b of April13 mins) if can’t go over freeholders.

• SB and chair noted Jim Patterson had not got back to them as promised about the 5 year electricity DPA testing – Q raised specifically by Landfield, Tower Gdns and Street properties (Action 3). RW noted that there is no set time for DPA testing but they like to do it every 5 years. SB commented that hers had not been done for decades.

The discussion turned to repairs and the number of visits needed to complete one repair.

EZ noted that for 20 years, up until Decent Homes did work to the roof, she had had no problems. Since then water seepage had been a serious problem with black mould on the walls.

EZ went on to say the roof is too flat so water collects on bedroom roof – with leaves blocking drains problem worse – water can sit on roof for days or weeks. When she got someone to look at her ceilings she was told it was “condensation”!!! She had damp problems for 3 years and nothing had happened.

Chair and Sec noted they had exactly the same problem with Decent Homes works flat roofs and mould esp in top floor flats.

• Chair asked RW to look into it (block at Nelson Mandela). Sec asked when last time leaves were removed from gutters – EZ answered “never” as far as she knew. Sec asked if there was roof access from stairwells – EZ answered yes, so no need for scaffolding.

Pictures had been taken – Sukie was estate manager and repair reported but Hackney Homes didn’t do work, only paid her compensation. This year she was not prepared to live with damp and get compensation – gutters need to be cleared.

Sec thought guarantee up on Decent Homes as 10 year – may be just finished.

•Action: RW to chase and report back to the EZ, copying in the chair

• A.O’B related that Malcolm Brewer had said at the previous meeting he would sent an updated schedule for aerials going in (he hadn’t) and since then the aerials had gone up.

About 6 months ago the TRA had asked for a list of the aerial schedules and Sukie had followed it up but and sent a schedule to the TRA but had not looked at it because it was an out-dated schedule from the previous year. So she wanted an updated one from M. Brewer but, as mentioned, they are already up now.

A.O’B thought the whole idea was to remove dozens of unsightly dishes in favour of a more discrete single communal dish so was disappointed when the replacement set of aerials look worse that the old ones and stand out a lot more being bright white on red brick.

• Action:  RW said he would get Roy Coneye to email A.O’B with current schedule for properties not yet done – there was some slippage last year and they are catching up now.

• GM & EZ asked about a CCTV camera being taken away after only 8 weeks at Nelson Mandela – they weren’t even sure if it was a working camera

• Action: S.McA said she would find out and let them GM know.

• SC & BT said that on Kier Hardie aerial work started on blocks but not finished before moving to another estate. RW to find out and email chair to pass on.

LW noted Mr Kimson, clerk of works should check aerial work progress and sign off when finished. Contractors should not get paid until then. Also TRA chairs should be asked to be part of sign off.

Chair thanked RW for attending

RPO Report from Coralie Francis

•Concentrating registration is up to date esp as Levy time.

• Working on estate Fun Days and looking into funding – 2 main ones held in Parks, incl one local to here so expect Panel to have presence (August) –

Action: Coralie will confirm date and send to Sec.

• Resident training dates not finalised but will be early June about book keeping and finance

• Resident training date for Equality and diversity on 27th May.

• AGM’s – Mount had to rearrange as not enough people

– Nelson Mandela set at 18 May

– Gooch Hse 20th May

– Beecholme 25th and

– Nightingale 27th

– Kier Hardie 20th May

• Trying to restart TRAs in some of the small blocks

• Disability Forum AGM on 19th May – inaugural meeting (Morley Hall)

• Street properties Forum AGM on 25th May (Lea View Hse)– inaugural meeting as well.

Sec. asked about Mt Pleasant Lane and TRA formation – CF said had details of residents interested and would progress. Chair noted that although never attended the panel she is on our mailing list and is or was a “key rep”

Chair thanked CF for her report

• Pinnacle Report (agenda item 6)

AP distributed report – achieved all targets for last year being second highest on “Rents”, top in “Voids”, “Initial tenancy checks” and “Tenancy audits.”

• Rents a little behind because of rent increase and some people haven’t realised plus in some cases waiting for Housing Benefit to catch up.

• No figs for April – waiting for H. Homes

• No squatters in Clapton area

• ASB – 14 cases in April (half noise) • served one notice to quit • one “acceptable behaviour agreement”

• AP noted that Elsie (head of ASB team) will be at next meeting and asked that questions from the chair be forwarded first.

• AP went on to say that the new ASB team had started just yesterday:

Elsie Sharples: ASB Manager, Lorraine Thomas and Claudette Thomas: Neighbourhood Relations Managers with Stewart Limbrick and Christine Noel the ASB officers.

• From the report AP noted that all members enquiries and complaints had been answered in time.

• Not all estate walkabout dates agreed yet, some have to be agreed with TRA, some with new estate managers.

• Ap gave changes to patches – the 2 people not wanted had moved – from 10th May, managers dealing with TRAs are Tony Williams (patch 5), Sukhy Boothe (patch 6), Marcia Campbell (patch 7), Esther Ojimba (patch 8)

Discussion & questions

• NC asked that “vandalism” be specified in future (eg grafitti)

• GM asked about no of estates each cover – each covering about 880 properties (was about 700) but now without ASB or rents – with the new asb team being bigger there is now 4 estate managers per neighbourhood instead of the 5 there was.

MD asked what the 31 members enquiries were about and if there were all one or two subjects.

AP answered no, that they were a whole raft of subjects and the reason for the large number was the canvassing for the elections.

• NC asked about “noise nuisance” and asked what type and where (street or estates) also “verbal abuse”, what type and said more detail would be good. AP said she would ask Elsie if she can do it, that is to say, if she has the time to break things down.

• NC asked that at least street properties and estate asb is separated to enable NC reporting to the Street Property Forum.

• SC asked when his new estate manager would contact them – S.McA answered during the next week.

Chair thanked AP & S.McA for attending and for the report.

Five minute break

• Chair asked if everyone had phoned Jo Evans with details of their 184 jobs and any works left over from last year that is to be done this year.

SB noted that this year’s walkabout jobs identified will be done next year.

Housing Management Contracts (agenda item 7)

Chair circulated a letter written by chair & sec. on behalf of the panel to Charlotte and the response given by Malcolm Brewer.

• Chair noted that because Pinnacle contract will be cut short some panel’s want to do something about it – chair asked members did they want to object or comment about shortening of Pinnacle’s contract.

• Chair went on to note that we did object to the content of the survey but that is all up to date.

• Chair noted two other panels had asked us if we want to take it a step further.

Members asked the chair for her opinion – chair said their decision and opinion was as important and didn’t want to unduly influence the decision by giving her opinion first.

Members insisted and both chair and sec recommended not pursuing a complaint to the TSA or ombudsmen any other body at this time.

Members unanimously agreed it was pointless at this time

Chair noted that as we are not privy to the financial situation we are not in a position to make a sensible objection.


Sec. read out proposed adjustment – as agreed in principle at the last meeting:

Sec. noted the clause had already been agreed at the Stamford Hill Panel:

XIIb – No ALMO board member may sit on a sub-committee (represent a TRA at a panel meeting) or (by extention) sit on the executive panel as a representative of the panel at any other body.

Note: ALMO board members may be invited to panel meetings to answer questions in the same manner as Local Authority officers and councillors.

SB said that mentioning the exec was redundant because if not on the panel cant be on the exec. (POST ADDENDUM by sec: clause was kept “as is” so that ALMO board members could not be placed onto the Exec from the RLG or any other body)

Chairs Report

• Chair noted the RLG was not working properly, was too cumbersome, can’t say much, was very intimidating as all Hackney’s top officers from all dept’s and partners surrounded the resident members.

• One of the new ideas proposed by Hackney Homes was a 12-member independent tenants panel in place of the RLG and a “leaseholder panel”– ie residents who do not know anything about the system – ie not involved with TRAs.

There will be 2 more meetings to come up with a better system than the RLG.

Sec noted one of the problems was a board member as chair, rather than an independent chair.

• Chair asked for replacement volunteer for Alice to sit on the levy panel (next one in 6 weeks) – no volunteers – will ask again next meeting.

• Chair asked for ideas for presents for Mike Emmett and Gary Pentacost – first suggestion was a gold plated miniature aerial, second suggestion crystal glass with engraving.

Date next meeting: Tue 8th June 2010


184 – The 184 programme deals with “non urgent planned communal repairs and minor improvement works on estates identified and prioritised by residents”. It is not intended to deal with emergency or urgent repairs which are dealt with via reactive repairs budgets.

ASB – Anti Social Behaviour

ALMO – Arms Length Management Organisation

EIB – Estates Improvement Budget: is a fund available to Tenant and Resident Associations who hold Enhanced TRA Meetings. The EIB allocation available to each TRA is based upon the number of properties in the TRA’s catchment area. The figure is worked out by the number of properties multiplied by the sum £25.25.The EIB can be used to pursue a wide variety of projects. The two main criteria required of EIB proposals are: 1) the item must serve to improve the communal area, and 2) Hackney Homes have the requisite in-house capacity to carry out the request.

HH – Hackney Homes

NIBS – Neighbourhood Investment Board

NELA – North East Leasehold Association

RPO – Resident Participation Officer

TPO – Tenant Participation Officers support TRAs in development and

project work. Duties of the new TPO role would include building the capacity of providing support for TRAs, taking a lead role in running focus groups and consultations, provide guidance and assistance with funding applications and enhanced working with Neighbourhood Panels and other groups.

TRA – Tenant Residents Association

TSA – Tenant Services Authority


MINUTES of the Clapton Neighbourhood Sub-Committee Panel Meeting
Held at Gooch House, Kenninghall Road on
Tuesday 13 April 2010 at 1900hrs

Mavis McGee (MM) (Landfield) Chairman
George McGee (GM) (Landfield) Vice Chair
David White (DW) (Beecholme) Secretary
Susan Borghys (SB) (Tower Gardens)
Barbara Pollitt Administrator – Minutes

Malcolm Brewer (MB) HH
Michelle Menzie (Mme) HH
Charlotte Graves (CG) HH
Jim Paterson (JP) HH
Gary Lane (GL) HH
Stan Cohen (Keir Hardie)
Nicholas Corbett (NC)(Street Properties Forum)
Maureen Devine (MD) Seaton Point
Johanna Evans (JE) HH
Monika Hazelton (Lea View)
Tracy Hickey (Wrens Park)
George Richards (Wrens Park)
Brenda Townsend (Keir Hardie)
Helen Williams (Lea View)
Linda Wilson (Tower Gardens)
Anna O’Brien (Jack Watts)

Welcome and Apologies: Kate Michaelson, Michael Shore, Elliott Brooks.

Minutes of the last meeting (9Mar10) were agreed as correct except for:
SB: furniture in communal blocks, MB said it would be done immediately but not done.
MD: TV aerials – BK said blocks of flats would not be “made good” and it was not incorporated within the price.

ACTION MM to request/receive breakdown of costs.
MH: it should be noted that there was some distress over the installation of aerials at Lee View House.
SB: it should be noted that an aerial will not be installed where a tenant’s property adjoins a leaseholder.

Matters arising from last meeting (9Mar10):
MD: when was the legislation introduced to remove existing aerials/Sky dishes? MB said “many years ago” and the £120 cost went to Planning Department, not Hackney Homes. Although it was not allowed without planning permission, Hackney Council had allowed dishes to go up – in effect you penalised those who did not break their tenancy agreements. Held hand up but trying to rectify: proliferation of dishes meant the only affordable attempt to resolve was to replace with a Master system. Now there was an opportunity to remove the old ones when the scaffolding was erected at Gooch Hse.  MB satisfied targets would be met by 2012. BK advised enforcing this legislation with same vigour as that of Health & Safety. MB said that expensive Court Injunctions would only increase bills. In any case no court would be likely to evict on that basis. BT asked why continue to include in tenancy agreements when there was no hope of enforcement. CG said there would be stronger enforcement in future systems.
MD enquired how much the glossy Digital Switchover brochure had cost (MB replied that leaflets were done inhouse and criteria was to be “readable”).
SB: bikes etc left in communal doorways, Inglethorpe House.

ACTION MM will arrange to have removed. 7 day letter issued.

Actions from the last meeting (9Mar10):
ACTION01: completed – webbing for pigeons not paid for.
ACTION02: completed – warning of impending work to go on noticeboards 4 weeks prior to major works.
ACTION03: JP to investigate frequency of electricity testing/5 year plan (Tower Gardens, Landfield and Street Properties).
ACTION04: completed – hole at Keir Hardie difficult to see.
ACTION05: JE did not attend –  JE promised to email information about system being at fault/picked up on 184.
ACTION06a: MB to speak to team about single properties.
ACTION06b: Switchover, Hogan Way, MB to inform SB so can make alternative arrangements.
ACTION07: AP did not attend – AP to arrange for specialist team to talk to the Panel about dog fouling.

Questions for Charlotte Graves:
(MH) Who is responsible for leaseholders’ buildings insurance? Flooding by adjacent tenants: tenants told to claim against their own insurance meant inevitable higher premiums next time round. Lea View House tenants are unhappy and need clarification. Hackney Council is responsible but does not cover the negligence of someone else. ACTION(a) CG aware of address xx Lea View House. Will highlight the issue in newspaper.
(MM/DW) Subsequent return visits to correct badly carried out repairs – not cost effective. GL said there was no significant findings on Saffron over 18 months but this could be the fault of the software set-up. xx Stellman: 5 queries in 5 months. xx Stellman: now resolved with new boiler/radiators fitted but it highlighted persistent serious problem with rodents on Landfield Estate – dead mice found in the loft – no-one from Environmental Health had followed through.

ACTION (d) GL JP to arrange for attic inspection at Stellman. MM stated they were repeatedly complaining to HH about 10 visits each time digging holes outside the property but problem remained unresolved.  At xx Beechholme three visits by carpenters to execute corner boxing – didn’t have the right tools/wood with them – pipe leaking – started 2/3 years’ ago but finally after 10 visits the problem was resolved. Mellington community area was an ongoing problem.

ACTION(e) G L  JP to send manager to these properties to determine exactly how many visits were made. HH carried out 120,000 repairs per annum. Ultimately multi-skilled operatives/”one stop shop” required. DW said it was disconcerting that the software failed to highlight these repeat visits. MM concerned that tenants expected to do their own pest control in H.A Properties was a waste of time as freeholders/Housing Associations were failing in their duty to control pests (mice/squirrels). ( Lea view HSE )When GL  JP said to report to him any further rodent problems, HW said she had done this again and again but no-one had come. BK asked why a database showing location of keys etc to gain entry to Council property was not available – instead he was being continually pestered for this information whilst he was at work 8 miles away!

ACTION(f) GL to talk to Jackie Loftus/investigate whether staff can find out how to access community Halls/communal repairs (especially Beckers Community Hall). MK gave spare keys to Jackie Loftus. SB asked why it was assumed that John Lavinia/Council employees knew best and her ideas rebutted? She described how trunking for a new multi-fuel cooker in her flat was destined to trail all 4 walls whereas the cooker could simply be re-sited (which was also cheaper and would not take all day).

ACTION(g) GL to investigate xx Hogan Way. CG confirmed that she would give out the message that the tenant very often knows more than the operative (common sense).
(MH) Indoor trunking issues following aerial replacement (especially flats with unusual layout): 4 cables, long corridors, looked unsightly, was not carried out as described, and caused much distress! MH, in effect, did the work of Hackney Council by liaising/arranging meetings with all 204 flats.

ACTION(b) CG to request MB to look at the situation. MB said his team worked with Avalon who emphasised complaints received and must advise each dwelling how they were going to execute the installation, contacting the TRA to explain in advance. MK said the impression gained was that the tenants were not very important in the scheme of things and were unfairly treated. DW agreed that using common sense in installations was a rarity.

Cavity Wall Insulation (AO’B). CG explained that CWI had to be done quickly within a timescale as soon as grant funding became available. AO’B was concerned about reducing carbon footprint – this was non-negotiable. Meeting with John Borobridge £2.6m available? CG was unsure.

ACTION(c) CG to arrange for presentation/discussion with AOB. CG confirmed there was a HH Board representative for sustainability. AOB asked whether there was mention of reducing carbon emissions on the website. DW’s research revealed £83m national “pot”. Could HH bid for that money and if so what support was available? Minimum application of 1000 properties but HH stated only over 4 storeys high or were there 2 separate grants available?

ACTION (d) CG to telephone DW tomorrow with an answer.

184/EIB (BK). A handout from JO was distributed showing completed jobs. JO asked for people to email her what they wanted; everything could be done. However she suggested leaving small contingency fund. DW mentioned reactive repairs from walkabouts. JO said she could not do these unless agreed by the Panel. The repair centre was incorrectly categorised. JP confirmed they were not falling through but the majority being picked up as 184. DW said if there was no money then why not say so? CG agreed it was unacceptable just to leave in the air. MM referred to losing some of the money for the floodlights for the kickabout area on Landfield Estate. The bulk of the work would be paid for. BK asked about money left over and why TRAs were limited to the number of projects put in for. If not fully spent that money was put to the 184 budget. But if more than 2 projects you can’t do that because TP team can’t deal with all the projects. JO explained that 1st, 2nd and 3rd projects were requested because there were so many unrealistic jobs but you could have as many choices/projects as you liked. A catalogue would be given this year and you would know how much money you were spending. BK wanted to know how quickly they would revert before the money was frozen.

ACTION(o) JO to discuss with Clive/re-word to give greater clarity. CG confirmed there was no likelihood of 184 being scrapped and the money put back into EIB. SB queried using the money for a security light instead but was told she did not have enough money. ACTION(p) JO to ask David and Clive tomorrow (even £100 is too much to lose). DW suggested “not limited to this catalogue” Jo acknowledged that the catalogue was not a complete list but would give residents an idea of costs. JO confirmed that the EIB for this year would be £25.25p – the same as last year. GL confirmed the contractor Crispin & Borst would walk around to pick up works. BK said limited to contractors used for EIB, he had applied for gardening. DW noted Grass Root Company (who use Wendy Allen designs, who won 1st prize at Hampton Court last year) are now on Saffron so can be used for grounds work. TH witnessed just a hole dug by HH grounds staff and plant dropped in, no prep, no weeding and MK said their work done at Lea View looked terrible. BK asked when ALMOs would end and CG confirmed she did not know whether there would there be a referendum: nothing had been published about this. Council would discuss in June/July 2010.



ACTION(h) CG to check that Street Properties 4(11 total) in Mount Pleasant Lane have central heating. GL said that a CP12 certificate must be issued when central heating is installed and would email the timescale. SB asked about the tenants’ right to “quiet enjoyment” – what prospect was there of soundproofing properties? MB stated that properties had the standards which were in force at the time of building. It was possibly cheaper to demolish and start again than soundproofing. CG doubted there was any money for an entire estate and pointed out the terms of the lease regarding essential carpeting.

ACTION(i) GL to check NC’s sink cupboard door could be replaced despite the fact that the Decent Homes Programme intended to replace kitchens/bathrooms. MD highlighted there was no “joined up thinking” regarding the order of play before the expensive painting of Seaton Point bearing in mind the history of flooding.

ACTION(k) GL to meet Seaton Point concierge/MD/Bob Snowskill to check the canopy/ensure this was investigated. MD asked about the damage by Hackney Council to the Gerda gates – CG had received similar complaints. Also at Seaton Point (on 10th and 20th floors) the louvres were opening up so the windows had been sealed – no escape possible in an emergency. MD pointed out the constant fight with leaseholders over the charge (“waste of time”, “circle of negligence”). Another example was erecting dog fouling signs – costly as people were paying for something that could not be enforced.

ACTION(L) GL to do fire/risk assessment prior to the painting commencing. MD stated the concierge failed to notice that the cover of a light was broken. Apparently these were no longer available – would just any cover do? MD said that Powell Road Flats/Ferron Road/1st floor Sylvia Sterry had to wait 17 hours for someone to turn up after flooding. Also she received a letter about how she must remove plants on the balcony. As she won “Hackney in Bloom” she is understandably upset. MM commented that Nightingale Estate was a regeneration Estate with millions of pounds already been spent there. How could officers justify Seaton Point being re-painted (was painted within last 10 years) when others had not been painted at all? SB enquired about Hogan Way security issues, houses were being burgled, Police would be able to offer some help, but why should it come out of the 184 about which leaseholders would complain. NC responded that Street Properties had security issues too.

ACTION(m) JP to invite someone to speak before 22nd – add AO’B to distribution. ACTION(n) aerials – MB to send updated version.

CHAIR’S REPORT. MM read aloud a letter Alice Burke had sent to the Panel referring to her decision to resign at the last panel meeting. This was discussed and taken to a vote: 5 to accept AB’s resignation and 4 to reject AB’s resignation (1 abstention). This decision was taken because it was clear as a board member Alice had a conflict of interest over the Have Your Say Survey. The meeting also noted that “conflict of interest” would be a problem for any board member on a panel if and when decisions about the ALMO were discussed. Members suggested a letter to be sent to the board recommending board members not being allowed on panels or be TRA chairs. Also that the constitution should be changed. The meeting thought that may have been the rule at formation of the ALMO but the board had since changed the goal posts to suit themselves.

ACTION(q) DW to compose the amendment to the constitution about ALMO Board members being allowed on Panels.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 11 May 2010 at 1900hrs.

184 – The 184 programme deals with “non urgent planned communal repairs and minor improvement works on estates identified and prioritised by residents”. It is not intended to deal with emergency or urgent repairs which are dealt with via reactive repairs budgets.
ASB – Anti Social Behaviour

ALMO – Arms Length Management Organisation
EIB – Estates Improvement Budget: is a fund available to Tenant and Resident Associations who hold Enhanced TRA Meetings. The EIB allocation available to each TRA is based upon the number of properties in the TRA’s catchment area. The figure is worked out by the number of properties multiplied by the sum £25.25.The EIB can be used to pursue a wide variety of projects. The two main criteria required of EIB proposals are: 1) the item must serve to improve the communal area, and 2) Hackney Homes have the requisite in-house capacity to carry out the request.
HH – Hackney Homes
NIBS – Neighbourhood Investment Board
NELA – North East Leasehold Association
RPO – Resident Participation Officer
TPO – Tenant Participation Officers support TRAs in development and
Project work. Duties of the new TPO role would include building the capacity of providing support for TRAs, taking a lead role in running focus groups and consultations, provide guidance and assistance with funding applications and enhanced working with Neighbourhood Panels and other groups.
TRA – Tenant Residents Association
TSA – Tenant Services Authority


MINUTES of the Clapton Neighbourhood Sub-Committee Panel Meeting
Held at Gooch House, Kenninghall Road on
Tuesday 9 March 2010 at 1900hrs

Mavis McGee (MM) (Landfield) Chairman
George McGee (GM) (Landfield) Vice Chair
David White (DW) (Beecholme) Secretary
Susan Borghys (SB) (Tower Gardens)
Barbara Pollitt Administrator – Minutes

Malcolm Brewer (MB) HH
Alice Burke (Nightingale)
Stan Cohen (Keir Hardie)
Nicholas Corbett (NC)(Street Properties Forum)
Maureen Devine (MD) Seaton Point
Johanna Evans (JE) HH
Monika Hazelton (Lea View)
Tracy Hickey (Wrens Park)
Siobhan McAuliffe (Pinnacle)
Adis Pajic (Pinnacle)
Jim Paterson (JP) HH
George Richards (Wrens Park)
Mike Shore
Brenda Townsend (Keir Hardie)
Helen Williams (Lea View)
Linda Wilson (Tower Gardens)

Welcome and Apologies: Anna O’Brien, Charlotte Graves, Michael Shore, and Elliott Brooks.

Minutes of the last meeting: (9 February 2010) were agreed.

Matters arising/actions from the last meeting. MD asked why the stolen plants had not been returned. MB explained that a statutory fire risk assessment had deemed them to be a fire risk. GM asked whether an assessment had been carried out on the pram sheds. Secretary was still investigating the length of time it took to report repairs via the telephone: in June09 90% of callers were connected, Jan10 58% (1200 calls per day).  Secretary clarified that the Directive instructing not to send leaflets in different languages came from the Department of Communities and Local Government.

Property Services (184/EIB budgets). Any 184 money remaining unspent was to be carried forward to a “Year 2 programme” commencing 1 April 2010. By the end of April what figure left over will be known?  AB said webbing to stop pigeons was still outstanding from 3 years’ ago whereas JE said that according to the job ticket, it had been completed. JE assured that 90% of jobs were inspected (before and after photographs). In future if some thing is priority, contact JE immediately.

ACTION: JE to determine whether this job had been paid for and resolved. NC asked if there would be a Street Properties budget: very few communal areas affected street properties and a suggestion was to join the umbrella of a local TRA (Tower Gardens). MH asked how to find out whether your area was on the list: JE informed that their EIB was spent. MD said that key residents of Rogate House were not sharing information. With regard to paving slabs mentioned by SB, this was a Health and Safety issue.

ACTION: JE thought it would help if she arranged for a warning notice to be put on the nearest notice board(s) 4 weeks before a major job was started.
DW wanted to know how much had actually been lost in 184/EIB budget?: JE said £100,000 had to be spent before April 2010 and she had identified EIB works that would cover that sum so IT wouldn’t BE LOST. JE thought that £30k had probably not been spent out of this year’s money and this would be carried forward to the 2 Year Programme. DW asked whether money was taken from the 184 fund for repairs.  Neil Isaacs said that to meet the legal requirements the only budget available was the 184 fund. What actually happened? JP said they were advised in Nov/Dec that they were overshooting the budget and therefore went through every single item in the budget, line by line. What was left was a small amount of discretionary budgets. JP said that out of £1.4m, £1.2m had been spent. JE indicated that every area had its cuts in some way or another. DW asked about the repairs budget: JP described this as “demand led”. DW questioned whether this winter had been worse that any other. JE stated that even if it was not spent on 184, a lot of money had been spent on communal work. AB said repairs were up threefold this year – potholes left by the heavy snow.
NC asked how often street properties should be painted – 7/8 years?  SB asked whether electricity testing should be done on properties more than 30 years old.

ACTION JE to find out.
MM was concerned that pram sheds joined to a building on estates should be checked for combustibles (paint tins etc). MB replied only if there was a need to inspect. SC reported that nothing had been done about a hole difficult to see in the dark on Kier Hardie. ACTION: JE to action but suggested reporting to the Estate Manager securing a job number with which to chase.
LW reported garages were full of items not belonging to people who actually lived on the estate. MB acknowledged it was difficult obtaining access to garages. MD was concerned about the cost of repeating jobs which should have been done properly in the first place and also why this had not been investigated. What procedures were in place? JE said they should have a new ticket and a re-call generated.  JE said that you could ask for job tickets to be investigated/disputed. MD saw this as doing somebody’s job for them. JE concluded by describing new software – Universal System – arriving in stages – fully customisable which should resolve problems of job tickets.
DW asked whether notices through doors warning of a possible £2k fine help resolve the problem of people illegally storing flammable materials in pram sheds. SB wanted to know what the Estate Managers were doing. AP confirmed that in future if an item could not be authorised a response to that effect would nevertheless be given.  This was an improvement on no response at all. AP thought it unfair to blame Estate Managers. AB said that if it wasn’t the fault of the Estate Manager then Estate Services must be to blame. AP corrected AB – Property Services. AP would not blame individuals – the system was at fault. JE asked that this should be discussed and then picked up on the 184.

ACTION: SM confirmed that this information would be emailed. NC asked who was responsible for roofs, loose slates: to report to Estate Manager. Where a roof is attached to a freehold property there is a clear cut off point between the 2 properties: MB confirmed that should not stop roofs being repaired/replaced.

TV Aerials: booklets entitled “Digital Switchover” were handed out. Freehold or street properties will not be connected. There were comments to effect that the booklet could have been produced in black and white to save money and that because the resulting internal wiring looked unsightly there would be a charge for trunking. MB pointed out it was a service charge, not rent. BT asked why Avalon was not finishing the estate in its entirety.

ACTION (A): MB would also speak to the team about single properties.

ACTION (B): MB to send a breakdown of costs to MM.
MD pointed out that people who do not have a dish would in effect be paying to remove those dishes that other people had refused to remove. BT asked why tenants should have the eyesore (internal wiring) inside because the Council didn’t want the eyesore outside.
Pinnacle Report. Handout dated 9 March 2010. AP described how records of small ASBs belonging to one family would now be collated and action could be taken. Universal software will incorporate repairs in due course. MM did not know that Hackney Council could overturn the legal department’s advice [not to prosecute] on ASB. She referred to 7 dogs unleashed in the communal area and the ruling by the legal department that nothing could be done. However there was a distinction – there was a fine of up to £2k for dogs fouling the street but this did not apply to private estates.

ACTION: AP to arrange for specialist team to talk to the Panel at a future date.

Chair’s Report. AB mentioned the letter to the Mayor, Julian Pipes, that had been sent prematurely in error – and the resulting correction to the minutes. MM made no apologies that “Charlotte Graves was upset” as AB reported– this was part of her job – MM’s job was to report resident’s views. The majority of the Panel agreed with the letter’s contents. MM accepted responsibility as she had told the Secretary to print the letter on Panel letter heading (in order to present it to the Panel for their comments) – but this was unsaid and so interpreted instead as an instruction to send it.
The Chair was handed by AB what could only be described as minutes (not “notes”) of a meeting which she had understood was simply “a chat over a cup of tea” at AB’s home on Tuesday 23 February. On arrival MM was surprised to see Coralie Frances RPO Officer for HH taking notes – with hindsight MM should have walked away. It was clear that CF was not an independent participant; she worked for Hackney Homes. MM asked AB why she thought it necessary to have CF there. She stated “to cover her back”. AB refused to hear any more and said she was resigning from the panel and left the meeting.

Lockhart training weekend at Pearse House, Bishops Stortford: a reminder that cabs/minibus would depart at 1415hrs on Friday 26 March 2010 and return at 1500hrs on Sunday.

Following the cabinet meeting a decision had been made to take everything back in-house by 2011 and operational by 2012 – Pinnacle would no longer continue.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 13 April 2010 at 1900hrs.

184 – The 184 programme deals with “non urgent planned communal repairs and minor improvement works on estates identified and prioritised by residents”. It is not intended to deal with emergency or urgent repairs which are dealt with via reactive repairs budgets.
ASB – Anti Social Behaviour

ALMO – Arms Length Management Organisation
EIB – Estates Improvement Budget: is a fund available to Tenant and Resident Associations who hold Enhanced TRA Meetings. The EIB allocation available to each TRA is based upon the number of properties in the TRA’s catchment area. The figure is worked out by the number of properties multiplied by the sum £25.25.The EIB can be used to pursue a wide variety of projects. The two main criteria required of EIB proposals are: 1) the item must serve to improve the communal area, and 2) Hackney Homes have the requisite in-house capacity to carry out the request.
HH – Hackney Homes
NIBS – Neighbourhood Investment Board
NELA – North East Leasehold Association
RPO – Resident Participation Officer
TPO – Tenant Participation Officers support TRAs in development and
Project work. Duties of the new TPO role would include building the capacity of providing support for TRAs, taking a lead role in running focus groups and consultations, provide guidance and assistance with funding applications and enhanced working with Neighbourhood Panels and other groups.
TRA – Tenant Residents Association
TSA – Tenant Services Authority


MINUTES of the Clapton Neighbourhood Sub-Committee Panel Meeting
Held at Gooch House, Kenninghall Road

Tuesday 9 Febuary 2010

at 1900hrs.

Mavis McGee (MM) (Landfield) Chairman
George McGee (GM) (Landfield) Vice Chair
David White (DW) (Beecholme) Secretary
Susan Borghys (SB) (Tower Gardens)
Barbara Pollitt Administrator – Minutes

Alan Geffen (Powell House, GABS)
Alice Burke (Nightingale)
Anna O’Brien (Theydon Road)(Hackney Community Empowerment Network)
Bimba Kasturiratne (The Beckers)
Brenda Townsend (Keir Hardie)
Connie Rivers (Jack Watts)
Emine Zihni (Nelson Mandela)
George Richards (Wrens Park)
Gloria Marks (Nelson Mandela)
Helen Williams (Lea View)
Kate Michaelson (The Beckers)
Maureen Devine (Seaton Point)
Monika Hazelton (Lea View)
Nicholas Corbett (NC)(Street property)
Stan Cohen (Keir Hardie)
Tracy Hickey (Wrens Park)

Welcome and Apologies: Linda Wilson, Mike Shore, Robert Perot (standing down – Kate Michaelson takes over at the Beckers Estate).

Minutes of the last meeting: (12 January 2010) were agreed.

Matters arising/actions from the last meeting. MD asked that Adis Pajic report back on replacing stolen plants.

ACTION: AB still to report TSA numbers.

ACTION: AP – how many people were allowed to occupy a leasehold 2 bed flat?

ACTION: Secretary still investigating the length of time it takes on the telephone to report repairs.

ACTION: AP’s meeting with Gary Pentecost did not take place (see next Pinnacle Report). ACTION: Joanna Evans put Nightingale on the list as needing a bicycle shelter.

ACTION: BK’s levy grant – AB to ring Gareth.

ACTION: Malcolm Brewer had been invited (to this meeting) to discuss aerials – no response – ask again for March meeting.
BK thought minority groups eg Asian Women’s group segregating rather than sharing information with TRAs.

ACTION: Chair to write to Nehara or Clive Taber – is enough being done getting these groups integrated with the panels etc? • Street properties 184 money allocated for communal repairs. • Freeholders on estates can attend TRA meetings. • MD remembered a Government directive instructing not to send leaflets in different languages as people would never try to learn English. AO’B commented that illiteracy occurred in every language.

ACTION: Sec. to find out from where this directive came.

TV and satellite aerials: Malcolm Brewer (Hackney Homes). Did not attend.

Community Pay Back scheme – Sec explained Pay-back was labour in the form of offenders doing community service. The scheme was current.
Community Cash Back £14m confiscated from the criminal element of society. Sec. also noted although the scheme was closed for the time being – see website:  HYPERLINK “” , in expectation it will re-open the panel had been asked to come up with community ideas. Sec. suggested the money could be used for children’s playgrounds, crime reduction and community safety. A list of ideas that needed money for projects to improve our neighbourhood was noted. The panel agreed with the Chair that the money could help train and equip “Rising Tide” – a group set up recently to develop young people for the next generation of TRA participants. SB’s estate badly needed a Community Hall: AB suggested contacting TPOs who had schemes to bring a community together. AG observed that EIB/184 grants were based on the number of dwellings, and his estate needed gates and fences for security. GR asked if it could be used to provide, say, a portacabin or somewhere to go during the time that a new lift was being installed in his community hall. Sec. quoted “Activities for young people on Friday and Saturday nights”. The Beckers was achieving positive results despite having to resort to a scheme which rewarded attendance. MM reminded the Panel that there were plenty of opportunities for young people 11-19 provided they were willing to get off their backsides and do it!

Area Action Plan handout (Sec.).  Clapton promised an AAP in 2005. Other areas in Hackney have one already, why not Clapton? AAP can cover • saving specific buildings from the hands of developers • stopping the sub-division of houses into flats • limiting the density of developments • monitoring the visual environment, eg could include limits and guidance to Council for signage to avoid too many signs on a street corner. Sec. asked everyone to write in and sign the petition for the AAP for Clapton. Noted Clapton councillors Linda Kelly, ian Rathbone & Deniz Ogulzanli and MP Diane well as Hackney Society supported the AAP campaign.

Property Services. 184/EIB budgets – nothing back from Gary Putwain. BK was unhappy with the Council’s incompetence/EIB lack of progress. It was suggested he emails Clive Taber, Jo Evans plus “cc’s”. BK related that a contractor was doubling the quantities needed and providing garage doors that had not been asked for. BK said he had finally received the go-ahead but was concerned that the Council should not get away with it. AB was aware of the current EIB/184 situation but said only that they were “in abeyance”:  anything new after December 2009 would be frozen.

ACTION: Specific questions from the Panel should be prepared/submitted to Malcolm Brewer/Charlotte Graves in advance of them being invited to and attending the March meeting.

Pinnacle Report handout dated 9 February 2010.

RPO Report. Sec. distributed copies of the report dated 10 February 2010.

Chair’s Report. The survey “Have your Say on Services” was discussed. The Sec. read aloud a letter from the chair (on behalf of the panel) to send to the Mayor pointing out the inadequacies of the survey. After much discussion it was agreed that the survey was inadequate and somewhat misleading because most residents were (still are) unaware of the different roles H. Homes, the partners and the council play – most think it’s all “council”. They felt the survey lacked proper introductory explanation.
The meeting was also annoyed that only two questions related to “Having your say”, the remaining being personal profiling questions – it was therefore a “profile survey with a couple of other questions thrown in” and was not sufficient if it was supposed to be the deciding survey.
In explanation AB told the meeting it was in effect a survey just to check residents views and was for internal Hackney Homes use rather than a survey whose answers would decide whether housing management comes in-house or not. AB also noted that only two other neighbourhoods had found any fault with the survey so was not representative.
In response some members said they considered a figure of 3 (with this panel) out of 7 neighbourhoods unhappy [so far] represented a large minority.
The chair noted that only after demanding the right to know the results of the survey will they now be made public.
At the end of the discussion the secretary asked for a show of hands for those in agreement with the letter’s content. The result of which was 19 for/2 against.

Any other business.
• Having attended a conference last week, AB summarised the role of TSAs, Councils, ALMOs, leaseholders and freeholders will join. Their powers include inspection and fines and if accepted, could appear throughout the country.
• MM was glad to report that Sue Borghys was back, and we were thinking of Linda Wilson, Lemmi and Beverley who are recuperating.
• AO’B was advised by AB to contact Charlotte Graves/Curtis Taylor regarding cavity wall insulation. AO’B asked if his subject could appear on the next Agenda. Sec noted that ACTION: Sec to find out if there are programs in place for cavity wall insulation
• SB said that young people were being put into pensioners’ accommodation.
• Lockhart training weekend away will be at Pearse House, Bishops Stortford and transport is included.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 9 March 2010 at 1900hrs.

184 programme deals with “non urgent planned communal repairs and minor improvement works on estates identified and prioritised by residents”. It is not intended to deal with emergency or urgent repairs which are dealt with via reactive repairs budgets.
Anti Social Behaviour
Arms Length Management Organisation
Estates Improvement Budget: is a fund available to Tenant and Resident Associations who hold Enhanced TRA Meetings. The EIB allocation available to each TRA is based upon the number of properties in the TRA’s catchment area. The figure is worked out by the number of properties multiplied by the sum £25.25.The EIB can be used to pursue a wide variety of projects. The two main criteria required of EIB proposals are: 1) the item must serve to improve the communal area, and 2) Hackney Homes have the requisite in-house capacity to carry out the request.
Hackney Homes
Neighbourhood Investment Board
North East Leasehold Association
Resident Participation Officer
Tenant Participation Officers support TRAs in development and
project work. Duties of the new TPO role would include building the capacity of providing support for TRAs, taking a lead role in running focus groups and consultations, provide guidance and assistance with funding applications and enhanced working with Neighbourhood Panels and other groups.
Tenant Residents Association
Tenant Services Authority

To include in Agenda for March 2010:
Cavity Wall Insulation (AO’B)
Ask Charlotte Graves: Who is responsible for leaseholders’ buildings insurance? (MH)


Clapton Neighbourhood Residents Panel

MINUTES of Meeting

Tuesday 12 January 2010

Held at Gooch House, Kenninghall Road at 1900hrs.


Panel Officers:

Mavis McGee (MM) (Landfield) Chairman
George McGee (GM) (Landfield) Vice-chair
David White (DW) Secretary

Barbara Pollitt Administrator – Minutes

Panel Members:

Stan Cohen (Keir Hardie)
Maureen Devine (Nightingale)
Alice Burke (Nightingale)
Joyce Forbes (JF)
Brenda Townsend (Keir Hardie)
Tracy Hickey (Wrens Park)
George Richards (Wrens Park)
Bimba Kasturiratne (The Beckers)

Nick Corbett (NC) (Street Property Forum)

Invited Officers:

Adis Pajic, Siobahn McAuliffe (Pinnacle) (AP,SMcA)

Welcome and Apologies. Susan Borghys, Elliott Brooks, Linda Wilson, Helen Williams, Monika Hazelton, Mike Emmett, Coralie Francis.

Minutes of the last meeting held on 18 December 2009 were agreed (one amendment).

Matters arising/actions from the last meeting. There were several ways to report Anti Social Behaviour (“ASB”)- AB said to either contact her or Wayne Hutton, tell the Estate Manager or go to the websites – Hackney Homes “Home” page or the Clapton Panel’s website. ACTION: TSA numbers – AB will give to Chair. You can ring the TSA if you are not happy with your Council and they will investigate.

Pinnacle Report. Handout dated 12Jan10. AB reported that voids were not being let properly – when taking to view they did not have their specifications with them. NC said that a property near to him was boarded up with squatters living there rent-free. AP talked about the difficulties securing properties but despite everything, rent arrears had reduced over 3 years. Christmas time (together with the snow and extra heating costs this year) was the time of year when rent arrears were at their highest. AP repeated the procedure including potential welfare benefits. Debt collectors were trained to go through expenditure with the tenant and Pinnacle continued to monitor by producing weekly reports of those who did not pay. If a case reached court Pinnacle had to justify that they had done everything they could to help people pay (otherwise the judge told them not to come back). BK suggested they encourage people to pay more at other times of the year.

When NC asked about overcrowding together with noise pollution he was informed that this was ASB and to report it to his Estate Manager. Chair to attend a meeting on 20Jan10 Safer Neighbourhood Team to report ASB. ACTION: AP would find out how many people were allowed to occupy a leasehold 2-bedroom flat.

It had taken JF 3 days to report 2 repairs using the call centre. ACTION: Secretary to investigate the length of time it takes on the telephone to report repairs. JF suggested they incorporate “you are the 5th person waiting”.*

BK asked what was the point of walkabouts as nothing ever happened – the same things occurred over and over again. AP responded that Gary Pentecost had chaired two meetings trying to find a solution. It was better to hear back that something would be done, say, in 6 months’ time rather than not hear anything at all. AP acknowledged that tenants were not getting the answers that they deserved.  Also discussed was whether block inspections should be merged with walkabouts. Chair asked why the Panel had not been involved in the Stamford Hill meetings with Gary Pentecost [Officers only] and perhaps the Panel should organise something themselves. ACTION: after the meeting with Gary Pentecost, AP to express the Panel’s views and also include the outcome in Pinnacle’s next report.

For reasons of access, bikes would no longer be allowed to be stored in walkways or communal landings. MD considered that Malcolm Brewer went for soft targets and upset everyone when enforcing bicycle removal discriminately.  AP said this was to protect tenants and not the fault of Malcolm Brewer. Also plants removed were considered by MD as “stolen from the community”.  Secretary said that there was a need for bicycle shelters. If Hackney Homes did not respond to a work order then people should continue to chase until a response was received. Bicycle sheds were not free, however, the cost was approximately £30 per year. ACTION: AP would report back on bicycle storage. ACTION: Ask Joanna Evans to contact AB about money available for bicycle shelter and that the Nightingale Estate/Seaton Place should be put forward as needing one.

RPO Report. Handout dated 12Jan10. BK was unhappy about the RPO not attending this meeting because he had submitted a form regarding funding for special project from the Levy to Gareth Peters and heard nothing in response.  It was agreed that there was no deadline – you could apply at any time. ACTION: Sec. to email Faisal with a copy to CF.

BT asked about aerials. ACTION: Malcolm Brewer and Gary Pentecost to be invited to the next meeting to discuss aerials.

Chair’s Report.

Chair asked for a vote for whether this Panel should send representatives to NELA at a cost of £350 [halved].  ACTION: Unanimously against so Chair to decline – the reason being there is already a leasehold forum run by HH who are already aware of the problems that centre around Decent Homes.

Any other business.

Get Well cards to Sue Borghys and Mike Emmett, who are both recovering from operations, were circulated for signature.

MD suggested that we follow Stamford Hill’s example and have less frequent (i.e. bi-monthly) meetings rather than monthly ones. The NO vote was carried. BK thought it would speed up meetings if we could submit before the meeting commenced a list of subjects to be discussed. ACTION: questions for Malcolm Brewer and Gary Pentecost to be submitted to the Chair before 09Feb10 – the date of the next meeting.

BK asked what was the point of the Asian Women’s Forum (RPO Report) and suggested that once they had been “nurtured” they should form part of their TRA otherwise they could be separatist. ACTION: Chair to ask CF at next meeting.

A menu for the Panel dinner to be held on Fri22Jan10 at Cipriano Greek Restaurant on Leabridge Road was discussed.

Chair suggested another meal with Estate Managers (and Team Leader) be held as soon as possible as Estate Managers would be changing. The date of Fri19Feb10 was agreed to be held at the Ferryboat Inn.

Chair asked who wanted to attend the Lockhart training for week ending 26Mar10 at Colchester University.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 9 February 2009 at 19

*re: Call centre telephony – Last summer calls to repairs number approx 600-800 a day with aver 97.5% calls answered in 5 rings. This winter number up to approx 1200-1400 a day with around 50% answered in over 5 minutes wait.

Although the new “universal housing” IT system telephony software is working, the hardware will not  allow “fifth call waiting” so that will have to wait until new phones are installed.

I am still making enquiries about this and will update you as soon as I am given the answers to my obvious questions – when are new phones coming and what is being done to get the call answer rate back up to 97% .

from Sec.


Clapton Neighbourhood Residents Panel

MINUTES of Meeting

Tuesday 8 December 2009

Held at Gooch House, Kenninghall Road

at 1800hrs.


Mavis McGee (MM) (Landfield) Chairman
Susan Borghys (SB) (Tower Gardens) Treasurer
David White (DW) (Beecholme) Secretary
Barbara Pollitt Administrator – Minutes

Alice Burke (Nightingale)
Stan Cohen (Keir Hardie)
Maureen Devine (Nightingale)
Brenda Townsend (Keir Hardie)
Tracy Hickey (Wrens Park)
Helen Williams (Lea View House)
Linda Wilson (Tower Gardens)
Monika Hazelton (Lea View House)
George Richards (Wrens Park)
Bimba Kasturiratne (The Beckers)
Emine Zihni (Nelson Mandela) (EZ)
Gloria Marks (Nelson Mandela)
Alan Geffen (Powell House)

Nick Corbett (Street Property)

1. Welcome and Apologies.

2. Minutes of the last meeting held on 13 October 2009 were agreed (one amendment).

3. Matters arising/actions from the last meeting.
ACTION: Secretary to obtain confirmation in writing from Hackney Council regarding 48 hours CCTV action.*

4. Service Improvement Priorities. The Panel had been asked to complete this form. However it was difficult to understand and some of the questions were irrelevant. It was agreed that an officer needed to explain what it means – initially at an ETRA meeting – before it goes before individual TRAs.
ACTION: an officer to be invited to the next Panel meeting.

5. Pinnacle Report. This will be discussed at the next meeting.

6. RPO Report. Arrived too late for this meeting.

7. Chair’s Report.
Focus Group (to be held in about February 2010): potential attendees were asked to put their names forward.
The Christmas Panel get-together: unanimous vote for the Turkish Restaurant in Lea Bridge Road (this venue served the Panel well last Christmas). Date: Fri22Jan10 at 7 for 7.30pm.
Lockhart’s training weekend: again potential attendees were asked to put their names forward. Subjects put forward for discussion included ASB, Hate Crime and Domestic violence.
ACTION: ask Lockhart for other “lighter” subjects in addition.

8. Any other business.
SB raised the subject of Estate Managers. If they went on holiday they should give notice to residents.
MM mentioned that ASB issues should be routed through the Estate Manager and not via anyone else. Reporting ASB issues (escalating from minor to major as discussed at this week’s Landfield TRA meeting) was not MM’s responsibility but Marcia Campbell’s.
ACTION: AB to chase.
BT had been flooded by upstairs’ tenants at 2.30 in the morning. Instead of positive action she had been patronised. It was not her responsibility to approach the flat above to resolve the matter. AB advised about insurance: either to claim on her own insurance and then claim back by completing a compensation form from the Clockhouse offices. Hackney Council had the right to check any work done in the block of flats. Again it was the responsibility of the Estate Manager.
ACTION: AB to bring TSA numbers to the next Panel meeting.
Aerials: 2012 is the switch off date for Hackney Council. No more dishes can be erected without planning permission (£120). Malcolm Brewer would attend a future Panel meeting to discuss this.

Tuesday 12 January 2009 at 1900hrs

Item 3 * NOTE: This is from “What to expect” on the ASB reporting website:
If there is CCTV footage of the incident you will be sent confirmation it has been viewed within 3 working days (from date of report):

In fact, I believe staff are required to make the “Request to view” the footage/”Request a CD” of the footage (to the Data Controller) within 24hrs so that they can review it and then send confirmation to the reporting resident not just that it has been viewed, but report if there was anything useful.
In some cases the reporting resident may be asked to view a frame or two – as noted in “What to expect”.

(Panel Sec.)


The Clapton Neighbourhood Sub-Committee Panel

Minutes of Meeting

Held at Gooch House, Kenninghall Road on

Tuesday 10 November 2009

at 1900hrs.


Mavis McGee (MM) (Landfield) Chairman
George McGee (GM) (Landfield) Vice chair
Susan Borghys (SB) Treasurer

Stan Cohen (Keir Hardie)
Maureen Devine (Nightingale)
Brenda Townsend (Keir Hardie)
Tracy Hickey (Wrens Park)
Helen Williams (Lea View House)
Monika Hazelton (Lea View House)
George Richards (Wrens Park)
Joyce Forbes
Bimba Kasturiratne (The Beckers)

Barbara Pollitt Administrator – Minutes
Mike Emmett (HH)
Coralie Francis (RPO, Hackney Homes “HH”)
John Hall and Rachel (JH, RS) Housing Strategy Managers, HH, LB

1.    Welcome and Apologies: Alice Burke, Linda Wilson, Emine Zihni, Gloria Marks, and Elliott Brooks.
2.    Minutes of the last meeting held on 13 October 2009 were agreed (one amendment).
3.    Matters arising/actions from the last meeting. SB reported that the slip hazards were to be paid: half from this year’s 184 and the other half possibly from the following year’s 184.
MM reported on 184 (Joe Evans): 10% waiting are section 20s. Await confirmation of demolition works. 90% of Clapton’s job tickets had been raised.
4.    Presentation by Housing Strategy. Handout Public Consultation and questionnaire. A Housing Strategy was defined as setting out proposals to improve the quality of life. Rachel described the 3 sections of the document. What did the Panel think was the best way to reach all of the residents for comment?  Although spare copies were available online or at Neighbourhood Housing offices and other outlets, SB suggested it should be sent through the post to ensure everyone received a copy. MD suggested incorporating it on to the front page of the HH brochure (every 2 months
SMcA asked what happened to the information once received:
Rachell said: An analysis would be contained in a report sent to Councillors and Senior Officers setting out what changes were proposed as a result of the survey: a summary of what people said and what was viable.
BK thought it should be reviewed whether Decent Homes remained as an ALMO.
Rachell and John thanked the Panel for their input.
ACTION JH to follow through.
JF queried why the front windows of her block were being replaced but not those at the back And why move forward when parts of the modernisation process remained incomplete? Although it was not within ME’s remit, he suggested that the older windows might meet another standard which was possibly why they had not been replaced. BT thought the Council was jumping ahead ignoring promises made 5 years’ ago. People were still waiting for basic amenities. Heating was too expensive to run and rent continued to increase. Rachel asked if BT was to do the work [kitchens/bathrooms] herself, would that work. I reported that the council would spend £4m per annum replacing boilers – based on age.
ACTION ME to check age of BT’s boiler.
5.    Pinnacle Report Handout dated 10Nov09. AP discussed each page in turn. AP confirmed that out of hours was 1900-0500hrs; the response team comprises 2 people + dog. ME added that the procedure was being reviewed. MH asked how tenancy audited was chosen. AP said there was a struggle to find people at home so sometimes these happened early in the morning.  Some non-represented estates were included. SMcA stated that if suspicious were roused, a tenancy check would be carried out. MD asked whether video footage was requested. The Estate Manager had 48 hours to request footage of CCTV – clarification was needed – 48 hours from the incident or from when it was reported? BK thought it should be a simpler process; there were too many obstacles to view CCTV footage. ME drew attention to Data Protection restrictions, as CCTV could be viewed for an ulterior motive.

ACTION Wayne Hilton and Andy Wells are the contact names. Recordings were kept for 21/22 days before being overwritten. ME thought that a housing manager should be available over the weekend because they could identify a lot of tenants.
GR and BK discussed that despite having private funding you had to observe the list of preferred contractors which was limited (for gardens) as was what you could use the money for. There was resentment when people’s ability to get things done was restricted. ME suggested approaching Ground Works. ME stressed that the whole point of the exercise was that someone had to be responsible if things went wrong. MH related the recent story of winning Dulux paint in a competition only to be told that the free painting exercise could not happen as Dulux were not preferred contractors. ME suggested he took this up with Hackney Homes.

ACTION ME to take forward.
GR asked about Estate Managers changing. AP detailed the events at the Extraordinary Meeting which had been called with the North East Executive Panel and Pinnacle officers at Stamford Hill held on 2 November to discuss this. AP explained that events had taken a new turn since the last meeting (Pinnacle had to react to the new issues raised. 1. Woodberry Down).2. It was explained it was intended to have a specialist ASB team which would mean a reduction in the numbers of Estate Managers across the North east Neighbourhood. If there is to be a specialist ASB team and a reduction in numbers of Estate Mangers it would mean the patches would have to be made larger. It was agreed at the Executive meeting that by waiting, a better result would be forthcoming. AP stressed that the aim was to improve Estate managers and formal action was taking place: some had been 16 years in the job and were stuck in their ways. There would be more opportunities for them to engage with residents as they would have more time to get out on the estates. SB wanted to know why the Executive had agreed to wait for the changes. MM stated AP had already explained why, and that it was not a good idea to change for the sake of changing as estate managers’ morale was at an all time low at the present time, and that by waiting we would receive a better service.  HW said there was very little communication between HH and the Estate Managers. Her Estate Manager spent a day trying to find out why scaffolding had been erected on her estate.  MH mentioned why was there not more thought put in by HH when major works were being undertaken on the Estates. Bollards preventing access to vehicles carrying new paving slabs: ME suggested that contractors should walk in as the surface was not designed for heavy vehicles. The new computer system would allow you to see everything that was going on. BK told of the wait for re-decoration following a recent fire – nothing happened until suddenly Charlotte Graves became involved. ME suggested that although HH was an ALMO, insurance matters were handled by Hackney Council which could delay matters.
6.    RPO report – Handout dated 10 November 2009.  CF mentioned there had been problems submitting nominations for Active Resident Awards. MM agreed – she had tried to submit a nomination but was unsuccessful. “ELBA” – in partnership with HH – was an approved volunteer group doing community work – contact CF for more details.
Handout Journey to Success (J2S) Expression of Interest form. More forms can be obtained from CF. BK said nothing had been heard about an application for a burglar alarm for the community hall (3 months’ ago).

ACTION CF to chase.
HW said she would like more support from RPO on funding. The money was there but no practical support was offered. CF said there would be a training course to get people up to speed. MH mentioned nothing heard about a special project run by Youth.

ACTION CF to speak to Sonia and email MH the outcome.
MD asked whether there was also an Asian Man’s group as well as the Asian Women’s group. CF explained that Asian Women had been identified as under-represented. The men were represented on TRAs. MM reported that English as a Second Language classes had been extended on Landfield estate.
7.    Property Services (Mike Emmett). ME asked for ideas on the sort of feedback he could give – what sort of Performance Reports was needed? MM would act as intermediary. People did not see the need to keep their appointment for gas servicing, but progress was being made regarding the 12 month safety inspection. Gas cookers could be lethal. During the course of inspections, padlocked doors – which breached means to escape regulations – and other vital knowledge about tenants was discovered. The Audit Commission praised any feedback (give to MM for ME to address). Some people would see involving social services as spying but it was essential that things like child abuse were reported. SB asked to whom surveyors were accountable: RCC Management but ME said a new structure would be in place before Christmas. SB mentioned the hole in the ceiling in the communal stairwell.

ACTION ME to chase (7-12 top floors Inglethorpe). JF said that when you ring 6500 there was no answer. ACTION AP to check and JF to call SMcA if it happened again.
8.    184 update. Already covered.
9.    Chair’s report. Ventilation problem; MH said they had still not heard from HH. MM stated she had been told a letter should have been sent out and works would be done. An option was an extractor fan (chargeable).

ACTION: MM to chase for a response.
Location for Christmas meal: suggestions required by next meeting. MM was speaking to Lockhart and needed suggestions on the type of training required and specific topics for an away weekend in late February/early March. BT understood that her new digital satellite dish would be removed and she would have no choice but to pay £3.25 per month (included in the service charge) for the communal one. £300 per dwelling for leaseholders was based on the fact that it would take 9.5 years for Hackney Council to recoup the money.

ACTION MM to ask: is it compulsory – why no consultations/consultancy meetings. BK discussed solar roof panels and how the electricity could be sold back. MH received an ASB action plan regarding ASB and other HH issues on Lea View. All people (HH and Pinnacle) blamed each other – no change until MM contacted Charlotte Graves. MH thanked Chair for her help. Chair reminded everyone the meeting would start at 6pm followed by Christmas celebrations.
10.    Any other business: none

11.    DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 8 December 2009 at 1800hrs.


The Clapton Neighbourhood Sub-Committee Panel

Minutes of Meeting

Tuesday 13 October 2009

held at

Gooch House, Kenninghall Road

at 1900hrs.


Panel officers:
Mavis McGee (MM) (Landfield) Chairman
George McGee (GM)(Landfield)
David White (DW) (Beecholme & Casimer) Secretary
Susan Borghys (SB) Treasurer

Barbara Pollitt – Minutes

Panel members:
Stan Cohen (Keir Hardie)
Maureen Devine (Nightingale)
Alan Geffen (Powell House GABS)
Brenda Townsend (Keir Hardie)
Tracy Hickey (Wrens Park)
Alan Geffen GABS (Powell House) Estate
Helen Williams (Lea View House)
Monika Hazelton (Lea View House)
Emine Zihni, Gloria Marks (Nelson Mandela)

Invited housing officers:
Adis Pajic, Elliott Brooks (Pinnacle) (AP, EB)
Nick Walker (Hackney Homes – Procurement) (NW)
Gary Putwain (GP) (HH)

1.  Welcome and Apologies.
Members: Linda Wilson, Alice Burke, Michael Shore, George Richards.
Officers: Mike Emmett.

2.  Minutes of the last meeting: 8 September ’09 were read & agreed.

3.  Matters arising: from the last meetings minutes.

4.  Pinnacle Report.

EB handed out details of patch changes for estate managers (almost everyone will have a new manager).  This “freshen up” would benefit Residents. Commencing 9 November 2009, when Stuart Limbrick stepped into his new role as Leasehold Officer, both old and new managers would attend walkabouts together. This would serve as a reminder about what the Estate Manager’s role was and what was to be expected – any feedback was welcomed by Pinnacle. For the future, there could be a central Anti Social Behaviour (“ASB”) team which in effect meant fewer estate managers. [EB/AP left]

5.  Procurement 2010 (handout).

Nick Walker described the procurement procedure commencing 2010. Also a representative from the Neighbourhood Panel was sought.
David White nominated GM  as the rep from Clapton Panel for the procurement process.
BT reminded that “Decent Homes” were not happening on her Estate (Keir Hardie): what about the pledge to bring Hackney into the 21st century?  At a time when billions of pounds were being spent, it was hard to swallow that the majority of people had no new kitchen or bathroom and were still using fittings installed at the time of building.  In response GP said there were no plans to do a further stock position survey.
ACTION NW to talk to Raj Sanwar to see what had been done (this would normally be via NIBs and the Resident Liaison Group). As far as the NE was concerned, what sort of properties would be affected, e.g. leasehold? NW would find out.

6.  Property Services (In Mike Emmett’s absence, Gary Putwain presided)

7. 184 update.

Two new email addresses:-

ACTION GP confirmed that he was waiting for Joe Evans to reply about the approval of the 184 proposals.
GP described a new reporting system: information on what works had been ordered/completed. Jobs could not be closed without agreement on completion.
SB mentioned dangerous slip hazard in one block. Doreen Irish said it must come out of the 184 budget.
ACTION SB to email photographs to GP.
EIB: Despite being organised at the start of the year, SB said that the procedure had changed so unsure what was left to spend. GP confirmed that the new procedure would mean a better reporting system. David Mulligan had 49 requests up to 12 October 2009. If a request had been submitted ,it would be processed.  One of SB’s project was to enhance planting areas on Tower Gardens from the Levy Special projects. Any blockages in the system for EIB were under investigation. GP stressed the need to have firm control over the budget. ACTION SB to ring GP.
Health and Safety issue at Nelson Mandela: there was concern about the entrance to Nelson Mandela where a tree root had lifted the paving/new tarmac. Sec said that floor tiles would be categorised a “reactive” repair.
ACTION MM to ask Joe to email GM.
GP reiterated that only firms approved by the Borough of Hackney could be used for procurement. MD pointed out that EIB worked out at £25 per household.  If the job cost £4k and there was only £3,500 available, was the job quashed? GP confirmed it could be “topped up” in various ways. Applying for “Special Projects” did not affect Leaseholders. EIB could only get the work done through ETRA (Enhanced Tenant  Residents’ Association) – raised via Saffron. GB described a new way of working whereby the EIB report showed breakdown by area.
Handouts: Overview of the current position –and- Clapton Sub Committee 13 October 2009 Pinnacle Report.

8.   RPO Report Handout – apologies from Coralie.


10. Constitution.

Sec had re-written the section as agreed, separating  out the issues and confirmed it had now been approved by Stamford Hill – matter closed.

11. Chair’s Report.

Support had been given to Pinnacle as our “partner” – providing they reached their targets [Chair read aloud the letter].
Surveys had arrived by post regarding the partners too near the final handover date – so the date had been extended – but return them as soon as possible. Alice had phoned chair regarding telephone calls. Chair explained this was an exercise carried out by Pinnacle to get more people involved in TRAs and came from the LCIS meetings which all four of the Executive attend.  Each individual estate’s TRA was responsible for paying for telephone calls.
All of the subjects below are monitored at the LSCI meetings:
Notice board inspection was up to date. Walkabout deadlines.
Stamford Hill and Clapton would now share the same newsletter. Leaseholders’ occupancy log would be looked at 3-monthly intervals. Sec said that “contractually obliged” checks were to be chased. ASB was being tackled through youth activities.  Overflows on all estates should be reported by estate managers. The social evening had fallen by the wayside but the Focus Group all day event on Wed10Feb10 at the Strand Palace Hotel was discussed as to who would attend.  It was confirmed Sue, David, Maureen, George M, Stan, Chair, Monica, Helen, Linda or George R will be the attendees. Alice will go as Board member.
Chair was delighted to announce 12 additional names for this Panel thanks to the recent Clapton Fun Day. Sec said that ASB could now be reported online [go to the Hackney Homes website Home Page or, alternatively, go to the Clapton Panel website Home Page and simply press: “Report ASB now”]. It is possible to report ASB anonymously but you are kept informed if you leave a contact number/email address. Chair urged everyone to report ASB; Pinnacle could now look at CCTV coverage in the absence of a Police reference number (but must make the request within 48 hours). More information about hiring a CCTV camera can be obtained from Wayne Hilton or from the Police.

12. Any other business: Christmas 2009 meal yet to be decided.
ACTION Ideas welcome from all in time for the next meeting.

13. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 10 November 2009.

14. TEAS: EZ, GM and HW.

Minutes above to download as a Microsoft Word document:

Clapton Panel minutes Oct 13th 09 for web


The Clapton Neighbourhood Sub-Committee Panel

Minutes of Meeting

held at

Gooch House, Kenninghall Road

Tuesday 8 September 2009

at 1900hrs.



Panel officers:

Mavis McGee – Chairman (Landfield)(MM)

George McGee – Vice-chair (Landfield)(GM)

David White – Secretary (Beecholme & Casimer)(DW)

Panel members:

Stan Cohen (Keir Hardie)(SC)

Maureen Devine (Nightingale)(MDeV)

Alan Geffen (Powell House GABS)(AG)

Linda Wilson (Tower Gardens)(LW)

Emine Zihni (Nelson Mandela)(EZ)

Gloria Marks (Nelson Mandela)(GM)

Ernest Mansell (Radley Square)(EM)

Angela Augustus (Radley Square)(AA)


Barbara Pollitt – Minutes

Invited housing officers:

Coralie Francis – Resident Participation Officer (Hackney Homes)(CF)

Adis Pajic – Neighbourhood Manager (Pinnacle)(AP)

Siobhan McAuliffe – Team Manager (Pinnacle)(SMcA)

Gary Lane – 184 Lead Officer (Hackney Homes)(GL)

Johanna Evans – 184 Quality Officer (Hackney Homes)(JE)

Elsie Sharples – Specialist ASB team Manager (Pinnacle) (ES)

1. Welcome and Apologies:

Panel: Susan Borghys – Treasurer (Tower Gardens), Brenda Townsend (Kier Hardie), Michael Shore (Beecholme), Bimba Kasturiratne (The Beckers), George Richards (Wrens Park).

Invited: Elliott Brooks (Pinnacle), Mike Emmett (Hackney Homes).

2. Minutes of the last meeting: (14 July 2009). Read and approved.

3. Matters arising: None.

4. 184 Gary Lane:

GL distributed a booklet entitled “Planned Maintenance 2009-2010” (the photo record of 184 jobs) asking for TRAs to submit priorities for each individual estate. He also noted that as usual there wasn’t the budget to complete all asked for works, this year by a margin of over £100k.

5. Pinnacle Report Adis Padjic:

Before AP talked through each item, he welcomed further suggestions to improve the format of the “Pinnacle Report” dated 8 September 2009.

SC asked why Kier Hardie was omitted from walkabout section, GL interjected that the estate was already on a separate program.

Sec. asked if “Staff Complaints” meant complaints against staff. AP explained that it did not; rather it referred to “staff procedures” e.g. the transfer process.

AP confirmed, when asked, that Pinnacle would achieve this year’s targets – without doubt.

Maureen asked for a definition of Repairs and Maintenance. AJ replied that in relation to the 184 budget it referred to communal works only.

EM asked what was being done to stop rubbish dumping. Siobhan said that the various agencies were now working together and liaising with the cleaners. For example if an identifying address were found amongst the rubbish, the owner would be pursued. Jack Watts estate was a success and was being used as a case study. There were new ways to bring the smaller problems to prosecution level. EM said the same problems persisted at Radley Square. Siobhan said she would look into it.

6. Anti-social behaviourElsie Sharples:

Between 1 April and the end of August 2009 126 cases of ASB were logged, of which 55 had been investigated and closed. Over 50% were categorised as noise nuisance that were difficult to evidence and involved a lengthy process to bring before the courts, often without success. Despite judges being loathed to evict, 4 tenants had been evicted (since 2007/2008). ES reported that a legal surgery had been started, in conjunction with Hackney Legal Services, to help progress cases lacking in evidence. This service provided a good overview and ideas to bring about resolution.

“Universal Housing” computer system had been introduced by HH which would enable easier tracking of individual cases and replace paper files. However it would not be completed/fully operational for about 12 months. This software would eventually tie in with an online reporting system.

Members complained low-level ASB was still not being dealt with. Sec. said at present there is no paperwork or designated staff to investigated CCTV reports unaccompanied by a police crime number but due to the change in CCTV viewing policy there would be very soon.

Sec. also noted that ASBnet (an ASB reporting website) could be up very soon if given the go ahead.

CF asked how the software would help keep residents informed. ES said Universal Housing can’t at present, as it is just a spreadsheet but by January 2010 would be able trigger reminders about e.g. interviewing the person who made the complaint and was not time limited.

Sec commended ASBnet being available 24/7 & allowing tracking of your report to see if it’d been progressed yourself & estate diaries easily kept.

ES confirmed that a closed case would remain on file (in order to identify persistent offenders). Legal advice was taken before CCTV evidence could be shown (at present). ES stressed they (Pinnacle) don’t have control over CCTV, Hackney Homes does.

MDev suggested that if CCTV evidence was immediately shown to parents it might “nip it in the bud”.

Secretary confirmed the new policy will be in force within the next few months, allowing the viewing of “low-level” incidents: One of the new service standards will be CCTV footage (of low-level) must be requested by officers and acknowledged to resident within 24 hours, then seen within 3 days – more serious seen within 24 hrs.

MDev asked if Pinnacle’s budget included costs for taking ASB cases to court. ES confirmed it does.

7. Resident Participation Neighbourhood Panel ReportCoralie Francis:

Secretary thanked CF for posting over 350 individually addressed flyers to residents in unrepresented blocks, helping find contacts and chasing HH departments for info stands for the Panel’s Fun Day held last Sunday.

Chair thanked Pinnacle also for its £300 donation.

CF discussed items in the report and confirmed the location of the Asian Women’s Focus Group as Lower Clapton Road office (at 1pm on 22 September 2009), noting that there was limited room so would like residents interested to contact her first.

8. Property ServicesGary Lane: (for Mike Emmett)

GL referred to the walkabout meeting in June 2009, following which a schedule for the whole of Radley estate had been done. JE said it was a rolling programme and requested individuals to help with prioritising specific areas.

Maureen was concerned about recurring problems and the order of work, e.g. old lamp-posts had not been removed prior to tarmac being laid and dogs were still destroying rubber seats in the children’s playground. It was agreed that the dogs (i.e. owners) was an ASB issue but replacing the seats was a matter for the relevant TRA.

Gary noted that at Nelson Mandela it was impossible to identify who had left wires hanging from a metal box. Generally when new wiring/cables/signs were installed, the old ones tended to be left abandoned. Sec noted they should be removed. Gary said that removing them incurred charges.

Members discussed problem of “Animals” and suggested within the tenancy agreement was too vague. MM suggested that now would be a good opportunity to incorporate changes. E.g. if you live on the 6th floor you should not own a Rottweiler.

The chair notedanyone interested in re‑wording the tenancy agreements should contact Tom Hogan as soon as possible.


9. Constitution: The amended constitution was circulated, explained and dated. All members accepted it.

10. Chair’s Report: (incl. Handout Housing Management Contract). The Chair asked for feedback about Pinnacle remaining as “Partners” as the contract was due for renewal. The Secretary directed enquiries about Pinnacle’s responsibilities to the Clapton Panel’s website.

ACTION Chair and Secretary to word a suitable reply reflecting the general agreement that Pinnacle should remain provided they reach their targets.

Most people showed an interest in the planned “Get together” of 3 panels (including Shoreditch) on Thursday 15 October 2009 to be held at Joseph Court, Stamford Hill. Time will be confirmed at the next Panel Meeting.

The Chair asked everyone who is going to provide details of their favourite song and who they prefer singing it.

10 February 2010 Joint Focus Group with Stamford Hill has 10 places for the all day event to be held at the Strand Palace Hotel. RPOs and Partner contracts will be discussed. The Chair asked who wanted to attend or to let her know.

The Chair thanked the Secretary for his time and effort in planning the recent Clapton Panel Fun Day, the main purpose of which was to achieve TRA involvement. The numbers of people that went was just about perfect and most will have been from estates without a TRA as that is where individual invites were sent. It had not been widely publicised elsewhere.

Chair noted everyone enjoyed the event and that 4 young adults showed a specific interest in becoming involved on the day. It was noted that providing chairs for people to rest on turned out to be an excellent idea.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING: Tuesday 13 October 2009.

Officers are not normally invited to this meeting but EB requests 20 minutes at the beginning.

TEAS: Emine Zihni and Gloria Marks.

MINUTES to DOWNLOAD as a Microsoft Word document:

Clapton Panel MINUTES 8th Sept -WEB


The Clapton Neighbourhood Sub-Committee Panel
Minutes of Meeting

Tuesday 14 July 2009
Held at Gooch House, Kenninghall Road
at 1900hrs.

Mavis McGee (Landfield) Chairman (MM)
George McGee (Landfield) Vice-chair (GM)
Susan Borghys (Tower Gardens) Treasurer (SB)
David White (Beecholme & Casimer) Secretary (DW)

Stan Cohen (Keir Hardie) (SC)
Brenda Townsend (Keir Hardie) (BT)
Helen Williams (Lea View House) (HW)
George Richards (Wrens Park) (GR)
Bimba Kasturiratne (The Beckers) (BK)
Alice Burke (Nightingale Estate) (AB)
Maureen Devine (Nightingale) (MD)
Alan Geffen (Powell House GABS)
Joyce Forbes (JF)
Nick Corbett (Observer) (NC)

Malcolm Brewer (HH Contract Manager)(MB)
Coralie Francis (Hackney Homes (“HH”) Resident Participation Officer) (CF)
Emma Francu (HH)
Neville Elliott (HH)
Elliott Brooks (Officer, Pinnacle) (EB)
Adis Pajic (Officer, Pinnacle) (AP)
Siobhan McAuliffe (Officer, Pinnacle) (SMcA)

Barbara Pollitt (Administrator) – Minutes

Welcome and apologies: Mike Emmett, Michael Shore, Linda Wilson.

Approval of the minutes of 9 June 2009.

  • A reminder was given that these (minutes of last meeting) should be posted to panel members at least 10 days before the date of the next meeting.
  • There were amendments to minutes page 3 line no 43/47/48 and page 4 line 26: SB commented that 13 raised manhole covers had already caused one lady to fall down but had not been resolved.

ACTION: “In hand” but EB to chase.

Matters arising
MB said that rodent problems could never be completely eliminated.
ACTION EB to contact BT about locating rodent breeding grounds.

Pinnacle Report – Handout: (AP).
A meeting on 8 June 2009 highlighted:

  • Pinnacle is top on rent collection (>Quarter 1=99.94%).
  • ASB – noise nuisance most dealt with (14 cases).
  • Complaints/Members enquiries: all answered within specified time.

EB/AP would have an update regarding Concierge. AB congratulated Pinnacle about the rent collection results and asked whether the squatters were the same ones.
ACTION: EB responded that a further column entitled “duration of squatting would be added. Answering a query from NC about what had been done regarding ASB, EB said there was a slot allocated to the September Panel meeting.
ACTION: EB to sort nuisance list and why no-one had got back to NC.
ACTION: MM to arrange for Elsie Sharples (ASB officer) to attend the September meeting.
AB asked how many times the Estate Manager walked the Estate. AP replied quarterly, once per month and when/where necessary whilst on site with a particular block. EB considered it was an ongoing process to achieve a balance between different Estate Managers. Secretary said it was only necessary to include a summary of the Pinnacle report, no details were necessary. Also it would help to know how many had gone to completion. SB thanked SMcA for resolving issues with Tower Gardens Estate Manager who making an appearance on the Estate twice a week.

Nightingale Office Report – Handout by Siobhan McAuliffe.
The office was not utilised to its full potential. SMcA highlighted 3 alternatives to a staffed office at Nightingale.
ACTION: All to send comments to SMcA by end of July 2009 when the matter is discussed by the Executive Panel. SMcA to report back in September 2009.
ACTION POINTS: AB asked that published opening times were adhered to and EB confirmed there would be lunchtime cover. EB to send out individual (i.e. “Dear Mr …”) personal letters. Other items for attention: printer unable to print (run out of ink) and office not signposted.

Resident Participation Neighbourhood Panel Report – Handout by Coralie Francis.
There were some interesting inspirational projects happening across estates.
ACTION: CF would include a paragraph relating to each Estate and bring to the September 2009 meeting.
Audits of Community Halls were continuing. Leaseholders as well as some residents from outside were to join the Advisory Group.

ACTION: Anyone interested should let CF know. CF was hoping to re-start some TRAs as well as an Asian Women’s Forum. With regard to AG’s estate and the discovery during a walkabout that gangs of youths were causing trouble, AB emphasised that everyone should inform the Police of bad behaviour e.g. tormenting others. CCTV could be arranged to overlook any potential trouble spots.

There had been good attendance by tenants and participation in the questionnaire about a new TRA being set up. AB was pleased to report that younger members of the community were interested enough to be co-opted on to Committees.

Property Services report (Mike Emmett) – Unable to attend: to be carried forward to the next meeting.

Housing Management Contracts – Handout by Malcolm Brewer.
MB was keen to consult residents for their views. There would be an assessment in 2011 to try and achieve a 3* rating. Budget constraints were evident: decanting, proposals for demolition – all affected income from rents and therefore reduced subsidies. MB stressed that income must match expenditure and he had no pre-determined views. MB would report back on the advantages and disadvantages for each of the options. HH executive team would receive the final report and draw its conclusions.
BT asked about the impression given that new kitchens and bathrooms were promised if 2* rating was achieved. It appeared that now the 2* rating had been achieved, kitchens and bathrooms had been pushed back “reassessed in 2011”.  MB explained that the Audit Commission came in November 2008, the final breakthrough in February had to go before cabinet and money would be given in instalments. Kitchens and bathrooms in the pipeline would happen.
BK considered that HH should consolidate its 2 stars before reaching for 3 to which MB explained that inspections were set by the Audit Commission – therefore they were looking ahead to be at 3* level in 2011/2012.
SC asked how the 2 flats at Keir Hardie had been chosen to receive new kitchens, seemingly at random. BT was concerned that people might be tempted to have the work done due to delays, only to have it ripped out at a later date. AB suggested Alan Turner would have knowledge of the various timetables, and that he be invited to the September meeting. AB considered the goalposts had been moved.
In response, MB said that the flats had been “sampled”. There would be a slight delay (into 2013) due to a Government decision but work on kitchens would be completed.
NC asked about a timeline for cabinet meetings and phasing the timetable of dates for this reason (street properties were included).
MB said there were problems with planning approval for double glazing and that Hackney Council favoured UPVC.
GM queried from where the money came. MB said that £25m was due to be spent and kitchens and bathrooms came from Government credits. If there was money over it would go into the pot. Secretary pointed out that it was a loan guarantee – not money given by the Government. MB said that kitchens/bathrooms would follow in March 2010. AB reminded the Panel that this should not be discussed with Pinnacle present. Although it was impossible for MB to visit every TRA for their views, a reply-paid card would be available for reply/feedback. Secretary said that TRAs would provide individual responses.


The Constitution – Handout [with amendments by Stamford Hill in red].
It was agreed that:

  • Co-opted members must live in the area, be HH residents and should not be officers;
  • ALMO Board members could not serve as officers – therefore when AB was elected to attend the AGM this was incorrect.

The handout was agreed in its entirety save for the above, so changes are:

  • (vii) should state “There shall be no more than on Key Resident holding Officer position”.
  • (xii) should state “No ALMO Board member may serve as an officer or Executive Panel member of the Sub-Committee”.

ACTION: Secretary to confirm the document was agreed but forward the above amendments and the panels views on co-opted members to Stamford Hill [MG].

Chair’s Report
MM and GM had attended a Focus Group meeting organised by Stamford Hill. They would give feedback to the Panel at the next meeting.

3 Panels “get together”
To get to know members of each of the 3 panels and to see how Pinnacle’s other patch, Shoreditch is working from the residents perspective.
Thursday 15 October was suggested.
ACTION: It was agreed it should be held at Audrey or Muriel’s Community Hall.

Panel Fun Day (at Millfields)
The date (Saturday 5 September 2009) had been agreed at the last meeting but the time of day was now fixed as 12-4pm. There should be a maximum of 500 people and Secretary read out a list of exhibitor groups.
ACTION: For the future, agreeing 2 alternative dates in advance would help to prevent clashes.
GM said that Hackney Green Spaces would be clearing up afterwards, and SB suggested it would be reassuring to use exhibitor groups known to our particular area.
ACTION: Police Neighbourhood Team should be asked to join us on the day. If required, Hackney Council had the requisite licences for drinking and live music and insurance for the day cost £500. Alcohol however was not being provided. AB suggested using a barbeque company [P&J Entertainments Ltd].

Pinnacle lunch meeting (6th Aug’09).
It was agreed cost would be shared – 4 executives from this Panel, 4 from Stamford Hill and the Partners.
ACTION: Give enough notice to SB.

Any Other Business.
JF thought that older children were not allowed to play on the Green but was reassured they were. An incident had occurred where a boy had pulled his pants down on the Green. JF was advised to raise this as a police matter on behalf of the victim as the victim refused to report it.

Treasurer reported that the Bank had problems when trying to change Bank Account details in that it was easier to close and then re-open it. It might be necessary to threaten to change Banks.
BK raised the question of [lengthy] questionnaires received relating to the ETRA.

[MEETING CLOSED at 2200hrs]

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 8th September 2009 at 1900hrs


The Clapton Neighbourhood Sub-Committee Panel
held at
Gooch House, Kenninghall Road, Clapton E5

Tue 9th June 2009 at 19.00hrs




Mavis McGee (Landfield) – Chairman (MM)

George McGee (Landfield) – Vice chair (GM)

Susan Borghys (Tower Gardens) (SB) – Treasurer

David White (Beecholme & Casimer) (DW) – Secretary


Linda Wilson (Tower Gardens) (LW)

Stan Cohen (Keir Hardie) (SC)

Brenda Townsend (Keir Hardie) (BC)

Gloria Marks (Nelson Mandela) (GM)

Emine Zihni (Nelson Mandela) (EZ)

Monika Hazelton (Lea View House) (MH)

Helen Williams (Lea View House) (HW) George Richards (Wrens Park) (GR)

Bimba Kasturiratne (The Beckers) (BK)

Maureen Devine (Nightingale) (MD)

Alan Geffen (Powell House) (AG)


Barbara Pollitt – Minutes

Invited guest speaker:

Clive Taber (Hackney Homes Head of Residential Services)(CT)


Welcome and apologies from Alice Burke, Eileen Cohen, Mike Emmett, Michael Shore, Robert Perrett.

Approval of the minutes of 12 May 2009.

Matters arising – None

ETRA presentation

Clive Taber was present to discuss Enhanced Tenant Resident Association (“ETRA”) meetings, initiated 18 months’ ago. After 1 year a review was to be carried out. Handout “Presentation to the Clapton Tenants and Residents Panel – Enhanced Tenants and Residents Association Meetings Review.

Clive said he had met with most panels and also had feedback from the Audit Commission and discussion with councillors and staff. A questionnaire would be sent out soon. When consultations were complete the findings would be collated and a report sent to the Resident Liaison Group, obtaining their feedback, which might include making recommendations to HH Board about changes to be introduced.

This would reach HH Board around October when final decision taken.

He wanted to get the Panel’s views, good or bad.

Clive went on to summarise the procedure for ETRA. They are 4 times a year. Difference between ETRA and normal TRA was that the Estate Manager is obliged to attend.

The TRA Chair signs an action list rather than Minutes. Actions are allocated to relevant department by the estate manager.

Response should be received within 15 working days. After that David Mulligan inputs/tracks/chases actions on the computer system. He then responds by email to Chair and Estate Manager.

Secretary was concerned about large numbers (2000) of actions DM would be dealing with, based on last years no of EIB requests. Clive said did not follow the maths. 80 TRAs times 3 EIB requests each would equal 240. He went on to note that many signage requests could have been logged separately rather than as a job lot, hence the inflated no of requests last year.

One resident (visitor to meeting) said that his Estate Manager wrote on a form but gave no feedback.

Tower Gardens members noted they had already put 3 projects through ETRA, with no feedback until a complaint was lodged with the Estate Manager’s Line Manager. This had continued over the last 18 months.

ACTION by HH officer Clive reassured that he would check Tower Gardens items were on the system and progressed. He went to say he was convinced that this procedure would work. Previously there were too many small value jobs on the system.

Panel treasurer thought it unwise to dictate whether the amounts spent were small or large.

Clive responded that he was being honest when he said it was a real problem, the alternative was to engage more staff to process all the jobs.

Treasurer commented that in the past under Estate Committees this worked perfectly well but CT refuted that it didn’t work as well in all the neighbourhoods and correcting it had allowed problems to be identified. Limiting the number of jobs would help in the process.

Treasurer asked for feedback if the allocated budget was not spent.

ACTION by HH officer Clive confirmed once the 3 jobs were on the system they would be done without further feedback.

If money was left over SB (as treasurer of the panel) would hear from CT in September 2009: the money would either go to EIB or transfer to the 184 budget in conjunction with the Neighourhood Panel. It would not be spent “just for the sake of it”. By default (if no further 184 projects are wanted) the left over EIB money would transfer to the 184.

BK asked what would happen if David Mulligan (DM) was swamped with work. CT explained that DM simply raised and monitored the works order on the computer system.

BK asked about the Audit Commission’s report (2 stars in November 2008). CT said that resident participation was good with very few negative points but anything in that document would be taken on board by HH. BK criticised the wording of a letter from Faisal. “We had to work with the Council” – not the other way round, i.e. the onus should be on Hackney Council.

ACTION by HH officer Clive apologised and promised to look at this. He was appreciative of volunteers’ work.

GR reported he had heard nothing from an ETRA action point (April 2009) forwarded to the Estate Manager then to David Mulligan. He was instructed to keep to a maximum of 3 actions. CT reaffirmed EIB was limited to 3 jobs whereas action points were unlimited.

GR asked for further sight of Faisal’s letter as he had been unable to read it properly.

ACTION by HH officer GR was obviously not on the database of recipients, CT promised to forward it.

If formal notification was received in September LW pointed out the small amount of time left in which to spend any residue of EIB project money. CT replied that was the reason for asking for 3 jobs only. Under the old system completion of the work would have been difficult especially with the rush at year end. CT confirmed the new procedure: after the job was specified, a quotation was obtained and a works order placed immediately.

Clive Tabor promised to review the system later this year [2009] if it wasn’t working satisfactorily it could be changed.

HW (Lea View House) also reported that jobs “sat on the list forever”. And having involved a lot of new people, these would not return. The Estate Manager had a negative attitude, he said it was “nothing to do with him” – he was “just the manager”. HW thought the system might be encouraging “fobbing off”.

MH (Lea View House) referred to 15Apr09 meeting: 20 jobs, 3 completed (1 of which was simply changing a lightbulb). It included a badly executed job restoring lead stolen from roof.  One-third only had been completed and the Estate Manager did not chase. 17 jobs remain outstanding since April 2009.

ACTION by HH officer CT would look at the system regarding the Lea View House complaints.

MD (Nightingale) asked what guarantees were in place (within 184 budget) for bad workmanship, e.g. flagstones had to be re-laid as laid unevenly in the first place. MD expected Property Services to a better job of inspection. She asked who inspected EIB jobs.

ACTION by HH officer CT said although this was a separate issue he would liaise with Property Services but added that the system simply could not do everything.

BT asked what was the point of people attending meetings when nothing was done, in particular something as serious as rat infestations. In response to why Estate Managers were absent in between the ETRA meetings, and these complaints appeared to be directed at the Estate Manager(s) of Keir Hardie and Lea View, CT did not want to criticise them but concluded they were of “variable” quality and although he took full responsibility for them (employed by HH), Pinnacle employed Estate Managers.

SB referred to a (Tower Gardens) walkabout on 22Jan09 after which the issue of old, dangerous manhole covers causing trip hazard had been highlighted over and over again, finally being carried forward to 2 July 2009. SB envisaged Hackney Council being sued because, although Chris Hutton was aware, he “could not get the jobs done”.

BK supported the view that there was a flurry of activity at the time of the 3-monthly walkabouts “to keep people quiet”, after which there was no further progress. CT agreed this demonstrated an issue with the Estate Manager service.

The purpose of walkabouts was to ascertain feedback for this Panel – part of the Estate Manager’s job was to inspect the estate at least once a month. The Beckers’ Estate Manager for example would promise to pass on comments but “could not force them to get the process going any further”. CT confirmed that other Panels also struggled with the level of power allowed to Estate Managers to get things done.

Secretary was concerned about the absence of EIB feedback or prices: unless he did the research he would end up with a monstrosity of a shed, for example. CT agreed a purchase would not be investigated to any great depth but for this year only the EIB should be tolerated. CT acknowledged that Estate Manager system needed an overhaul especially rubbish dumping and abandoned vehicles not being removed immediately and would be taking this up with Estate Managers.

ACTION by HH officer CT to investigate why dates for the 3-monthly planned walkabouts were not shared well in advance.

Property Services had assured CT they had enough staff to raise work orders.

ACTION by HH officer CT to pass on BK’s request for the ETRA enquiry form to fit onto one page of A4.

No decision had been made about enforcing dog fouling penalties although the dog signs had been printed.

MD thought that larger estates had the advantage of getting their bathrooms done in addition to windows. It was confirmed that residents did not have a choice of whether they were done or not.

When the question was asked whether CCTV would be installed in 2009, BK said a concierge was supposed to monitor but this was a “con” – it was difficult to get to view the footage and follow up was discouraged.

Secretary noted that H. Homes Data Protection policy was currently under review & being discussed at next board meeting due to clarification obtained from the ICO by the panel, it was agreed that the person needed to be identified – an aid to eviction.

ACTION by secretary Panel to be kept informed of the outcome of the next Board meeting.

Handout: Pinnacle Report.

Chair asked the Panel what needed to be included:

Walkabout Procedure. How many jobs requested are completed more detail required (The follow-up of Estate Managers performance)

The level of ASB and how it is dealt with. Complaints section is unhelpful – more details and deadline to be included. Insert date instead of “week number”. Are results worse or better? Performance levels of Estate Managers on a monthly basis.

Page 2 ASB table comparison with last month’s figures and a “dealt with” column.

List date of estate walkabouts. Show where overflows have been reported and give feedback on action taken.

Chair stated on the 184 walkabout serious ASB had been picked up on Powell House Estate, and that Mr Alan Geffen had been invited to the Panel meeting to explain the situation to the Panel.

Downs Ward

Estate Manager Marcia Campbell has done nothing except make notes about gangs of youths. Hardly anything is ever done after walkabouts.

ACTION by chair to send minutes to AG. Chair asked Mr Geffen to attend the next CAP meeting for Downs Ward on 24 June 2009 at 1900hrs at Brooke House Collage.

The constitution

It would remain as it is: changes will NOT be made. Alice Burke was standing down as elected executive member to the Executive Board. Secretary nominated LW; seconded by GM/BK. Linda Wilson co-opted until next AGM.

Social event

To be held in the Rochester Castle pub would be held to develop good relations with other Panels from Stamford Hill, Shoreditch and Clapton.

ACTION by chair to ask the other Panels if they will share the cost. Friday 26 June 09 suggested.

Panel Fun Day

Date: Saturday 5 September 2009.

ACTION by secretary to complete and send off “Green Spaces” and will be carried forward to the next agenda.

RPO report

The meeting commented that though much of the report seems recently to say “nothing to report” we do value the info there is and wish to continue to receive it.

[MEETING CLOSED at 2130hrs]

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 14 July 2009 at 1900hrs


Dates of future meetings are on the HOME page

and on the panel’s page of the Hackney Homes website:



Gooch House is on the corner of Kenninghall Road and Powell Road

Gooch Hse

just off the Lea Bridge Road roundabout.


Dates of future meetings are on the HOME page and on the panel’s page

of the Hackney Homes website:


The Clapton Neighbourhood Sub-Committee Panel
held at
Gooch House, Kenninghall Road, Clapton E5
Tuesday 12 May 2009
at 1900hrs

Panel Officers:
Mavis McGee (Landfield) – Chairman
George McGee (Landfield) – Vice-Chairman
David White (Beecholme & Casimer) – Secretary
Susan Borghys (Tower Gardens) – Treasurer
Barbara Pollitt – Administrator

Invited Council, ALMO & Management Co. Officers:
Mike Emmett, Group Facilities Manager E&M and Estate Safety (HH)
Gary Penticost, Director of Property Services (HH) (GP)
Alan Turner, Head of Asset Management (HH) (AT)
Elliott Brooks (Pinnacle) (EB)
Siobahn McAuliffe (Pinnacle) (SMcA)

Invited councillors:
Cllr Linda Kelly (LK)
Cllr Sem Moema (SM)

Panel members:
Stan Cohen (Keir Hardie) (SC)
Gloria Marks (Nelson Mandela) (GM)
George Richards (Wrens Park) (GR)
Helen Williams (Lea View House) (HW)
Emine Zihni (Nelson Mandela) (EZ)
Monika Hazelton (Lea View House) (MH)
Robert Perrett
Linda Wilson
Joyce Forbes

1. Welcome and apologies: Eileen Cohen, Alice Burke, Michael
Shore, Adis Pajic. Bimba Kasturiratne (Beckers)

2. Approval of the minutes: 14 April 2009 minutes read and agreed.

3. Matters arising:
ACTION Chair to ask Tom Hunt for feedback on 184 inputs.

4. Property Services 1: EIB (GP)

GP noted that the new EIB policy document would be issued in the
near future. EIB budget transferred, working closely with Martin
Weaver and Clive Tabor Landlord Services. Now there is only one point
of contact.

Should invite Mike Emmett/Gary Putwain if the EIB budget is under-
spent, back to Chairs for re-location to 184 programme
(September/October) to maximise the spend. David Mulligan is the

184 procedures can be found on the Hackney Homes (“HH”) website or
hard copies available. As with the EIB – new documents to be

Sec asked about procurement: do they add on 10-15%? Main
procurement contractors are Crispin & Borst who do add a handling
charge if they didn’t do the procurement/supply the quote.
New system for EIB, still approx £25 per residence, Clive Tabor to
send new procedure documents soon.

ME reported back on Tower Gardens boilers, no plans to give to
“individual” boilers but there is a pilot scheme for individual monitoring
to increase efficiency. Will detect inside/outside temperatures, have
auto turn on/off. Moving from “communal” to complete “individual”
systems can cause hardship to those on benefits as they would then
have to pay separate heating bills.
(Note: Councillor Kelly had to leave for another meeting at this point so interjected)
(LK) Neighbourhood team meetings (EB/Wardens/Police attend) every
6 weeks. Officers now on board. If Anti-Social Behaviour (“ASB”) is a
problem, now possible to talk to the team who will work together to
ELBA is a long term scheme comprising city volunteers. They aremeeting to plan strategy so feed in your ideas/requests, e.g. a
presentation on how to represent yourselves. Also training/mentoring
expertise. Highly recommended. (LK leaves)

5. Pinnacle Presentation:

Pinnacle Handout Pinnacle 2 year Review talked through by EB.
(Followed by questions)

Sec. congratulated Pinnacle for a job well done on areas concentrated
on and for recognizing those areas in need of attention like low level
ASB and addressing them.

Sec.: How to locate CCTV footage which would assist ASB action to be
taken? Following meetings not one response from Wayne Hylton in the
last 6 months. ME said one problem was the Data Protection Act,
however the supply of single shots of perpetrators to estate manager
to identify is worth looking into. ASB needs engagement on low level.
There is a need to recognise/identify a person causing damage/acting
illegally who live on estates.
Sec hoped the new that “Arrears Talk” was more interventionist at
later stages as people who get to eviction stage may suffer from less
obvious mental health issues such as depression. EB assured Sec that
people were not treated the same throughout the eviction process and
Pinnacle was well aware of any mental health problems, by the time
eviction was imminent they knew the residents well. The key was early
intervention. EB did not think Pinnacle was over zealous!

Vice-chair queried monthly contract for tenancy audit. EB replied none
at present, they are given a list of properties to audit and there is a
yearly target. 1% per month will hit 12% at year end.

Slide 9 of presentation “client relationship – structured meetings” –
question related to how no mention is made of Pinnacle’s front line
staff or what formal structure Pinnacle has in place with residents. EB
said formal structure comprised:
Walkabouts – Enhanced TRA (ETRA) – Neighbourhood Panels – RLG – HH Board.

Other methods: surgeries were poorly attended. H.Homes
Newsletters went to everyone. There was an acknowledgment that
they were trying to find new ways.

Treasurer’s estate’s issue was still awaiting feedback.

SB noted that Tower Gardens had little contact with the estate
manager and wanted same.
EB said he would arrange a 3 month trial surgery at Tower Gardens
even though in the past they had proved inefficient. He would keep SB
informed. (Officer to respond)

EB agreed Pinnacle should engage more with the people. EB had an
ongoing battle trying to convince all staff to give door knocking a
higher priority.

ME suggested estates and street properties not represented or visited
affiliate with larger estates TRA to access the ETRA system. Chair &
Sec. agreed & would make efforts to impliment.

Treasurer asked about walkabouts? EB said officers were encouraged
to do this whilst engaging in tenancy audits. A report by 2 officers
whose role was monthly inspection could be provided upon request but
it was a huge piece of work (contact SMcA)

GR said that once a month a surgery was held at Wrens Park – could a
repairs surgery be held too? EB replied that Pinnacle did not want to
encourage issues on repairs at surgeries, there was a clear definition
of what a surgery was but having a repairs surgery at the same time
was perhaps a good idea. Vice Chair said that the first port of call
would be the Estate Manager but were they overloaded with work? EB
described them as “jack of all trades” – ASB took up more time but on
the other hand they didn’t manage rent arrears any longer (one of the
biggest problems). Vice-Chair asked if there was a separate team for
tenancy audits. EB responded that they tried to avoid creating a totally
desk bound job.

Sec. on behalf of the panel, asked after Adis Pajic who had just been in
hospital and asked panel’s best wishes be passed on. EB reported that
Adis was now back home after hospitalization and doing well. The chair
asked that our best wishes be forwarded.

Treasurer said the promised April response with regard to Hocham
Way work did not materialize. This had been raised many times since
December/January 2009.
Officer to respond: SMcA to telephone Treasurer Wed 13 May 09 am.EB met with Barry Scales about freehold properties – ASB Case Review
Panel meets monthly, SMcA can refer cases to that panel. NRM could
be taken to Case Panel.
Chair asked if it applied to Housing Association properties? EB
answered yes and meetings would hopefully become more high profile.
Was there any criteria for maximum residents in a 3 bedroom house?
EB replied that freehold was “tricky”.
Officer to respond: EB to give Treasurer feedback.
EB asked & received confirmation performance priorities are 1. Low
level ASB and 2. The Enhanced TRA plus Walkabout process.
(SA leaves at 2030)
6. Property Services 2: 184 (ME)

Handout: “Planned Maintenance – Clapton area – 184 Communal
Repairs and Improvements – Before and After Photos 2008-2009”

The chair asked about work not yet completed on the 2008 budget.
Officer to respond: ME would find out why works were not completed
before next meeting, but presumed it was because of litigation with
previous procurement co. “Davies & Davies”.

Chair asked and got confirmation that the Clapton walkabouts would
start in June 2009.

ME described the transitional period last year and the subsequent big
improvement this year. ME had missed out on 1:1 contact and he
intended to get that back again.

ME recapped that EIB could complement 184 work. Now that EIB &
184 was joined up into one big pot with new procedures, things should
go much better this year.
There was a new transparent procedure about what can and can’t be
done, e.g. door entry could not be taken out of the [EIB] budget. £48
per dwelling/per estate for the 184 budget – based on need. Giving a
broad overview ME said that over the years “general properties” were
missed out, some had small communal areas outside, some lost out
with metal-works because of contractor. It was up to this meeting to
decide on whether it was still a priority.

Sec. asked about walkabouts – ME said the first contact was Joanna
Evans and to cc in Gary Lane (Lead Officer who reports to Gary

Question asked about 184 new garden gates, only 4 out of 7 received,
agreed under last year’s 184.
Officer to respond: GP/ME
SC to contact ME who will respond with reasons why the work was not

184 money/HRA money cannot be carried forward to next year if it has
not been spent.
Sec. asked if noticeboards (new or repairs) should come out of EIB as
45% of EIB applications last year were for signs &/or notice boards?
ME replied EIB or 184. Sec. said statutory notices needed to go up and
thought should not come out of these resident budgets.

Treas. asked whether old signage was to be replaced. GP said no
money but would upgrade at some point. Usual when D.Homes
externals completed.
Sec. said it was important to remove old signs when new ones were in
place. They were not because the work orders for signage don’t specify
same, so not costed, even though minimal. ME noted/will adjust
procedure to include this in future.

ME acknowledged Sec’s good idea & work in putting artwork on big
bland estate metal bins. Sec referred to
where details & photos could be found. ME noted he would arrange
Hackney wide publication to inform other EIB applications.

CCTV cameras upgrade. ME reported there were 1400 cameras, 25%
were not working two years ago, which were replaced in year 1 under
the Capital Programme. Those out of order have to remain until the
next Programme of works starts. Recently 93% were working.
A £200,000 grant had been obtained for small estate CCTV in 2009. At
the end of Year 4 they would expect 99% (with planned maintenance)
to be fully functional. Industry standard is 95%. Biggest problem is

7. Decent Homes [AT]

Handout: “NE 2009-2010 Street Properties [Note: this LIST is notional.
It is an indication of properties to be completed this year IF money is
available. It is possible to obtain a list of the full set of properties.]”

Decent Homes in 2003: 75% of homes were not decent. End of2008/09: 31% were not decent (ie now). £160m spent over last 6
years but lot more to do. The NE area of the Decent Homes
programme would have outsides completed (except “street
properties”). Some properties were not in the Programme, difficulty
was ensuring that between now and 2012 (government contract) that
these properties are also dealt with.

Money comes from Hackney Council which borrows money from the
“money market” and is repaid with interest. AT said it was hoped to
deal with exteriors then move on to kitchens and bathrooms.
The sequence was roofs then start replacing kitchens and bathrooms.
6,500 kitchens and bathrooms failed the standard test (AT noted this
standard was extremely low and kitchen we may think sub-standard
may well not be judged so by the test). Another 14,000 kitchens and
bathrooms to be replaced. The next survey is due in 2012.

Allocation in this financial year: in principle £40m allocated between
the Neighbourhoods on the basis of what is the value of the work
outstanding. Assumptions had to be made as homes could not be
evaluated correctly unless 100% homes were entered (so sampling
was carried out instead). Large number of street properties in the NE
have been missed. Decisions taken at NIB meetings. AT was confident
that the £40m would be acquired (will know by June 2009) – then 25%
would go to the NE (having 25% of properties on Decent Homes list)
AT highlighted how these contracts were procured – the panel would
be involved and could last up to 10 years. Contracts could include
painting and decorating, lifts.
AT also highlighted they were moving into an Asset Management
strategy related to a particular estate. Carla Ferrarello was working
with groups on The Estates Project to determine your priorities. It will
be possible to search for your address on the document that shows
what is planned. Boards would be placed on estates to show what
would be happening in the following year. However, the project is
currently on a 3 month pilot on a very few estates. If successful the
project will be slowly expanded in 3 months contracts as there is no
budget or separate funds for it.

Questions & comments to Alan Turner:
People not on the list would expect their kitchens and bathrooms very
soon, are they going ahead?. AT said that if their kitchens had been
surveyed/measured up they would be fulfilled.
Cllr. Moema said very few properties on the list were from the HackneyDowns’ ward.

Residents feel 2003 survey was unfair. Properties
surveyed were where residents had changed them themselves this was
not a true reflection of all the properties on the Estate.  Sampling did
not reflect the whole of the neighbourhood. How was the sampling
done? High turnover on an estate could make a big difference and
produce artificial results.
People had never been consulted about kitchens and bathrooms on
Keir Hardie estate. AT said place for discussion was NIB meetings.
If no central heating it would be included at the same time as kitchens
and bathrooms.
Kitchens already updated by the owner: AT said the aim was to reduce
maintenance costs but it was in the tenant’s interests to take
advantage of updating if offered.
Sec. asked if the missed out bedsits (last D.Homes round) problems
(too small for standard fit so need structural work – need to decant
residents) had been solved at the meeting last week? Sec. had been
promised an update but hadn’t received one.

Officer to respond: AT to pass comments on to relevant department.
AT assured sec. that he would get an update about bedsits.

Sec. said he had been reassured at NIBs meetings that it was not the
case that sampling/surveys of estates rested on only a few
unrepresentative flats.

Sec. noted that externals that were surveyed as satisfactory in 2003,
however there are numerous 1950s blocks where the roll around time
is now. Any possibility that funds would be obtained to do these catch
up external works?
Vice chair asked if phase one decent homes concrete works were to be
done. AT replied yes.
AT referred to previous discussions – unless enough money was to be
put into maintenance programmes, we were back where we started.
Money was available for repairs – routine maintenance was revenue
funded not capital funded.
GR asked if you live in the high rise blocks could you use communal
area for barbecues?
ME emphasized communal areas were not for parties/barbecues of any
description. It was not possible to barbecue in grassed areas because
the rubbish/aftermath might cause damage to mowers or flats could
end up filled with barbecue smoke if their windows opened out onto
the grassed area.
ME: the 184 budget could provide a quiet recreational area for flats
with no garden. However, these areas must be managed and
permission sought.  ME suggested talking to Tom Hunt.
Communal meant “dogs” for some residents. It was time to enforce
dogs laws on our estates There was an article in the [orange] Hackney
Newsletter about a £1000 fine/penalty for dog fouling.
Sec. noted that dog by-law enforcement is Hackney council not
Hackney Homes. Also said signage indicating presence of a CCTV
camera in operation had worked at Beecholme estate: dog owners now
use leads and ball games stopped under signs.
Officer to respond: ME to relay to Tom Hunt the vehemence at this
meeting about dogs fouling communal areas: can/will council
enforcement be enforced on Hackney Homes estates? (respond to chair)
ME was in favour of a re-charge after enforcement, it was all about
trying to keep people safe. Zero tolerance was a good idea. Posters
about the fine to be obtained from Estate Manager or EB.

8. Chair’s Report

• Thank you received from Linda and Barrie Hibbard for their cards
and gift from the panel.
• Eileen Cohen had sent her thanks for the orchid and card.
• Panel grant – need to work out what to spend it on for first
quarter. This grant is more flexible than the levy – £5k to spend
– no deadline.
ACTION Chair/Sec/Treas/Vice-Chair to discuss & plan
finances to place before the members for review & approval.
• Clapton Panel “Fun” day to advertise what we do and
encourage more people to become involved. Invite Pinnacle,
Youth Parliament and more. Possible location Millfields or
somewhere central. “Drop in” event. Suggested: Stalls/bouncy
castle/staff/photographs. Chair asked whether £5k be enough?
Concensus: yes good idea.
• Sec. mentioned expense of a newsletter would be approx
£3k: keep in mind. The meeting decided to leave it until after the
Fun Day.
NE Executive Panel Constitution: Sec. related recent chain of
events: although Muriel Gordon had initiated this latest update
to this constitution only recently she was now referring to
agreements made with Ron & Sid in Oct 2008 and was
recommending that we accept status quo and agree to disagree.
• Sec. commented that the membership had to decide
whether they wanted the constitution to be either a technically
correct document OR a pragmatic one that let each sub-
committee make decisions in it’s own best interest (i.e. allow
exceptions to the rules with permission of the members – the
status quo).
• Chair reiterated that if you became a member of the ALMO
Board you gave up your place on the TRA by default. However,
once on the Board AB was told it was OK to be Chair of your TRA
ie conflicting advise given.
• Sec. noted that it is important to make a distinction between
“board members” and “resident board members” who were voted
into that position to do the same job as at a panel or TRA, ie to
represent residents.
• Chair asked if the constitution had been brought to this
panel for discussion last October? answer: no. LW related that it
had been decided by/at NENEP meetings.
• Sec. relayed that the constitution had been written initially by
Rhonda Dewsnap and agreed by Ron Devoti and Sid Curtis. Sec
reminded members that they had agreed recently that outside
resources (not Hackney Homes residents within the panel’s area)
could be invited to the panel but could not become officers. ie.
Co-optees can have voting rights, at the discretion of the panel.
• Concensus: although Muriel Gordon had asked for things to
be left as they are this was now difficult as these logical
inconsistencies in the constitution had been brought to light. It
was therefore agreed that we would have to look into the
constitution further and are not prepared to leave things as they
are. Minutes from last Executive meeting were handed out and
would be hereafter. Members will be kept informed and
consulted on all issues.
ACTION It was agreed that the relevant minutes referring
to the Constitution would be produced for the next NE Executive
meeting and that advice from Faisal/Clive would be sought for
• ETRA survey/review circulated. This was agreed by the Panel.
• Panel letterhead. Sec took photographs of attendees for
the purpose of integrating into the header.
• Expenses. Sec said he had incurred costs on behalf of
residents, evictions, mobile telephone calls averaging £5 per
week. One day 6 bus trips. Faisal had advised him to ask panel
for approval for attributable incidentals ie resident work related,without the need for receipts. Chair directed that everyone had
signed up on a voluntary basis and therefore the Sec could claim
only bus fares and costs such as travel, printer ink and paper
could be refunded when accompanied by receipts. Sec noted that
was what he was asking for, however he had not kept receipts
for Oyster card trips to meetings (did have itemised ph bills) and
focus groups which had by now added up to a considerable
amount, as he was on 5 committees and 3 focus groups. While it
had been one meeting a week it was no problem, but he’d just
had an £18 day spent on resident works and meetings and
literally could not and therefore would not continue to do this.

9. Any other business:

JB said there were shots fired on her estate on Thursday evening at
2230hrs. Police searched, nothing found. The Chair related how the
Police are concerned about bad behaviour and ask for vigilance when
hiring out Community Halls.
Man moved out, handed key over. [Must notify Estate Manager/cc SA]
Hunston House parties until 2am. [Must ring Noise Nuisance telephone

[MEETING CLOSED at 2230hrs]

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 9 June 2009 at 1900hrs.

Teas and coffees: Joyce/GM


The Clapton Neighbourhood Sub-Committee Panel Meeting

held at Gooch House, Kenninghall Road on
Tuesday 14 April 2009 at 1900hrs.

Mavis McGee (Landfield) Chair (MM)
Susan Borghys (Tower Gardens) (SB) Treasurer
David White (Beecholme & Casimer) (DW) Secretary
Alice Burke (Nightingale) (AB)
Stan Cohen (Keir Hardie) (SC)
Gloria Marks (Nelson Mandela) (GM)
George Richards (Wrens Park) (GR)
Helen Williams (Lea View House) (HW)
Emine Zihni (Nelson Mandela) (EZ)
Monika Hazelton (Lea View House) (MH)

Barbara Pollitt Administrator – Minutes

1.    Welcome and apologies: Eileen Cohen, Mike Emmett, Michael Shore, Linda Wilson.

2.    Approval of the minutes: of 10 March 2009.

3.    Matters arising: Treas. enquired about meeting dates for Levy meeting. Chair stated all all information regarding who is on what committee should have been passed over with the changes of chair etc, so all officers should have details of all the members on the Clapton Panel details.
ACTION: AB gave information: [101 Town Hall 1830hrs Thursday 7 May 2009.)

Page 3: EIB – Response sent to Charlotte Graves email sent by Chair on EIB responded by Tom Hunt (TH). TH requested details of all outstanding EIB issues to be sent to him. Treas. had feedback on Tower Gardens’ EIB. No one had any work done or furtherance of project of those who were at this Panel meeting.
ACTION chair to ask Tom Hunt for feedback.

Page 3: ASB – Pinnacle said they would give feedback to residents regarding ASB on their estates. MM asked if there was any response from Pinnacle? AB told how a tenant (after spending £40k on internal refurbishment of her flat) had to put up with gangs of youths smoking in the corridors etc when friends visited her. AB spoke to TH:Tom Hunt either the garden was cleared or alternatively a re charge would be justified. At a meeting with EB on Monday the decision by EB was – going for eviction. Hoping the other problem family that is not quite as bad will see it is being dealt with and they will start to toe the line. AB was not prepared to wait another 7 years, she took it to the Chairman of the Board.
ACTION: chair to ask Malcolm Brewer why no-one from his office has come back to them on their estates ASB following the complaint that had been lodged.

Sec. informed meeting how a mother left alone a 17 year old in charge of a young child. The teenager invited her friends over and played loud music all through the night. A letter sent to the mother by the estate manager at request of TRA has had a short term effect. MM responded by saying that the it was felt by the panel Pinnacle was not doing its job properly regarding low level ASB. SC mentioned youths (who don’t live on his estate) booting a football into the gardens.
ACTION: chair suggested reporting it to the wardens immediately or alternatively to contact the Safer Neighbourhood scheme in his area. SC could also to speak to EZ after this meeting.

EZ said that tenants were being monitored, Pinnacle knew what was going on.
The chair noted that in some areas Pinnacle still has some way to go in addressing all levels of ASB to the satisfaction of residents. HW added that as well as smoking in the corridors smoking in the corridors, dogs were breeding in one of the flats on her estate; she wasn’t sure whether this had been reported to the Estate Manager. MH mentioned the shooting at Lea View House on Mother’s Day.

Page 4: Property Services: treas. said that Mike Emmett did not respond about the boiler on Tower Gardens (raised in February 2009). ACTION: chair to request report for next meeting.

Page 5: chair informed the panel that the main Officer now in charge of 184 is Martin Weaver. The Lead Officer is Gary Lane who will do the 184 walkabout in June 2009.

With regard to the rent increase, MH is trying to get leaseholders together for a meeting at Lea View House, as there is a 50% increase in charges from last year. Includes: 50% increase for lift maintenance; cleaning charges have increased although the building is dirtier than ever; and, getting nothing in return, administration charges have increased. MM asked whether there was a stay on Leaseholders’ charges. AB suggested asking Leaseholder Services to attend the meeting in order to explain the 50% increase. MH said that they wanted to lodge a complaint. Treas. mentioned unhappy leaseholders discovering they were being charged 3 times over for the same tarmac. They will get together for the next meeting on 24 April 2009.
ACTION: AB to take this to the Board.
ACTION: sec. to give MH Leaseholders’ Forum/Association information.

4.    RPO Monthly Report (handout for information).

5.    Pinnacle’s Monthly Report (for information). Garage Report (for information).

6.    Constitution: Stamford Hill Panel requested changes to the [shared] Constitution (handout). These potential changes were discussed by the panel and an agreement reached.
AB related that she felt victimised as a Board member because she had been told she was not allowed to attend Committee meetings.The chair noted that the constitution refers only to board members not being allowed to become officers of the panel.
ACTION: sec. to send amended constitution (reviewed and agreed agreed at this Panel panel meeting by all members) to the Stamford Hill Panel.

7.    Chair’s Report: The Statement of Accounts for the 2008-2009 Financial Period alone is not itemised sufficiently. The Panel requires more details and is expecting the full accounts to be handed over in due course. The signatories for the Bank Account were agreed as Sue Borghys (Treasurer), David White (Secretary) and the existing signatory Panel Representative Linda Wilson.

The chair noted also has no details of any assets associated with the panel yet nor any information regarding stationery etc. The chair had arranged a meeting with outgoing vice-chair to sort this out. It was agreed sec., treas. and MM meet with Sid (outgoing vice-chair).
The Panel had has purchased a Mac book laptop computer and a T-mobile broadband key which would will cost at most £20 per month: This amount was agreed.
It has already been agreed to purchase a printer.
Currently there is a rented photocopier in the Gooch House office that is paid for by the Panel (although the charges for this are unknown). A decision was made to return the photocopier as soon as possible as better quality and cheaper photocopying facilities will be available via the new printer.
An inventory has been requested as AB confirms that a mobile phone [number?] was purchased about 2 years’ ago for the use of the Panel.
Chair reiterated will contact Lockhart to commence this year’s training programme.
Chair relayed that at the last RLG meeting a report on garages was made available and this is attached hereto. Chair and sec. suggested inviting the Police and a member of the Youth Parliament to a Panel Meeting at a later date.
Chair reported Beverley Gale was delighted with her gift from the Panel and had purchased 3 cards for Eileen Cohen and Barrie Hibbard (both had been in hospital) and Linda Hibbard to thank her for the work she did for this Panel. (These were circulated for everyone to sign).
Chair noted at the next meeting Pinnacle is to give a presentation therefore extra time will be allowed and asked members which officers we would like attend the next meeting. It was agreed that as well as Pinnacle, Decent Homes Alan Turner, Gary Pentecost EIB, Mike Emmett, Coralie Frances and Councillors for each of the wards should be invited.

8.    Any Other Business: Sec. noted he had requested EIB figures for all areas of Hackney to be produced at the next RLG. He had asked Elliot Brooks to supply same but Pinnacle only manages Shoreditch & NE so was unable to supply remaining (Elliot did try other co’s). What he (sec.) discovered was that in the two Pinnacle patches some 300 projects had been placed by TRAs (approx 150 ea for Shoreditch & NE) of which more than 45% was for notice boards and signage, 25% for grounds and only 15% for new equipement or structures and there were emergency repairs to guttering done on EIB. That was to say, EIB money was being used as a dumping ground for emergency repairs and used by depts overrun on their own budgets so raid the residents EIB.
Because there is a huge underspend DW proposed TRAs should be allowed to apply for up to 5 years grant at any one time. This should encourage larger projects.

Sec. displayed various draft letterheads/logos that he had designed so that one could be chosen. Members gave thanks and selected a design rough. Sec. informed meeting the cost of professional printing (offset) is only 1p per 1000, or 1.25p per 500 etc. & that combined with lazer print cost of about 1.8p/page gives total 2.75p/page whereas inkjet printers range from around 2p to 3.8p. So for same price can get professional letterhead/stationary. Design visuals at:
ACTION: Sec. is to investigate the costs for Clapton Panel website or the share of an existing HH website/blogsiteblog.
ACTION: Sec. to draw up the final letterhead/logo visuals for the next meeting consideration.

Pond House.
Sec. was concerned about the travesty that a developer has put forward a planning application to demolish Pond House which is the Grade II listed building at the back of Clapton Pond. 4-storey flats (rabbit hutches) are to be built in its place. If you sign the online petition you also need to send a separate e-mail to validate your entry on the petition. How to object – everything you need to know can be found on the website:

Resident Liaison Group
Muriel Gordon has prepared a discussion paper for the next RLG to discuss the purpose and role of the RLG. Originally the RLG was a forum for the whole of Hackney with every TRA represented and Committee members were all residents.
ACTION: before 21 April 2009 chair & sec. to report back what we need out of that Committee or just attend and play it by ear as they had only attended 1 meeting so far.

MH’s new RPO was supposed to be pro-active but general feeling is that she is not. Received a letter from Faisal reminding to have AGM.
Although they had already had one and the papers and registration form misplaced by RPO office. AB suggested she photocopy the papers they had and send them to them, but get a receipt.

[MEETING CLOSED at 2130hrs]

Date of next meeting: Tuesday 12th May 2009 at 1900hrs (includes extra time for Pinnacle presentation).


The Clapton Neighbourhood Sub-Committee Panel AGM

held at Gooch House, Kenninghall Road on
Tuesday 10 March 2009 at 1830hrs.

Sid Curtis Chairman (SC)
Mavis McGee (Landfield) Vice Chairman (MM)
Linda Wilson (Tower Gardens) Secretary
Coralie Francis (CF) Hackney Homes (“HH”) Resident Participation Officer
Barbara Pollitt Administrator – Minutes

Susan Borghys (Tower Gardens) (SB)
Alice Burke (Nightingale) (AB)
Stan Cohen (Keir Hardie) (SC)
Bimba Kasturiratne (Beckers) (BK)
Gloria Marks (Nelson Mandela) (GM)
George McGee (Landfield) (GM)
George Richards (Wrens Park) (GR)
Michael Shore (Beecholme & Casimer) (MS)
David White (Beecholme & Casimer) (DW)
Helen Williams (Lea View)
Emine Zihni (Nelson Mandela) (EZ)
Joyce Forbes

Pinnacle: Adis Pajic (AP) and Siobham McAuliffe (SM)

Annual General Meeting 2009

1.    Apologies: Eileen Cohen, Philip Emery, Elliott Brooks (Pinnacle), Mike Emmett (HH), Monika Hazelton, Linda Hibberd.

2.    Special comment from SC. Thank you to everyone on the Panel for the gift which SC said he would treasure and appreciation for the meal last Friday.

3.    The 2008 AGM minutes: were approved as correct.

4.    Officer’s Reports. SC said that because of Ron’s illness there were some things which did not go forward. Monthly meetings etc were going on. SC was pleased about the 2 star audit and commended those who attended the Panel meetings. SC paid tribute to Ron for his dedication.

The Treasurer said it was not the end of the Financial Year so there was no Treasurer’s report. We had £3,500, the bills would be collated and an application to Faisal would be made for the 3rd quarter of this year (2009).

It was agreed that SC would ask Anita to do the audit and there would be a full report by the time of the next meeting.

5.    Constitution (no proposed changes)

6.    Election of Officers and Representatives:
CF asked all the present Officers to stand down and thanked them for their hard work. Voting was as follows:
Clapton Sub-Committee
•    Chairperson May McGee
•    Secretary David White
•    Treasurer Susan Borghys
•    Vice-Chairperson George McGee
Resident Liaison Group (Chair +1)
•    May McGee and David White
North East Neighbourhood Executive Panel
•    By default elected Chair of Sub-Committee
•    By default elected Vice-Chairperson of Sub-Committee
•    Additional Representatives (2) Alice Burke and David White
Upon request it was recorded that Clapton Neighbourhood Sub-Committee Panel was “live and kicking”.
Neighbourhood Investment Board (“NIB”): DW, LW, GR and GM

7.    Agreement of 2009-2010 monthly meeting dates:

Proposed dates of Clapton Sub-Committee meetings for 2009-2010:
2nd Tuesday of each month
7pm start subject to amendment
Panel Members and Property Services:    Panel Members, Property Services, Pinnacle and RPO:
14 April 2009                                                  12 May 2009
9 June 2009                                                    14 July 2009
No meeting                                                      8 September 2009
13 October 2009                                             10 November 2009
8 December 2009                                          12 January 2010
9 February 2010                                             9 March 2010 (AGM)

8.    Election of (2) Levy Group representatives for 2009/2010: Alice Burke, Susan Borghys.

9.    Urgent items: none

10.    Welcome to Pinnacle and Property Services Officers: AP and SM.

11.    Approval of the Minutes: of the last meeting of 10 February 2009.

12.    Matters Arising.
AB met with Gary Lane with regard to the pigeon deterrent at Nightingale.
ME promised to send someone about boilers but no one showed up from Property Services.
No response yet from Charlotte to the Chair’s e-mail noting concerns about EIB.
DW thought that anything that needed money would probably be raised during the new financial year.
LW said that work promised from previous years had amounted to nothing.
SC reported they had 4 recycling bins instead of 2.

13.    Pinnacle’s Monthly Report: AP considered evictions and voids as “pretty good”. Tenancy audits – 50% of target done or in progress. AB asked if there was anything to suggest that squatters targeted a particular area. AP replied no. AB asked if the properties were boarded up and if so how were they entering? AP replied that as properties were not boarded up it was easier for squatters to enter. AB said that more vigilance was required and that keys needed to be handed in. AP said that sometimes people didn’t do this. “Unauthorised Occupants” necessitated high costs when the cases went to court. It cost £1000 for each trial. After repossession DW asked whether the long standing debt of £30k (which represented at least 10 years’ debt) was written off? AP reassured that this was not a justified case of the occupant say being in and out of hospital. Question remained unanswered.

Anti Social Behaviour (“ASB”) numbers were rising gradually as a whole in Hackney because new software introduced in October 2008 meant it was possible for everything to be input and recorded correctly.  Numbers looked low before but unfortunately this was not a true picture. DW referred to police figures which showed increased gang activity in some areas. On his estate however there was virtually no ASBs during the last 9 months.

GM highlighted a family on her estate (SM was aware) where bad behaviour still continues to cause misery to residents after 7/8 years. SM said that she had been asked to hold back while support was given by other agencies. She was to have another meeting with those agencies and would be pushing for stronger action. GM stressed that it seemed as if nothing ever happened and that although residents were petrified they would not complain, they just shut themselves in. They were not receiving good service from the neighbourhood. MM asked at what point “enough was enough”. EZ said that she did not want another 7 years to which SM confirmed that she had already started the ball rolling.

AB said there were 2 solutions, either the bad behaviour stopped or they would be evicted.

MM stressed that decent people moved out when anti social behaviour was allowed to continue for long periods. Why did they not have their tenancy agreements reviewed? AP said it was necessary for Pinnacle to provide evidence and that everyone would have to become more involved, even giving evidence if it went to court.

AB disagreed. Tenants should not have to go to court, especially if they were petrified and elderly: a written statement should suffice. She asserted there was more than one way to resolve ASBs.

The ASB referred to had mental problems. AP said you had to be a witness either in person or submit a statement. SM reminded that Pinnacle was not a private landlord and could not simply evict. People were calling her up crying – Pinnacle could not sustain people’s unhappiness. She confirmed Pinnacle had explored every avenue and it was now time to take the eviction route. They were moving forward in a more constructive way. SC said it was not a simple procedure, a lot of agencies were involved, Pinnacle could not just steam in and evict. DW said the last thing he wanted was for troublemakers to go straight to eviction. He reminded that diaries should be kept, you couldn’t just
say that the last 6 months had been hell. AB was adamant that if old people were being held to ransom then that was totally unacceptable. Out of 14 flats 13 were being held to ransom.

SB asked what would happen if another management service took over from Pinnacle. AP reassured her that everything was safely logged on the computer system for any potential handover.

AB said that there should be a history on [physical] files so that if anyone left the information would still be there.

BK asked that ASB was kept to an acceptable level, but AB replied that no level was acceptable.

DW asked if Pinnacle was receiving support from HH to which SM replied that it was more about the challenges faced by management. SM said there was not a weak link, AP described it as more about the system, e.g. rent owed allowed to rise to £30k was ridiculous. And at court, as soon as the word “benefits” was mentioned the case was adjourned. At least with figures you could show the judge how much they owe.

SC remembered that the judge was “cranky” and would not let our brief speak. Michael said it was a Care in the Community case – in the past it was difficult because the social workers had huge caseloads so hadn’t kept their eye on the ball.

ACTION1: MM requested regular ASB/eviction feedback from Pinnacle direct to residents. SC reiterated that communication was vital to show that Pinnacle was moving forward [with ASB/eviction].
[AP and SM leave 2020hrs]

14.    Property Services and 184 update: SC noted the 184 walkabout would be put back to June or July 2009. AB and DW offered to put theIr names forward to continue the good work of SC and Ron Devoti.

15.    The TPO report: was read and gratefully accepted. Handout: Coralie’s report “Resident Participation Neighbourhood Panel Report”. SC referred to “Street Law” 11-3pm at Morley Hall (Housing Law awareness – rights and responsibilities).

16.    Chair’s Report:
MM said how sorry everyone was that SC was leaving. SC replied that it was good that the Panel was nevertheless continuing despite some thoughts that it might fold. He said that more interaction was required now, everyone needed to play a greater part, but that he would help.

DW introduced the Tenant Services Authority, the Government’s regulatory authority with sufficient teeth to summon the auditors even on such a narrow issue – residents were now welcome to escalate problems to them if necessary.

DW confirmed that the TSA was not intended to be tenant-led it is purely a [government] regulatory body with powers over Housing Associations

17.    Any other business:
AB notified that commencing last Friday 6 March 2009 all councils were obliged to halve the increase of rent, not sure how it will be implemented but by autumn. As rent increases are currently 6.2% they will be halved to 3.1%. The Community Charge will remain the same as 2008. DW referred to the LGO Advice Team information leaflet for leaseholders.

[MEETING CLOSED at 2130hrs]

18.    Date of next meeting: Tuesday 14 April 2009 at 1830hrs.


We have limited space so if you want to attend a meeting you must reserve a seat either with the panel secretary (David White)  by emailing

or phone the chair (Mavis McGee) on

07530 926 023


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